02 Wrath of Flames Read online

Page 19

  Kanade though finally rebooted her wild tangle of thoughts. “Ethan, you can project! How long have you hidden this from me?”

  “Tell her later.” Valande stopped him. “Ethan, you might not feel comfortable telling anyone what to do, but I enjoy it. Husband, ease our hatchling’s fear regarding the who has the bigger stick. Show the two of you are faking… if a bit.”

  Kanade turned around at her father’s touch and sensed his true feelings towards her one true love and sighed, realizing he truly was just acting the typical father challenging the fortitude of her choice in a mate and approved, provisionally. By the time she opened her eyes, he was walking out the door, leaving warmth of a lingering kiss on her forehead. A strong flap had him vanish into the night.

  She glared at Ethan, but rushed and wrapped her arms around him in a desperate squeeze. It ended as her mother teased “Kanade, you smell a bit ripe. Go shower while I get some hospitality from my new son and embarrass you with all your dirty little secrets.”

  “Ethan, get back in my head. It felt wonderful and not wrong to have you in there.” She challenged.

  “Because he is your soul mate. Anyone other than him will feel uncomfortable. It is almost like the soft tremors right after a huge orgasm. That is why you want him in your thoughts. You crave the private intimacy of the mind as well as sex. It is natural to want this.”

  “No, Mother, don’t play mediator. I’m so mad he hid this from me and want to know why.”

  “I’ve felt his mind, he can multitask. Think together as you clean right up and you show some hospitality me.”

  “I’m waiting.” She tapped her boot.

  A moment later she hid a shiver of pleasure as he entered metaphysically and pushed with her own till they were truly together. Shit! Mother was right. It feels sooo amazin’.

  “Same here. Sorry for deceiving you, but I was scared enough at all already happening with me. It’s just the way you looked at your dad and me broke my heart and he is a sneaky bastard. He read me so fast I knew he learned I could touch minds and was so tired of holding back already.”

  Valande pointed and ordered “Shower. Ethan, I need some food. This body hasn’t eaten in near a decade.”

  Kanade did as ordered while Ethan broke out some food and a bottle of wine. As she stripped she thought “When, Ethan? When did you learn to project?”

  “I didn’t realize it till later, but when I was having a panic attack when Morgane wanted me to drown myself I felt your presence. I thought you were speaking.”

  “All I did was hold you and hid you away in my wings.”

  “But I then realized it when you were helping me to swim and overcome my phobia… and I had a hard on rubbing your bikini and you thinking how to have me in you without boiling everyone also frolicking. You had no idea I was reading you as you imagined pulling the bottom of your suit aside and letting me fill you. I was so tempted, but I hid it from everyone since then. Merlin helped me understand the touch of a foreign mind and I learned how to use this alone.”

  “I’m so happy.”

  “Huh? What?” he heard the shower turn on while fixing his mother-in-law several ham and cheese sandwiches, planning to use a whole loaf.

  “I’m so happy, Ethan. Now we can think what we want without our friends makin’ fun of us. I can say “Fuck me right here,” or “I’m hungry” or “my pussy is itchin’ for another feast.” I’m embarrassed to say such things aloud, but now you can see my mind is much dirtier than yours. I’m always horny, much more now since the day you popped my cherry. The worst part is now I want to try anal again. If my mother said nothing I would be content with what we do, but now I want you to fuck my every hole… like right now!”

  Waves of desire and lust crashed into his mind and earned a growl to have Valande tilting her head in question. “We’ll you are right. Mommy dearest on the sofa is clueless about what you want. And I now can feel how much you love and want me. That really pleases my ego. That, and your instinct to couple… or nest as you say. So having sex dulls the pain you are experiencing?”

  “It returns after a few hours and steadily grows till you make me orgasm and I’m content with your cum dancin’ in my womb. Its why I’m a normally happy woman. When I have your seed in me, I’m a happy as a fat cat loungin’ in the sun.”

  “Now I can understand what you and Floa were trying to explain. An immortal woman’s sex drive is completely understated. Hey, after we kick your mom out tonight do you want to do this during sex?”

