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02 Wrath of Flames Page 21

  “The Fire King’s scorned lover.” The Enforcer smiled. “Poor Harpy never stood a chance. It happened a long time ago, but when the Fire King enacted the Accords she decided to take over and has made steady process. She is a powerful Demoness, his opposite. Fire and Ice you know. Well she is a zealot and wants Demons to be who they are and do what they evolved for… or mutated in some cases. She’s tried breaking the Accords, but knows not even her level can compare to what the Fire and Spirit Kings threw into it. One world at a time maybe, but that will take an eternity. Plus she is fickle and easily distracted. Don’t worry about her. Even if she manages to take over all of Demon World, she cannot leave. The Accords specifically block her. Actually that was one of the first laws the two kings didn’t even need to have mediated.” Valande laughed.

  “Good morning to you all.” Cook showed up and food was underway.

  While feasting Kanade thought “Ethan, I’m sure Blake can smell you on me. He’s tastin’ the air and looked at me sideways twice, but said nothin’.”

  “Most likely. He’ll keep it to himself. He isn’t the kind of person to dig in a person’s dirty laundry.” He read several thoughts. “No, don’t even think about it. He has mastered his mind. If he senses the intrusion, just to see if he does know about my new scent, it will not end well. He speaks when only necessary.”

  “You’re right. Silly idea.”

  Kids went to school on time as Ethan helped Jormungandr warm up again. Like always, Blake was out under a tree, sitting on a mat to stay out of the snow until eight in the morning.

  Valande and Floa were inseparable as they went upstairs to Ethan’s daily checkup. Morgane Le Fay was already sitting, working again on the screen. “Oh my, you bring guests?”

  “Lady Morgane, this is my mother.”

  “Been awhile, Val.” Morgane came up and gave a slow hug. It wasn’t much of a surprise the charismatic Enforcer knew so many of their friends and colleagues. “What? Two centuries?”

  “Thereabouts. I like your new accent. It fits you better than Mongolian.”

  “And Floa, good to see you clothed this morning.”

  “Sorry about that.” The Pixie didn’t mean it. “Blossom had me hunting her down last night. She’s now asking questions of the birds and bees. I found her hiding in Magistrate’s Morom and Edda’s bedroom, waiting to see what it is all about. She’d curious about the things dangling between a man’s thighs.”

  “Her development is right on schedule then. You must be so proud.”

  “I am, Morgane. She’s becoming a fine young woman, every bit of Pixie she can be.” Floa tinkled a tiny laugh while lounging in Valende’s collarbone.

  “So what is the pleasure?” The High Witch asked smoothly.

  “To inform you I believe my new son-in-law isn’t becoming a Spirit Guide, he can now project his thoughts better than you and was able to break my daughter’s skin.”

  “Good thing I didn’t make it fact. If you believe the plausibility is zero chance, I’ll believe you. There hasn’t been any conclusive match for six weeks of work. The last thing I need to do is be seen as incompetent, but all winged humanoids on record have been crossed off. Unless you are thinking Demon, he’d already have died in the womb. We would know if he was Demon in origin right away. He just has unique Spirit Energy. Unless there are creatures not in our records?”

  “That is it exactly. I will personally try and persuade these rare beings to see about a possible match, but many died out millennia ago. Just their spirits remain. My angel is in Spirit World working on his end. Know this, those who allow it are near extinct already and are under the greatest protection Order has. If they come or you go to them, you will never see them as they are. One kind is down to fifteen in the whole universe and they can have only one offspring every thousand years. Some are truly extinct. If Ethan is from one of those lines, he’ll be alone.”

  “Oh my. Poor creatures. Very well, I’ll follow how you wish to proceed. Tell me what you can so we can narrow down this list so as to not disrupt their lives if at all possible, but while the tests run.”

  “But I want to hear.” Ethan voiced as he took off both boots.

  “We can think.” Kanade smiled.

  “Not during the scan.” Morgane ordered and watched the smile slip. “He must be unaffected by outside stimulus. It will mean he’ll have to do it again.”

  “It will be alright, My Angel. It’s impractical to do this forever.”

  “Right after it’s complete, I’m reconnectin’.”

  “Wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  The smile didn’t come back as he withdrew from those wonderful thoughts and incredible images to truly feel the void. Hollowness is what remained. Now it was understood down to the core. Why she found it addictive and nearly impossible to resist separating for long. How had she resisted and only slipped up twice? Yikes, I’d do it every time I saw her. He thought in solitude. The blood sample was taken and scan underway.

