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02 Wrath of Flames Page 22

  The crowd hushed as the two of them squared off. Like always, everyone recognized the change overcome the Fire Elemental. Total focus landed on the opponent as a cold mask of rage was revealed in the breaking dawn. Then came the familiar primal rumble emanating from his chest.

  A roar ripped the surrounding tension, causing nearly everyone to jump instinctively. And wide eyes followed Valande dash with a sword thrust, but Ethan’s new gauntlets knocked it aside and grabbed her wrist, pulled her close while jumping forward to bring a sharp knee to her midsection, but her greater size offered more time to act, even if by a fraction of a second. She dropped lower and turned so his knee connected with a wing instead of the abdomen. A deep thud reverberated past the eager crowd and it was clear hitting an Enforcer’s wing was akin to a steel wall. A gasp of pain is all that came from the Elemental before he grabbed the wing’s highest joint and pulled himself up on her back. His hands spread wide before slamming them together on either side of her blazing helmet, ringing her like a bell.

  Sadly it wasn’t good enough as her free hand grabbed a head full of thick hair and flipped him over her head and dropped him with excessive force that would have shattered bones had he not worn enchanted armor. He rolled away right before a six inch stiletto high heel buried in his right eyeball. Her stomp missed, but he flipped on the ground and grabbed her ankle with both legs and roared as his hands in the sand gave perfect leverage to knock her perfect balance off. Valande stumbled, but it gave him the opportunity to get up and punch like a piston. Spiked knuckles pierced her tough hide, opening dozens of wounds along her flawless back muscles, targeting her wings so they weren’t so blasted effective.

  Her leg though swooped up from behind and every man grabbed his groin and the crowd went “Oh!” as her heel made contact with his inseam and launched him thirty feet straight up. Ethan’s eyes widened like saucers ready to extend like a Looney Tune’s character and his hands held on to his manhood, afraid they had been lost forever.

  As he was coming down, pain turned back to anger and Valande was I’ll prepared for what she unleashed.

  “Rooahhh!” he billowed as fire exploded around him as her sword melted in an instant, right before he punched her right in the face. The crowd fled, all but those too stunned to truly react. Valande saw stars dance in her eyes before a crushing blow from a mighty kick sent her sailing through the air. While she was flying out of control her vision cleared enough to see a small fire tornado whirling around him, allowing him a semblance to fly at her.

  She hastily drew her light sword at the wrath in his blazing visage. She went to strike, but his hand grabbed it by the blade. Impossible! She thought at that time. Her light blade should cut through anything, but his burning hand was unharmed as he pulled her up close and personal.

  No one saw what she did next as it was too fast for mortal eyes to follow. She snapped her fingers and her javelin of light appeared. She rolled out the impact before twirling and smacking the back of his head.

  A blazing fireball shot over three hundred feet and nearly uprooted a mature oak. The fire died and in its place lay Ethan’s head stuck inside the solid trunk.

  Fear Valande had killed the hope of the First House, Blake and others rushed to his aid. By the time they arrived to the scorched tree they found Ethan’s fingers tearing bark and trunk away as he tried extracting his own head from the new hole it had made. Cracks and crumbles lasted only a few seconds till he jerked out and fell five feet, straight in the much softer snow. His head and face were bloody, slivers of wood sticking out of his forehead.

  “Hold still.” Blake said when he noticed Ethan under control again. He complied and the Naga began pulling the deeply embedded splinters out.

  “Ahhh!!!” Ethan sighed as he shoved large clumps of snow down his pants.

  Hovering up above was Valande still having her sword and javelin at the ready.

  “Girlfriend… you’re shaking.” Floa said as she was the only one brave enough to approach the yellow winged Enforcer.

  Valande heard and looked to her sword arm to find she indeed shook with nerves. “Floa, it seems you were correct. My son-in-law is full of surprises. I haven’t shaken like this in centuries.”

  “There’s more isn’t there.” Floa hesitated to speak.

  “He… actually put… fear into me. You know that should be impossible.” Valande said as she put away her weapons when Ethan was being tended to. “I wasn’t shocked, but he made me feel genuine fear for what I did and was going to make sure I experienced the same. For a second, his intent to kill was like nothing I’ve ever felt directed at me… he has been trained well. Too well.”

