02 Wrath of Flames Read online

Page 20

  “So exquisite… you made me the happiest woman alive…” Were her final thoughts before dreams took over, still shared in a mind link she didn’t release even in slumber.

  Dry crusted blood covered near every inch of alabaster flesh the moment his eyes opened and knew he did his woman proud as she was sated and spent. His marveling was sadly shortened as his thoughts tingled her own awareness and lazily her eyelids lifted. Her slow, sultry smile preceded warm, delicate thoughts “I know I look like a murder victim without lookin’ at myself, but I could care less right now.”

  “Nothing can be further from the truth. You have my scent. I can smell me on you now. My blood, I don’t know how I know this, but I know it has claimed you as mine. As for the reason I know, I can’t explain. Just like you want your scent on me, something females can smell… males will be more cautious around you.”

  Kanade dove deeper into his mind to see what he was talking about and choked “Shit!” Alarmed, he sat up, but her arms pulled him into her bosom. From voice to thought she switched “No, don’t. Don’t be afraid. I was just surprised to find just how strong you can smell. Somethin’ new inside you has given you a sense of smell as strong as mine and your musk is more… potent. I was caught off guard because it wasn’t so strong a few hours ago and I was too aroused to notice how potent it has become. I said shit because I’m turned on. Your scent to me was like a physical blow you mount up and ride into the sunset.” She brought her blood covered arm up and took a deep breath. “Oh that is a good smell. I see what you mean. Your blood has marked me and been absorbed. I can feel even faint traces of innate magic coming through my skin saying I’m claimed. Strange.”

  “I feel it too. I didn’t notice it if I weren’t in your mind, but your thinking something in me has changed again. What do you mean?”

  “I can’t quite put my finger on it, but since I allowed you to taste my blood, females have been not so attracted to you. Even Nell has stuck to innuendo, but hasn’t asked to join us. She must smell my claim on you, but until I realized it, males will be especially off put… I think this should stay between us unless Morgane discovers a new anomaly. Can you do me a favor?”

  He read what she wanted and happily slid between her legs and stayed there, a simple connection that eased her arousal. “Thank you. I don’t want to announce our pheromones have just been supercharged unless someone brings it up. But… how is your neck?”

  She moved her head around and said “Stiff and buttery at the same time if that can be possible. How does your mark look?” Kanade turned to expose her throat.

  “Already healed like mine, but doesn’t stand out. It looks like a slightly silvery double crescent with glitter. Like an old scar that won’t distract from your stunning beauty. To me it is beautiful.”

  “I feel beautiful. Good thing we both heal so fast.” They laughed. “Care to take me into the shower like this?” she wiggled her hips.

  “Try and stop me.” She laughed as he picked her up while she hugged tight.

  After an amazing time in the shower Kanade stood fully dressed in front of the bathroom mirror, cheerfully gazing at the matching marks now on both sides of her neck, one fresh and scabbing. She was thrilled she healed so fast she couldn’t bruise and the scars would be just enough to say ‘Yes my angel is a biter!’ and not ‘Yes I was a victim of a near fatal tragedy.’ It looked so good, a compliment to her gold choker that can never be removed.

  Compared to what her own attacks leave behind, he was just enough gentle to not mar her attractiveness. Don’t know how it’s even possible, but I love him more than ever.

  “The feeling is mutual.” He transmitted from the living room while getting in a few minutes of Halo.

  “Never leave my mind. Ever! I don’t want to ever have any secrets like this again. I hated not feelin’ your mind all the time. Ever since you’ve been plannin’ somethin’ for us was like centuries living in Torment for me. I missed your dirty thoughts and how you look at me when you think I’m not lookin’.”

  “Is there a limit or range our minds will not be connected?” he wondered as he made his soldier dive behind a wall before getting hit by an alien blaster.