  Though he couldn’t hear with it running, he knew Valande was telling stories of these unknown creatures of Order. Winged wonders a wild imagination took off with.

  Fifteen minutes later, Kanade wasn’t joking and the second it finished he felt her sensation brush against his awareness. “Ah… much better.” She sighed mentally and physically. She couldn’t help sending images as he hurriedly dressed, thoughts of the first time they were joined in this room. She got a thrill as he winked and hummed as he returned the favor and every exquisite detail he remembered of that amazing time.

  As he was tying the laces of his boots on Morgane said distractedly. “Interesting.”

  “What now?” He asked and stood as if shocked mildly.

  “Well your height is still progressing like normal, one to three tenths of an inch per day, but since yesterday your olfactory senses are six hundred percent more sensitive. Your sense of smell is about as acute as Nagai. Were you aware of this?”

  “Look ashamed.” Kanade prompted.

  Trusting her, he looked down and slipped a little heat to redden his cheeks without alerting the sensitive High Witch or the other two. “I… Uh, wasn’t sure. I thought it was just me hallucinating. I wondered why Cook’s food was more mouthwatering and I knew Kira was coming closer to ask me a question, but when I turned around she was over sixty feet away and coming towards me. I mean her perfume was getting stronger and I just expected her to be right behind me.”

  “Ethan took quite a bit more blood from me now that he didn’t need to use a sharp knife.” Kanade slid in, not exactly lying or anything.

  Valande narrowed her eyes, her maternal instincts piqued. “Kanade, get scanned right now.”

  Startled, the Enchantress asked “Mother?”

  Not taking any lip, Valande just pointed to the exam table.

  “Go ahead and undress, Kanade and let me retrieve your information.” Morgane started tapping away.

  Defeat. Kanade quickly took off everything, including her new charmed necklace, bra and thong too. Ethan had no words to ease her tension as she went under and the dome covered over and started glowing in certain areas. “Valande…”

  “Mother or Val.” She insisted. “We’re family so don’t use my full name.” Valande allowed few to call her by anything other than her given one.

  “Alright Val, what was up with you having her get scanned? It was really rude.”

  “And who are you to chastise me?” the threat was barely noticeable, but thanks to working with Blake, he wasn’t afraid to fight anymore since Nagai have a simple and greatly overlooked special ability to deal with fear if trained by or being near one for a prolonged time. It is why they made the best swordsmen. Who better to get up close and personal than those without crippling fear?

  It didn’t make him step back as it would have before he began daily sessions of having his ass handed to him on a silver platter. “I get she’s your daughter, but she isn’t a soldier. If you had asked nicely I’m positive she woul
d have done it. What you just did was reprimand her for no reason and made her feel like a child, not an adult.”

  “Oh I have my reasons. Especially since you and her are hiding something from me. Have been since this morning. Neither of you are good at deception. Besides, you think I wouldn’t have noticed her spiritual power has marginally grown along with your scent coming from her? Not just from contact. Yesterday she could barely discourage the males, but this morning her scent didn’t gain any sexual arousal aside from yours. Not even your subordinate Nell stared in lust. I believe mixing blood has begun altering her too. I can see auras and hers has grown.”

  Silence hung thick as the two stared each other down. Morgane and Floa backed away though all the two did was stare. Valande remained seated. At last he said “Why didn’t you bring this up earlier?”

  “I wouldn’t have if you both were more forthcoming.”

  “Fair enough.” He admitted, but didn’t break eye contact. “We had enough to worry about without adding another log to the fire and risk scorching the forest.”

  Valande’s stern upper lip curled at the corners. “I understand, but it stands to reason that your changes also affect her, if by a lesser degree. She has taken not only semen, but copious amounts of blood from you each time you join. Your intense lovemaking might change her. Please sit. I believe you wanted to hear about some of the beings not recorded except by memory?”

  “You did that backwards. You’re supposed to give me the carrot first and stick second.” He sat as she laughed before telling of the creatures.

  Amazing images were conjured as the Enforcer spoke.

  This time Ethan reestablished the connection as soon as it was over and handed her a towel for modesty as she went behind the curtain to get dressed. He felt her worry as twin to his own as he told her all that Valande exposed. “Should have known Mother would see through me. I was foolish to think I could hide it.” She thought after readying for whatever news awaits and stepping out to claim his hand and wait of Morgane.