  “You should know to never kick a man in the balls. There are two kinds of men. One will curl up and cry for mommy, but the other will be out for revenge after they catch a breath. Guess which bear you just poked.” Floa said as they heard Ethan laugh.

  “Rhetorical commentary doesn’t suit you, Floa.”

  “Did the ball drop yet?” Magnus said, back on the ground.

  “New Year’s isn’t for another month.” Ellen stomped a hoof.

  “My balls are fine, just really sore. Quit making me laugh.” Ethan said while shoving more snow to cool a throbbing scrotum.

  “Well do you feel like one of those carnival booth that you use a hammer to ring the bell?” Kira asked. “I swear I heard a clear ‘DING!’ when you were launched so high, Boyo.”

  More of the crowd laughed.

  “Laugh it up. Perhaps the rest of you want to be on the receiving end of my mother-in-law’s genital kick.”

  That certainly sobered them up, if for a moment.

  “Want me to kiss the boo boo?” Nell couldn’t help herself.

  “Alright, knock it off.” He stated and used a ball of snow to hit her dead center between the eyes. “Uh oh.”

  Nell looked pure evil, in an adorable way as she scooped up a handful and formed a good snowball to throw right back. He made it explode from a backhand, but wasn’t prepared for the second one Magnus handed her, hitting his still protected chest. He whispered the deactivation so all would be fair.

  A snowball war erupted.

  “Isn’t this a peculiar turn of events.” Valande commented, still flying.

  “Nope.” Floa popped the p while watching on. “That is just Ethan. He isn’t aware of it, but his unique personality is like a magnet that draws people’s undivided attention as he is one surprise after another, but is as the humans say ‘Down to earth.’ One moment you are downright terrified and the next you find yourself laughing. Did you know the first time he caught fire I had to change because I pissed myself from laughing too hard. He suddenly ignited and started yelling ‘Stop, drop and roll!’ over and over, trying to put himself out.”

  “You cannot be serious?” Valande’s shaking stopped as she laughed after finding the Pixie was telling the truth. “Well, it seems you’re correct. He is an interesting individual. Can you help me wash my back? He has rather heavy punches.”

  “Magnus and Blake say that too.” As soon as they landed Floa soaked a cloth to wipe the blood from Ethan’s wicked gauntlets, all the while watching the warriors let off steam in the snowball war nearly everyone joined in. And Ethan played fair though his fire could keep him dry and warm.

  An hour later Ethan was in combat with Ellen and her two claymores. His new gauntlets, which the team marveled at when they learned he became a Forgemaster, were perfect at blocking her swords so long as he made a fist. They were still fingerless, which had pros and cons. Pro, he can feel properly. Con, no armor. Since Ethan’s endurance had steadily increased, he could vary his methods against different species and not tire so easily. Ellen’s Centaur heritage was rather challenging as far as pressing forward. She was powerful and used her weight constantly to increase her strength, but she was surprisingly fast. Word of warning, never come up from behind on a Centaur. Their kicks deliver crippling results.

  Total focus on their sparring sessio
n made Ethan pause when she trotted away and lowered her weapons, but didn’t dare take her eyes off him. Realizing something was up, Ethan let go of the mental lockdown and stop using the cold rage and growling.

  Immediately he heard a tiny voice calling “…ing. Ethan Volorum, answer me.”

  His head turned to a Pixie he didn’t recognize fluttering at the edge of the roped off sparring ring. His fists lowered and he wiped his sweaty brow and held a hand out for her to land on. “Yes? May I help you?”

  “Why didn’t you answer me? I’ve been trying to get you for over a minute!” the tiny green woman huffed with orange and blue scaled butterfly wings fluttering. Hands on her hips and an indignant expression wasn’t lost.

  “When he focuses he can’t acknowledge anything that isn’t important, especially in a dangerous situation.” Ellen stood up for him.

  “I’m sorry, but what can I do for you?” He asked the woman standing in his hand.

