02 Wrath of Flames Read online

Page 18

  “A marvelous idea. Tonight I will confer with Tattoo and open this business account as soon as possible and have it linked to our personal ones.” He chuckled. “What makes you laugh so?”

  “Just imagining you in front of a computer.”

  “I am up to date on human technology.” She snorted derisively. “You’ve never seen the inside of my nest. I surf the net, mostly to stay in contact with my mate or to find new metals recently discovered or made and see if any are compatible to harm Demons and if so, what percentage I can effectively blend it all together without compromising my works. I like TV. My favorite comedy is True Blood, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. Human shows are quite entertaining.” Ethan stared and was thoughtless at this new side of his mentor.

  Her wings brought forward her triple digit fingers and began wrapping one tail feather around the right pair and the other wove the left set together. “All the spells Kanade placed within these will remain as powerful as ever, but once was two, now are one. So I wish it.” She spoke.

  The bundles blazed not red or orange, but a brilliant blue upon the table. It grew so bright all three had to look away and hold their hands over closed eyes. Kanade screamed and Ethan just knew the heat was going to kill her as his extra sense spoke of it, though his body couldn’t. In a single bound he shielded Kanade and defended her by both body and ability without running into the oversized anvil. Even blinded, he knew where she was and felt her wings shaking against his chest. Over the sound of her whimpering he heard Celestia calmly say “Forgive me. I forget too easily how much heat is generated for a wish. I’m leaving the front door open and staying outside. When it is cooler, let me know and rest for the whole night, Ethan. Get some rest.”

  Knowing just how great the eternally burning bird’s hearing is he calmly said “Thank you. I’ll get to work tomorrow after dinner like usual.” But to Kanade he said “I’m here, Angel. I’m blocking the residual heat. You can open your eyes now.”

  Exaggeratingly slow moved her hands and she sighed once she realized the danger was at bay. As a joke she said “Wasn’t expectin’ that at all. Celestia your ass is hotter than the rest of you.”

  “My mate tells me the same thing every five centuries when we can stand to be near each other!” The Phoenix retorted from outside.

  “Let’s go upstairs and celebrate.” He prompted and helped her to her feet.

  “Oh! Look.” A slender finger pointed to the table.

  Sitting right on the black countertop lay a pair of gauntlets, but different than either before. Where once was gray or gold, now stood black gauntlets that looked so evil it was impossible not to love them right away. The contrast to the gauntlets came from thousands of tiny silver runes along the edges and around all the joints they looked heavier and just by lifting them proved they were about fifteen to twenty pounds apiece. Kanade kept a hand on his shoulder and watched as he slid them on to hear “A perfect fit! Celestia, are they meant to be black?”

  “Yes. Internally I felt that for night missions black would serve you well and it imprinted on the final color.” She said, looking inside only. “How do they feel?”

  “Amazing! But they don’t feel like metal any more… more like a rubbery leather. I don’t need to add in padding, not even when I make a fist. I could probably punch that wall and not hurt myself.”

  “By all means, give it a go. When I was wrapping them up I saw a few familiar runes that imbue them to last potentially forever without getting so much as a scratch.” The true Forgemaster allowed.

  Staying close, Kanade moved along to the wall where he pulled back a large fist and slammed it into solid granite. “Daaamn!” He laughed as his fingers felt the four deep holes the spikes on the knuckles left behind. “Thank you, Celestia. See you tomorrow.”

  A wave followed them as they went upstairs and soon after came the sounds of Celestia returning to work.

  “Whew, that was an interestin’ time.” Kanade said and sighed as soon as Ethan shut the door and automatic silencing spells activated once they were in the room together. With it on, Celestia moving around and banging all night long. “At least you gauntlets match your leathers. I was surprised at that. So what do you want to do, Darlin’? We’ve rarely had a whole night to ourselves.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I want to get you out of those clothes and make you forget all about being scared a few minutes ago.”

  “But I’m all sweaty.”

  “Just the way I like you. Want me to lick you dry?”

  The thought of that rough tongue had Kanade shiver in delight. “I wouldn’t mind if you started between my legs and worked your way up.”