  “You don’t get a choice. I’m not goin’ to let this feelin’ go. Havin’ you in my mind is so amazin’. And I bet when I have you in my body as well as mind we’ll have the best sex ever! Sonabitch! Thinking like this has made my pussy swell.”

  “Quick, think of the critters you enjoy thinking about to alleviate stress.”

  “Bunnies… koalas, kittens… oh this is hard. Can’t you join me in here?”

  “Sorry, Angel. Mommy dearest is telling me to hurry.”

  “Bunnies, squirrels, raccoons…” she thought over and over, picturing the cute animals.

  Kanade hurried, washing the stinky sweat from her body and walked out with a large towel wrapped around the middle. Dress already spat out a fresh change and took the dirty. Kanade hurried back inside to slid in slacks and a comfortable sleeve.

  In the fire lit room, coming from the fireplace, Ethan was pleasantly surprised to find Kanade crawl into his lap and steam the water from her wings while her mother sat at the other end of the leather sofa, crossed legged and sat her sheathed sword aside against the coffee table. Valande was sipping from a glass of wine, her faceplate up. “Thank you, Darlin’.” Kanade kissed his cheek. “What are you two up to?”

  “Well if you weren’t arousing him mentally and making him growl like some rabid beast, he was just complimenting me by how beautiful and young I look.”

  Ethan said “Actually I wanted to see if you look alike and at first I thought she was your twin. It was hard to see with her helmet always on, but when she lifted her visor I saw the similarities immediately. But I was wondering why you are so petite compared to her. When I died you were among the shortest Spirit Guides, but I assumed so would be your parents.”

  “Assumin’ again? You still haven’t broken that habit?” Kanade teased as she got comfortable in his lap and realized he took off his jacket and gauntlets, leaving them by the table.

  “She takes her height from my mother, her breasts too. Kanade got my hourglass figure and beauty. If only she had my boobs she’d be short and stacked.”

  “I love her just the way she is thank you very much.”

  “So I noticed when you put my husband to the ground. Go ahead, Children, ask away what concerns you have.” Valande took a huge bite of the sandwich, half gone in one swoop.

  “Well my largest are why he growls, roars and how I’m able to scratch his back and bite him and enjoy lickin’ his blood… and givin’ mine.” She blushed, glad her father wasn’t here to listen to the admission.

  The sunny winged goddess smiled, her skin sparkling just like her child’s. “Everyone has their kinks. Even me. I love being tied up and fucked hard and fast and you father loves dominating me, but only in bed. Any other time I outrank him. We women respond to dominant males, which you certainly have. In our kind, when women give their blood to the one who we are made for, it gives our men a raging erection… better than morning wood… I think it’s called now? The morning erection I mean.” Kanade nodded through the embarrassment. “And what again is that lovely boner pill for aged humans called?”

  “Viagra.” Ethan supplied.

  “That’s right!” she cheered as Kanade grabbed her glass of wine, really needing it since her mother was worse than Floa and Nell together. “Well a woman’s blood or essence, when we shed our mortal bodies, is like that Viagra pill. You like giving blood because he is harder, larger and will last longer before releasing inside us and we lock our men in so we lose not a d
rop to ensure the greater chance for pregnancy. We get more pleasure through a little pain. Since you take after me so much, you want to give him blood, part of who you are. As for hurting him, some strong males wear a mates wounds like honor. If he is in the throes of passion, pain is pleasure when you bite or scar his back. As for liking his blood, you also get aroused so long as it is his. It is completely natural for insatiable lovers like us and our kind. You scratch deep enough to draw blood, not dig in like an eagle grabbing a mouse in its talons.” It was a good analogy. “So don’t worry about me judging you. Mother was flabbergasted when I asked the same thing you just did. She isn’t wild in bed apparently, but I’m glad to see my little girl is happy she knows what she likes in the hay.”

  “I don’t do bondage.” Kanade warned.

  Valande shrugged. “It’s my kink. Yours is biting and scratching. But as for Ethan’s sounds, I’m starting to see he might not have Spirit Guide blood.”