  The Pixie shook her head and said “There is an emergency. I need to bring you before the council.”

  It felt like cold water was dumped over his head. There was only one reason an emergency would have the council asking for him. “Has it happened already?” The tiny woman’s head nodded. “Which one of the five and is it too late?”

  “I know not if it is too late, but it is Kyoko the Yuki-onna.”

  “Damn.” He looked up to find his whole team gathering quickly, finding his tense appearance meaning trouble. “Blake, with me since you are already fully armored. I doubt I need to ask if you are carrying your headset?” Blake patted his pant’s pocket. “Good man. The rest of you, gear up for battle. Kira, if the Demon Lord isn’t dead we’ll be going in on a rescue mission through hostile forces. Bring explosives and any curses you can gather. Activate your sets as soon as you get home.” He said while pulling his out and fitting the device to his left ear. “Floa, send them directly to their rooms and we’ll meet up at the elevators. As soon as we are all gathered we’ll be going into trouble.”

  “Good. Zaxis and I need to find a little trouble.” Magnus said, lifting the club.

  “Go.” He ordered, not knowing exactly what awaits. Right before being instantly Translocated right in front of the Ogres secretary, Blake put a hand on his shoulder to tag along for the transfer. He then commanded his headset’s start up voice activation “My dearest angel.” It faintly went ‘Beep’ in the earpiece while Blake placed the band around his brow to speak to his. The eyepiece in front of Ethan’s left eye started up and displayed several readouts from direction, distances certain objects his eye stare at to even preprogrammed destinations at the ready. In seconds its startup was complete. As team leader of the squad he said “Team link.” to activate joint sharing and five darkened numbers in green on the upper left of the eyepiece appeared.

  As his second in command, Blake took the number one spot and as soon as his device fired up, it linked them. The Pixie disappeared again.

  By the time just the two of them reached the large double doors everyone had already checked in. As he was knocking on the door he spoke to everyone, but said “Kira, listen to what is said. Odin or Tattoo wouldn’t call me unless we are going on a mission. We’ve been inactive due to my circumstances. I should still be off the roster, but this is a priority that supersedes Morgane’s word. Listen close and pack accordingly.”

  “Aye.” She lilted, standing in front of her shelves full of potions in her large bedroom.

  Blake knocked loudly and the answer wasn’t long coming. “Enter!” Boomed the Viking’s baritone. They walked right in and shut the door. All heads were there and assembled from Morom to Crait, Naga High Champion. Not one for ceremony, Odin stood to say “Ethan, the top secret mission I gave you has come sooner than anticipated. Most powerful of the remaining Demon Lords not under Sheedan’s heel, Kyoko, is under siege. The snow woman’s ice castle is under siege and actually contacted us before our own watchers could report. She and her elite Demons are doing their best, but her reinforcements cannot swoop in to protect her. She’s made an impassible blizzard in Siberia.”

  “Siberia? Isn’t her palace in Japan?” He asked.

  “It was destroyed early this morning around six hours ago. She had to go somewhere with more snow, where her power is most effective.” Tattoo spoke. “My satellites sent me the effects she is causing. None can pass into her territory for long as she’s made over fifteen square miles over minus six hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Gargoyles can maybe last fifteen, twenty minutes tops and even Odin’s body will freeze. Only you have the power to rescue her from Sheedan’s attack. You must save the Yuki-onna. She can only maintain the chill for a day, tops. From my readouts, the air will be clear one mile in at her palace, but that area will be much colder. To anyone else, even breathing something that cold will kill.”

  “What of her attackers?” Ethan asked. “What will we face?”

  “Most likely hosts of Goblins, Dragons and maybe Elves, some likely being Demonic Casters. Goblin fur might not look pretty, but it is excellent at insulating. Dragons can’t get cold easily and Elves will act fast to slit her throat once her strength fails and take over all of Japan’s Demons and nearly the entire eastern China’s seaboard within a week. I’m downloading the terrain and location of Kyoko’s castle… now.”

  A tiny beep confirmed it was received. “Open recently downloaded file, send through linked devices.” He said and everyone got it. “We’re off then. Blake, you need any more information?”