  “For all that is good in life, say no more!” Came a deep gruff voice.

  Ethan grabbed Kanade’s shoulder and hauled her behind him as the voice wasn’t familiar in any way. It was a trespasser and as she was behind him he burst entirely in flames so hot they turned a reddish purple. His leather armor, sensing his anger began glowing without needing to be spoken to. His fists clenched.

  Then came a dainty, feminine voice. “Oh, look how quickly he defends her.”

  Standing in the doorway were two giant individuals. One was a man close to eleven feet tall and was naked from the waist up. Brown pants hugged legs and large sandals wove up his leg. The man was a wall of muscle. In one hand glowed a pure white lance of energy while at his left hip hung a sheathed sword. Evergreen wings sat tucked upright on his back while a gold helmet burned with a strong reddish orange flame. The eyelets revealed strands of green hair and yellow eyes.

  Next to the giant man was a ten foot tall woman wearing a blue sports bra-like top to contain bountiful breasts. Blue pants hugged long legs while she wore four inch sapphire heels. Like the man she carried a lance, sword and burning helmet. Her muscles were highly toned, but retained the softness of a woman.

  Not one, but two Enforcers stood in his bedroom.

  “I don’t know who the hell you two think you are, but you are trespassing without invitation. Leave now before you get fried.

  “Watch who you are speaking to, Boy.”

  “Raaa!” Ethan roared as he knew a fighting stance about to be taken and a spear aimed. But using his new strength in conjunction with a massive blast of fire thrust from his back, Ethan launched himself like a seven foot tall cannon and grabbed the Enforcer’s throat so fast that the man was shocked. Despite the size advantage, Ethan effectively flipped the Enforcer over and slammed a knee in his gut right as their combined weight hit the ground. A vortex swirled around a raised fist and the Enforcer held still. Ethan didn’t throw it into the faceplate, but he did say in a deep growl “Trying to attack me in my home isn’t a good idea, Enforcer. Lose the light spear before I destroy this body of yours.”

  “Not bad, Boy.”

  “ETHAN, STOP! THAT’S MY FATHER, MIKHALE!” Kanade screamed.

  His head turned to Kanade picking herself up from getting thrown by the fire propulsion. Did I just hear that right? Did she just call him her… “Correct, Boy. I’m Daddy.” The Enforcer below said and Ethan realized the man was trying to dig around in his brain. Ethan put a stop to that by sealing everything away and mentally roared Get the fuck out of my head right now. Both of you! He turned and looked up at Valande, Kanade’s mother who was smirking while leaning against the wall. “Interesting, Boy…” Mikhale snapped his fingers and the staff in his hand vanished into nothingness. The word ‘Interesting’ wasn’t specifically for what he did, but what was discovered. “Happy now?”

  Ethan got up and offered a hand to the father of his love. Mikhale took it and Ethan felt small all over again as Mikhale’s hand completely encased his and when standing, Ethan barely reached the man’s lower ribcage. “Well my first impression to my new in-laws are blown to hell.”

  “Well it’s better than listening to what my daughter wants you to do to her.” Mikhale brushed himself off and Ethan knew he didn’t put a scratch on the man aside from a nasty burn on h
is hairless chest of steel hard muscle.

  “How embarrassin’.” Kanade whispered with her face more red than Ethan’s with his power rushing from him. His fire though did disappear.

  The dainty voice of Valande, like Kanade, was hard to believe since they were both so tall. Mikhale’s deep baritone was spot on for a giant his size. Valande said “Don’t be so hard on the children, My Angel. Besides, it warms the cockles of my heart to see my darling child so in love with her soul mate. At least my son-in-law is better than you when it comes to oral sex. I always have to give you a blow job first before you’ll even consider anal.”

  “Jeesh, Mother! I didn’t need to hear that!” Kanade said dryly.

  Valande pried herself off the wall while giggling like a school girl and snapped her fingers as well for the lance’s disappearance. “My petite and sheltered little hatchling, come give your mother a hug.”