  “I know my furthest reach of my mind is sixteen and a half miles. I’m a telepathic prodigy. Few Enforcers can beat my record.” She said as she came out after brushing her long blue hair. All blood completely gone from even her feathers. She sat down and lifted her large controller and joined him on screen to help defeat some bad guys since they finished a half hour earlier thanks to a rare good night’s rest. Also rare was extra time to play around and goof off. Kanade found she had become gamer girl, liking many of his game selection, having almost every available game, her favorite being either Halo or Mario racing.

  “So it isn’t an unlimited range though we are soul mates.” He sighed. “Thanks for taking him down. I didn’t see him there.”

  “We are the best team for a reason. We fight and care for each other.”

  “How adorable.” Came Valande’s voice as she let herself right in with Panther draped across her neck. The fire helmet not hurting the cat. That means the flames aren’t true fire, but a display to safely burn off one’s aura and not kill every being within several miles. “Even in games you are inseparable.”

  “Mornin’, Mother.” Kanade said as the game paused on both controllers.

  “Hello, Valande. We were just about to fly for breakfast. Sleep well?”

  “Apparently not as good as the two of you. The smell of sex and blood hang all over the place… I see Ethan’s teeth finally cut. That ponytail you put your hair in is reveling along with the fresh scabs. I take it you want people to see his marks?”

  “I’m proud of them. Before goin’ to sleep he finally broke the skin. Do they look good, Mother?”

  “Hold that thought.” Valande’s heels clicked on the floor to approach the flamboyant closet. “Dress Dear, do you still have the little trinket I put away?”

  “Which one, Big Mama? There are dozens… oh, you mean that one.” Dress laughed richly, his golden face full of humor. “Coming right up!”

  The game was turned off.

  The mahogany closet opened and threw out a small ivory box. “Always a pleasure.” Valande winked before turning around to the curious couple. She approached and held it out to her daughter.

  Kanade gently took it and was in awe of the artistry before lifting the lid to show off a pendant inlayed with diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds merged into a seemingly seamless crest of joined hands. The gems were tiny, but cut flawlessly. So painstakingly perfect the pieces were one. Kanade had a catch in her throat of something so beautiful. She plucked it up as if it were a newborn Kangaroo. But attached to it was a woven necklace of gold with enchantments Kanade recognized that it will last for eternity and couldn’t be removed by any hands other than the one who put it on. “Mother, it is so beautiful.”

  “Try it on. I think it will highlight your choker and markings splendidly.” Kanade did just that. “Good, the pendant sits well between you boobs and isn’t grotesque. It worried me for years.”

  “What is this gift for, Mother?” Kanade made eye contact after Panther leapt to the bed.

  “I should have known the signs back then, but I never knew what the odd feeling of being tired outside a meat-suit. Being pregnant felt strange. The day I laid your lovely egg your father and I were so happy so we made this for the day you find your own angel. I expected it to happen after a few centuries, not right out of attaining your womanhood and… wed to a human. It is just a gift your father and I made to show the beauty of finding your eternal companion.” Valande unscrewed the pommel of her sword to show one similar, but of two roses inseparably bound. “Your father gave me this when I kissed him and discovered him to be mine. Holding hands is what your father believed more appropriate instead of two naked bodies pressed together and stare into each other’s eyes with all love few can ever attain.”

dy’s was a better choice, but yours is very romantic.”

  “I might be wild in bed, but like you I’m a hopeless romantic as well. I’m glad you appreciate it. It looks great on you.” She put the cover back on her blade.

  Kanade moved to the full length mirror and modeled to herself. “These past two days have made me so happy. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome. Don’t bother feeding Panther. I already spoiled him with cream and tuna. The two of you ready for breakfast?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Let me just grab my stuff.” He said, threw on his jacket and pulled on his new and improved gauntlets. “Now I’m ready.”

  The flight was unremarkable aside from Valande flying beside her child and had a flaming helmet. Some heads turned to the half naked Enforcer, but such wasn’t a rare occurrence.

  “Valande!” Floa screamed with delight and jumped from the table at the sight of her old friend. Floa’s face buried into the Enforcer’s large bosom and hugged as tightly as possible with green arms. “Hey, big girlfriend! I missed you sooo much! You came early. I love you so much, Val.” Then she shrunk and flew up under the helmet to kiss her friend’s cheek. “It is so good you came. Is Mikhale here?”