  “Ethan, hold on. I need my dove back for a time. I have another mission and will need every animal I’ve got.” Tattoo said.

  The Fire Elemental approached the desk swiftly and pulled a sleeve back to show of the lifelike white dove, but the strange sensation of it animating felt wrong. The bird extracted itself and went back to its master.

  “Good luck, Lads.” Odin said as they headed out the door.

  “Why are we on a rescue mission and not just going to kill Sheedan’s minions?” Ellen asked over the line.

  “Because she is one of the last remaining Demon Lords and the strongest, but even she has limits. From the remaining reports, she especially has stuck to the Accords to the letter, as have most of her Demons. Those who break her rules end up popsicles in her front yard. If she falls, the remaining four Demon Lords will either flee, die defending themselves or surrender to Sheedan’s rule. Kyoko, out of all the Demon Lords before I killed so many, was unwavering and dedicated to the Accords. As it stands, she may call on Order’s aid so long as she obeyed, which she has. She might be a Demon, but still falls under our oaths to defend those incapable of defending themselves.” He said, reminding them of the Warrior’s Oath. “Suit for warmth. Floa, you with Kira?”

  “I am.” She flew in front of Kira’s face to be seen by the tiny camera.

  “Good, as soon as she’s done packing, meet up with us. I’ll get Cook to make up some rations. We’ll have a long trek through snow so you better put on some thermal underwear.” She flipped him off but transferred to her room to slide into additional layers before returning to Kira.

  Downstairs Magnus and Nell were already speaking with Cook and had bags filling with light meals, enough for a day. Ellen was cinching thick and padded leather’s to her body, making sure there were no cracks to let any chill seep in. Kanade and Valande stood together and approached Ethan and Blake as soon as they stepped out of the elevator.

  “I guess Dress informed you?” Kanade nodded. “Are you doing any better?”

  This time she shook her head and reveled back in the comforts of his mind. “Not even close. I’m scared out of my mind, Darlin. I’m calmer, but it is difficult news to take in that you are now changin’ me too. I’m afraid somethin’ might go wrong and I’ll deform. I love the way I am. I was perfect for you, or so I thought.” Now it made sense why she reacted so negatively.

  A large hand took hers and he stared right into her eyes. “You are perfect. The way
you smile, how your blue hair shines. I can go on, but you know I think you are true perfection. But think about this. If my blood is changing you, it must mean you are becoming more. Look at how I’ve changed since the day I died. I can’t even recognize myself, but I’m better. What if you get better too. What if your beauty has no rival? What if our mixing of blood was meant to be just like us being soul mates? If my abilities are increasing and yours are too, I think it means our bond is also growing. Our very souls are responding to one another.”

  Complete surprise lit her depressed expression at his way of thinking. “I hadn’t considered it in that way before. Do you truly believe it.”

  “Tell me yourself.” He let her in much deeper so she could read his innermost feelings that words cannot comprehend.

  Tears blurred her vision, but not sad or frighten tears. These were of profound love and honesty that she could not stop herself from laying her forehead down upon his and not sob in relief. “Oh, Ethan, you must think I’m a blubberin’ fool.”

  “Hardly. Oh hey, Tattoo took back his dove.”

  “Good, I didn’t like it. Come home soon. I want to make it up to you for lettin’ me feel that.” A luscious smile came alive though tears fell. “Alright?”

  “Count on it, Angel.” He kissed her quickly. “How’s your back, Valande?”

  “Almost fully healed. I’ll keep my little girl company and watch Blossom while you are all away.”

  “What? Don’t you want to come and play too?” Floa pouted as she arrived with Kira right then.

  “Only Fate, the Spirit King or Megann can allow an Enforcer to charge into battle. Besides, it won’t be a rescue mission if I were to go. I’d kill every Demon in sight. Enforcers can’t meddle in mortal affairs anyway. It is part of the Accords. Besides, a Yuki-onna? Just make sure those clothes are spelled. Otherwise your nipples will be so hard they’ll fall off from frostbite.”

  “Be nice or I’ll un-invite you.”

  “You know I’ll crash the party anyway.” Came the quick wit.