  Ethan had always considered Kanade tall and fit, but as soon as a loving smile grew and she threw herself into her mother’s arms he could see Kanade was actually petite compared to her two Enforcer parents. Valande’s great sunny yellow wings wrapped around the two of them as they both made small, soft noises. Mikhale scooped both women in his embrace and his much larger green wings cocooned both in a family’s long time reunion.

  When the moment ended and embraces peeled back, Ethan realized the noises from the women were actually tears, mostly from Kanade’s eyes on her mother’s much more engorged bosom. She wiped her tears away and looked to Ethan and gave the signal to join her side. “Mother, Daddy, this is my angel, Ethan Volorum.” She introduced. “Ethan, this is my Father, Mikhale Cerulean and my mother Valande Cerulean.”

  Valande leaned forward and shook his hand when he stuck it out. Then with a wicked grin she yanked him off balance and smothered him between her breasts. They were warm, but he smelled nothing. Nothing like Kanade’s sweet cinnamon. “It is so good to finally meet my newest son.” Like Mikhale, Valade’s accent was ancient yet articulate and somewhat formal with common English slipped right in. She then let him go when he gave an awkward hug back, not before. “Nice move you did on my husband by the way. You reacted faster than expected when he was about to put you in your place. You do well upholding the Cerulean clan. Especially defending my little girl. And don’t mind Mikhale, he actually is looking at you with more respect after that swift kick to the ass. Even Enforcer father’s hate it when their dear little girl’s find a husband.”

  “Don’t exaggerate, Angel.” Mikhale gruffly said. “I still hate the little bastard for defiling my daughter.”

  “Well if you weren’t two weeks early for Floa’s wedding or entering my home without knocking first you wouldn’t have heard anything scandalous. And by the way, Mikhale, you should know I’m not a fan of macho Enforcers. So leave the bullshit outside. I love Kanade more than anything. I’ll do anything to make her happy, even put up with a man who’s ego is as big as he is. But if you think I’ll back down and take your crap about not being good enough for her then I guess you’re in for a rude awakening.”

  “Ethan!” Kanade hissed.

  Valande threw an arm in from of her child. “Do not stop your husband, Kanade. Everything he says is nothing but truth. Mikhale might not like your angel is human, but he will respect him in his own property. We are on leave for a few weeks, but your father is a stubborn man who hasn’t figured out this is a time for relaxing and visiting old friends. After all we are early and wanted to surprise you both, but it seems to have backfired. I for one approve of your soul mate, Kanade.”

  Mikhale broke eye contact with Ethan to meet his wife’s deadly gaze and knew he was truly being an ass so he sighed. “Fine, I will try to respect the little human.”

  “I’ll take what I can get.” At last Ethan smiled and held out his hand. Mikhale reluctantly took it after Vlalnde swatted him with her wing. “And technically I’m no longer considered human.”

  “That much was revealed in your roar and strength. Mikhale’s corporeal form weighs sixteen hundred pounds. No mere human blessed as a Fire Elemental can even push him, yet you flipped him over a shoulder and managed to put him on his back. Few beings can boast such, none ever being pure human.” The soft spoken mother said. “And your scent is peculiar. When I hugged you I now see why Kanade is driven wild. Like hickory wood smoke, but something faint which is tickling my mind. I cannot quite place where your underlying scent stems, but I can say it is familiar. Something from long, long ago.”

  “May I?” Mikhale rather politely asked and Ethan held up a gauntlet covered arm and the Enforcer’s burning helmet tickled his immune hand as he sniffed. “Now I see what you mean, Angel. I cannot quite place it either. As you say, an old faint memory.”

  “Could it be someone you knew? A Spirit Guide? Morgane Le Fay thinks so and I know no other humanoid species other than yours with wings growing from their back. Nodes can now be felt in my back.”

  “Plausible.” Valande chipped in. “It isn’t proof, but when I found my little girl’s power flowing strongly enough to taste I knew she found her angel, she was scared to admit you were hers. Before my time off though, I researched personally when Kanade told me about the changes you are going through and located a document of about fifteen or so fallen Enforcers who copulated with humans, but to all records all human females and offspring died off and those fallen were likewise executed. It could be one was overlooked and you are a long lost descendant. I’m also believing in Morgane’s theory, but soon you must be bound. Not yet anyway, but your spiritual power is growing. If not you will start making the weaker mortals tired… eventually able to kill them.”