  “What do you mean?” They asked simultaneously and thought it together, still linked.

  “Well…” the Enforcer woman narrowed her light brown eyes. “Like his smell, his roar isn’t something a Guide can make. The sound reverberates from his chest, not his throat. And when he showed me his bare chest, he has hair and can grow a thick beard, as you apparently prefer…”

  “Like your rough tongue, your short and well kept beard does wonders between my legs and tickles my nose and cheek the way I like it when we kiss.” She thought to him, enjoying the private conversations. But he was hiding secrets, that she could tell. But good secrets.

  “Guides don’t have hair from the neck down, nor any facial hair.” She finished.

  “So what could I be becoming if not a Spirit Guide or some hybrid.”

  “Atavisms do not work that way. Hybrids are only among the most powerful Shifter castes who can take on aspects of animal and human. The rare few atavisms I’ve read about, eventually become the stronger of the genetic material. Humans have profound Spirit Energy, but weak bodies. They keep their personality through the transition, but become the same species of the more dominant ancestor. As for what you could be I’d speculate being a Tengu, a Hu, Figonas, Shedu, Senmurv or perhaps even an Alicanto or quite possibly something else. Right now it is too soon to tell. Whatever you are becoming is certainly powerful atop already being a Fire Elemental. I felt your heat. And you burned my angel. Few things can hurt his flesh. It certainly is a deadly force.”

  “I don’t know any of those beings other than a Tengu. That bird species was checked off. I saw that in Morgane’s report.” Ethan said. “Can you tell me what these other beings are?”

  “Tomorrow. I came at a bad time and am a bit tired. If those are your worst fears, stories can wait. Actually I’m wondering if you can teach me to play these video games. They’ve change so much since I last had a body that can touch without magic. The more bloody and violent games the better.”

  “Mother, can we do it tomorrow, please? I need time alone with my angel. My worst fears are eased thanks to you. But Ethan and I need to rest. Today was his only day off and he needs to rest up before startin’ all over again.”

  “In other words you are horny and your mother is all that is standing in your way of getting laid?”


  Valande broke into a grin. “Better. Have fun, Children. You mind if I take Panther with me? I love soft cats and he is a truly beautiful creature. It’s been so long since I’ve played with one still alive.”

  “Up to him. If he doesn’t scratch you, you may.” Ethan said.

  “Goody.” As it turned out, Panther was a lover to Valande and purred with affection as they left and the door shut behind themselves.

  “Care to get naked and satisfy your woman?” Kanade said as she twisted and wrapped her legs around him on the sofa.

  In answer he burst into flames. He made a fist glow and magically told all his clothes to teleport from his body and send it to a safe area next to his desk. It was a male type of spell so she couldn’t, but he did it again and her attire vanished too.

  Kanade leaned forward and nuzzled his neck and smelled the scent that drove her wild before opening her mouth and biting down hard to eagerly taste a burst of liquid warmth gush in her mouth. A sharp bite from a nearby kitchen knife opened a deep gash as he bit down too and sat it down. “So tasty.” She thought to him.

  “Umhmmm.” He rumbled.

  “Oh, you are so hard already.” She thought while lapping the deep teeth marks. Her hand reached low and felt it jump in her hand.

  “Evil little vixen. I had to sit down since all you did was torment me about this.” He growled and pulled her off his neck to kiss her bloody mouth and got her moaning.

  “Get in me now!” She pulled back and silently stared into his burning eyes. She unwrapped her legs and laid face down on the sofa, her hind end sticking up in quivering anticipation. Leather creaked and she winced. Ow, his cock is so big. This isn’t like last time… oh shit my ass!

  “I can stop.” And he did, halfway in.

  She looked over her wing and glared. She spoke without moving her lips. “I was thinkin’ to myself. Now go all the way and bite my back between my wings. I like it when you doggie me. The pain isn’t as bad like the first time we tried. Shit!” Kanade stopped thinking and started feeling him make fierce love, biting all the right places while his right hand tantalized her clit and had her losing all control as she cried out.