  The woman held a hand out and Floa stood right in her palm. “Surprise! No, Mikhale had to go do something for my new son here, but will be back in two weeks for your much anticipated wedding… if he knows what is good for him. Where is my new little niece?”

  “Are you Auntie Kanna’s mama?” Blossom appeared in her mother’s arms, staring in awe of the giantess with fire on her face. “Mama, she’s a big woman. Bigger than Auntie Kanna.”

  “And you are the most precious baby Pixie I’ve ever seen.” Valande cooed. “Can you get big so I can give you a long awaited hug?”

  While Blossom basked in the attention and got hugged, Kanade looked to their table already full and introduced “Y’all, this is my mother, Valande. Mother, these are Kira and Minna Penbrooke, sisters. Next to them are Nell, Magnus and their seedling Vina Eldertree. These Nagai are Blademasters Blake and Reevy while next to them are Ellen Quiethoof and her stallion Vitalli.”

  Valande pulled her top out to look down her own cleavage and said “Blossom, what are you doing down there?”

  “Enjoying the view. I would.” Nell grinned as she bounced her baby on a knee.

  Floa clapped her hands and Blossom appeared in them. “Awe mama.”

  “Don’t ‘awe mama’ me young lady. Your aunt is one thing, her mother is another. Those are my fun-bags to fondle and hide in.” Floa flapped her small wings and changed sizes as she sat.

  “It is nice to finally meet my daughter’s friends and my son’s team.” Valande kindly addressed the group now that she didn’t have a hyperactive Pixie diving down her cleavage. “I thank you for taking such good care of them.”

  “Please!” Ellen laughed. “Tis been some of the best months of my life. They entertain more than anyone. Their inexperience is endearing and genuine. I doubt you remember me, but…”

  “Not by name, but you shot a Goblin off my back once in a village in Rome eight hundred years ago. I never got around to thanking you.”

  “Good memory. How can you remember me from such a battle?”

  “Few have breasts bigger than me and defy gravity in a mortal form.”

  “I’m quite proud they do not sag.” Ellen said.

  “Me neither.” Vitalli grinned behind his beard and kissed his wife’s cheek to make her beam and return a heated look.

  “So you are Valande?” Kira asked in abject awe. “Valande Cerulean? The Valande Ceruelian? Writer of the Accords Valande Cerulean?”

  “Yes, yes, yes and yes I was one of the writers. My husband Mikhale is the other.”

  “Last week in school we learned all about you!” Minna gushed, green eyes wide with seeing living history right before them.

  Every weekday all children are Translocated to the Second House for school. The Second House lay somewhere isolated in Bermuda Triangle. The First House had the most warriors, but the second had the greatest scholars of all time. It was the safest place for children to go to school and not be targeted by Demons. When children come of age they go. Blossom was already in school though she was a few months old. Had been for five weeks and she loved playing with children her own age. School for Order had some human classes like math and science, but also history hidden from humanity as well as specialty classes like magic and species appropriate self defense training.

  Valande sat down and lifted her faceplate to stare at the young Witch while resting her chin on her hands. “Oh? What is said about me in your studies, Child?” Minna, suddenly shy, looked to her embarrassed sister, misreading it for being actually terrified about what she did, went silent. Like Kanade, Valande’s voice was soft and not as all terrifying like her appearance. “Come now. Not need to fear me. I want to know what you learned and maybe pay a visit to the Second House if the teachings have been changed any. Go ahead. It’s alright.”