  “Mother, is it true?” Kanade asked with dread.

  “Like our first ancestor Megann, I too have the gift to foretell the overall pinnacle of a beings spiritual aura and bound you in your egg if you forget. Your mate’s power is difficult to truly judge, like a haze, but I’m quite certain he will be stronger than your father. I’d wager he’ll be thirteen feet tall once he completes the transformation.” Mikhale stepped back at her words and gave Ethan a new look.

  “Th… Thi… Thirteen?” He stuttered.

  “It is my gift, but yes, your aura is telling me you will be at least that powerful.”

  He looked away from his new mother-in-law and to his slack jawed angel. “Kanade, we need to tell Morgane… and how must my aura be sealed?”

  Mikhale said “It is not yet dangerous, that I can tell, but without knowing your parentage, the wrong binding method will shred your soul. You are wrong to think only Spirit Guides are the only winged humanoid species. There are dozens, even hundreds long extinct. If we guess wrong and you haven’t any Spirit Guide blood flowing through your veins, my daughter will be a widow. And just because I shall tolerate you, her happiness is what I have always treasured. But we will need to locate how far back the father or mother of these current changes were, or are if they live in hiding. Valande?”

  Having spent thousands of years together they could answer questions without being asked. “Go already. Between Kanade and myself I think we can temporarily dampen his aura if it gets dangerous. But be back for Floa’s wedding or no more blow jobs for the next decade.”

  “I will not be late.” He promised. “My little girl, I’m sorry I cannot stay. This is why we came early once our old mortal bodies were taken out of storage. We truly wanted it to be a happy surprise, but your human’s changes are an unknown and that has now definitively been proven by your mother…”

  “I understand, Daddy.” She came up and hugged him tightly, truly petite next to him. Not letting go she said “One day you will find you love my angel and not be so mean, but I’m happy you are willin’ to help him.” She leaned back and met his yellow gaze to find them soft and fatherly. “The visit was too short, Daddy, but please don’t be late for the weddin’. Come early if you learn where my angel’s bloodline comes. I know it will be hard, but please let go of your anger. It will sadden me if you ca
nnot get along. And you know who I will choose if you draw a line.”

  “It will take time, centuries most likely, but I’ll come around one day. You are my only child. I’ll not intentionally do anything to push you away. And I saw from the moment you came in how much you love him. That is all that kept me from snapping his neck when he dropped a knee in my middle. I’m going to leave, Baby Girl. Take care of your mother. You know how she is.”

  “Leave now before you ruin the impression I’ve made on our new son, Husband.” Behind her helmet she raised one bright yellow eyebrow.

  “Yes, Dear. Ethan, good luck.”

  “Mikhale, wait a second.” The eleven foot tall giant paused as Kanade drew back from the embrace. “Let’s both drop the act. We don’t like each other because deep down we’re exactly alike.”

  “How so.”

  Ethan already knew Mikhale found the secret he hid so he let go of the power and pushed for a mind to mind connection. Kanade looked at him bug-eyed as she felt him reach into their minds without it being an accident. Completely intentional. He closed off all extra thoughts and said “When you were in my head digging around, I too felt some of your inner core. You felt I was a serious individual and would defend the innocent at all costs. I felt the same in you in that brief moment before I kicked you out. Even now you hide your true feeling from your own daughter. I don’t like telling people what to do, but if you truly want her not to worry that we’ll be at each other’s throats, tell her. We both know she’ll think I’m trying to make her feel better and humor me, but deep down continue to worry. I hate seeing her sad. I can tell you do too.”

  Valande thought “Quite an impressive display of mental focus. I barely feel uncomfortable. If I didn’t know better I’d swear you have been practicing for centuries rather than being just thirty. Kanade is one of the most gifted mentally proficient yet you are close to her already. Then again, telepathy is her best skill. She best at sensory and casting though.”