  Telepathy during sex was more intense than either of them ever knew. One pillow was ruined from biting when he started thrusting from one hole to the next so fast she was locked in a state of orgasm for minutes till he roared and filled her womb.

  Rolling tides were bodily tsunamis where once were ripples when they truly bonded the first time. Complete devastation made her forget even her own name. Panting and feeling like a mound of mush, Kanade felt strong arms wrap around her middle to pick her up from behind till she sat in reverse cowgirl on his lap, relishing in the aftershocks flowing through every cell. “How was that?” he huskily rumbled in her ear while stroking her soft wings.

  She whimpered and boy did he love making her sound like that.

  “By the Spirit king, you fucked me till I was all sensation without thought. That back and forth trick was somethin’ I’ll now crave often. You really stretched me, but shit! I wasn’t expectin’ anythin’ so profound. Last time we tried anal, I hated it, but now… damn. I’m mush.” She hummed as he began really stroking her wings in a calming way. “How did you like my orgasms inside my head?”

  “Wow is all I can say. It came over you so fast and when it hit I wanted to keep you in that state as long as I could. When I started switching, it seemed to do the trick.”

  “Trick? More like the Fourth of July explodin’ all inside my body, but I never really knew how much you like how my pussy keep you in me when it clamps down so tight. I worried it hurts you because you can’t pull out, but now I see you enjoy it.”

  “Thoroughly. It’s tight and soft at the same time, just like you.”

  “Give me a few minutes for my body to let you go and let me use my sinful mouth you love thinkin’ about. You made me happy, now it’s my turn to return the favor.”

  “You make it sound a chore like Valande. We both know you like drinking my seed. It isn’t a chore if we both enjoy pleasuring one another.”

  Kanade giggled and took his hands to place them over her erect nipples and hummed at the embrace. “I really do love doin’ nasty things with you, Darlin’. Now you know just how much I can’t get enough of you. I don’t like bein’ wanton all the time, but it is who I am now. Deep down I’m worse than a Nymph.”

  “Not really. Think about it. Everyone has a soul mate, but only your kind cannot get aroused by another. We each get one, but I think you are so driven for sex because you can only feel this way for me. Nell is an immortal, but she often has partners besides Magnus. All you get is me and all that drive means pain if you
don’t get release. I know it’s confusing trying to articulate it…”

  Her inner muscles loosened enough so that she could extract him without losing a precious drop and turn around. “So you mean I’m so horny and sex crazed because no one aside from you can make me find release? And you find it endearin’ because only you can make me happy?”

  “I’m glad you knew what I meant. I couldn’t say it right.”

  Her smile turned soft and loving as she came in for a kiss and to lick some more blood from his neck and chest. “Then it is good you have such increasin’ stamina to keep up with my unlimited desires. Now lean back and let me have another meal.”

  “Ooof!” he grunted as she consumed him completely and got her desire and right after her meal was back writhing against the wall with her legs around his middle and mixing their blood.

  During one rough thrust around midnight and her thirteenth release she yelped, “Ow!” and they both stopped to stare down at the swell of her left breast where a crescent bite mark welled with blood. “Ethan… did you just?”

  “Uh…” He felt his teeth and found fresh blood. “Yeah. I guess I did.”

  “Your teeth broke my skin for the first time.” Tears began welling in those innocent golden orbs as she wiped the new wound. “I’m happy all over again.”

  Nothing normal could make them seem sane in human society, but they weren’t human and deeply in love. Getting bitten was what she had wanted for over a month and not need to us a knife. She wanted it to be him to do it and after so long, his bite was strong enough to pierce her granite hard flesh.

  “Bite me again, Darlin’, on my neck. I want it where it can be seen.”

  Happy to oblige he leaned over her and kissed her while grinding his hips, working her into another release. She was making soft and eager feminine sounds that drove him to make her gasp. When she called out “ETHAN!” he bit down hard. Her hands tangled in his hair, holding him there as she bit his thick neck just as hard, feeling only pleasure. They came together and didn’t let go to savor the slide back to reality.