  Minna swallowed dryly, but when Kira realized Kanade had kept the affair from her mother as she wasn’t killed in the Enforcer’s wrath, she touched her little sister’s shoulder and nodded all is well. Minna spoke almost in a whisper while the hall filled in for breakfast. “My teachers said five hundred and eleven years ago you and your husband mediated and wrote the Accords between the Spirit King and the Fire King. In it Humanity and other special species unable to pass on their gift to harness Spirit Energy are protected from Demons who kill for their soul. Demons can feed on whomever they want, but murder is forbidden and when tracked down, the Demon is killed if not done already by their master or Demon Lord. Allegiances can be given to Order or Chaos by the individual, but most traitors are killed if found. Those loyal to the Fire King do not take souls yet still feed from humans… I wondered why?”

  “Very good child. I want to hear you keep going, but Demons too need to eat. Only my kind when not in mortal for do not require energy to eat unless our spirit forms are greatly damaged. If that happens we too feed on emotions of Spirit Energy rich beings. Keep going. I want to hear more.”

  Finding traction and relaxing, Minna continued. “Some Demons who do not follow the Fire King were still greatly influenced on worlds with an Accord. All must wear aura suppressing items or parasites if standing near can kill. Otherwise they cannot cross from Demon or Spirit World. But Demon World splintered in half as a result. Half belongs to the Fire King and the other goes to his nemesis, the Queen of Ice.”

  “The Accords are like a barrier which prevent those capable of great cataclysms from killing without effort from coming. And the Spirit King had requested the veil to protect the beings unable to use their powers. It has allowed the veiled beings to grow and thrive without the threat of mass murder by hordes of hungry Demons who will leave nothing behind… Gifts were exchanged at each meeting as a sign of good faith till the Accords were approved by the two… with you acting as mediator to keep them from fighting since it isn’t known what made the Fire King initiate the agreement. It is said it took sixty years to complete the Accords.”

  “Sixty one actually, but I’m impressed you’ve retained so much.”

  “Minna is the brightest Witch in her class.” Kira boasted truthfully.

  “I can see why.”

  “The Fire King?” Ethan asked. “Are you talking about that Demon depicted in that huge tapestry is Fate’s crystal palace? Tall guy, horns like a crown with big wings. The one surrounded by several Enforcers and he looked like your weapons were children’s toys?”

  “That is the Fire King.” Valande confided.

  “Does he have a real name or is he like the Spirit King?” He asked and felt Valande would finally be the one to tell him.

  The Enforcer gave him a considering look, as if whether or not to kill him if he blabbed. Eventually a decision was reached. “Both have true names, but their titles are widely known. The Spirit King goes by King Airmid the Lightbringr. Celtic
folklore says he is the god of healing, medicine, Springtime and reviving the dead. But like with all myths, things get distorted.”

  “Like Fate’s blue rose of truth used on me?”

  “Correct. As for the Fire King…” She leaned closer and spoke in a hushed tone. “His true name is King Zagan.”

  Ethan watched Kanade shudder as did everyone other than himself, Kira and Minna. In the same tone he asked “Why is his name taboo?”

  “Questions like that will get you killed.” She was being serious to the extreme.

  “But if I don’t ask, how am I to learn what can and cannot kill me. You forget I wasn’t raised knowing about the supernatural. Kanade jumped down my throat when I called her my angel, before either of us understood our connection. Culture, creatures and special abilities are still new.”

  “He has a point.” Floa said as she tapped an impatient finger on the table.

  “Very well. Whatever you do, never speak his name. Just so you can associate think of it this way. As a human, Spirit King is practically a god. For Demons, the Fire King is theirs. His powers are transcendent. My helmet protects me, but if you speak his true name and he decides to hear who is speaking of him, he can eavesdrop and if he is in a foul mood, can kill all the way from Demon World, all without leaving his diamond palace. King Zagan was once the most powerful Demon and could face off against Spirit King, and did, many times. So take my advice and never speak his name aloud anywhere. He has survived since almost before recorded time and has few equals. I’ve met him. It is why Kanade fears saying his name. Somehow fear of that Demon was imprinted into her. So never ask for more or it will one day be too much.”

  Ethan though was stuck on the ‘was once the most powerful’ and wondered if Demons can lose strength, but Valande got the point through his thick skull. “Alright, but one more. Who is the Queen of Ice?”