  Waiting didn’t last even a minute. “Bugger. Why did I miss this? I spent so much focus on him I completely overlooked her too.” She mumbled, but clear enough for Kanade to squeeze for dear life and heart almost go into convulsions. “Val, you weren’t mistaken.” The High Witch admitted before returning to the couple. “Kanade, since the day you came after mating, making sure your gynecologist gave a clean bill… Well, you have grown from eight foot and a quarter inch tall to eight foot two and a half. More than two inches… Plus your pheromones are higher than a Succubus in heat. But also, I do not detect any abnormal brain activity or any new growths. You are simply growing.”

  “What? How? How can this be?” She asked with a quiver in her voice. “Am I in danger of killin’ this body? What about my spirit form?”

  “Calm yourself, Daughter. This news has narrowed down Ethan’s ancestry further. Three of the protected species that still live can do what Ethan has.” Valande said and framed her daughter’s face with both large yet demure hands. “This mean’s Ethan’s essence will destroy you if his doesn’t bring you up to a safe level where you won’t be hurt. You will still be a Spirit Guide and your ethereal form will grow as well, only more equal to your angel’s potential. Blood-sharing has made you a better fit. This is good. It helps tremendously. Likely, when we discover his ancestors, we’ll get an idea of how tall their females had to be depending on the caste the male was bred for. His essence recognizes you are his and doesn’t want to lose you. Truth be told, I’ll even venture to guess your aura I suppressed will overwhelm the spells and you’ll become Enforcer class, like me. If that does happen, your collar which protects you from his fire will likewise no longer work. And if his changes keep going, you will be naturally resistant since you have his essence. This knowledge remains in this room.” She turned a serious face to her old friends. “If it is learned Ethan’s blood make’s one resistant and the denizens of Chaos learn this, they will stop at nothing to bleed him dry so mystical fire is nullified. There will be no reports of my personal knowledge documented in any way. You may document Kanade, but any reference to resisting fire will be stricken from all records. Am I clear?”

  “Crystal.” Floa said.

  “I need to be alone for awhile. I’m ill.” Kanade closed her mind as she rushed out the door.

  Ethan went to charge off till a large hand clamped on and effortlessly made all momentum halt. “Let her be, Ethan.” Valande said softly as a mother only could. “This is difficult news for her. She’s scared, but must come to grips that she too is undergoing changes. You already accept it, but she needs to find her strength alone. Dress will help heal her worries. It is what he is the best at.”

  She’s right. He thought and sighed. The grip let go and turned into a motherly pat. “Val, the aura you suppressed, how can it break? I thought it gained more power as she grows. What about hurting people? Will that break too?”

  “Runes have limits in many sequences, that which can be successfully invoked without fracturing a soul.” She quoted. “If you are doing to my chick as I said, she’ll break the dam I erected when she was an egg. Our clan is naturally powerful. Fifth most powerful overall out of thirty nine thousand clans. She was close enough already to be like me, but didn’t make the cut. As for harming others, no. It cannot be overcome unless from such a singular overwhelming emotion. Righteous hatred is the only way and Kanade doesn’t have the temperament to break that particular dam. She is a caregiver, not a warrior. Harming is tied to her emotions, not her strength or Spirit Energy. Nor can it be removed now that she is a woman grown.”

  “I need to blow off some steam.” He suddenly said to take his mind off everything.

  “As am I. Care to spar with me? I promise to go easy.” Valande cheerfully drummed her fingers on the golden hilt.

  “Emasculate me why don’t you.” He shook his head with exaggerated slowness.

  “Don’t let him fool you, Big Girl.” Floa inserted herself while Morgane watched on with amusement. “He’ll put you on your ass if you go easy. Fighting almost every day has gave him a rather sharp edge.”

  “So I witnessed when he did just that to Mikhale last night.”

  “Hold on, he hit Mikhale?” Floa peeled an infectious laugh. “Oh, that is rich!”

  “Floa Dear, would you mind taking us to the drawbridge first to collect his team?”

  “Since you asked so politely.” Floa grinned and brought their hands together.

  Instantly the terrain shifted from confined indoors to spacious outdoors. Morgane had been left behind, but the team sat by a hearth, aside from Blake who no longer meditated since he always found center by exactly eight in the morning. Ellen came forward to ask “Where is Kanade?”

  “Needing some space.” Valande said and her tone killed any elaboration further. “How would you like to see an old warrior in action against you leader? If you’re interested, come closer so Floa can send us to the sparring areas I spotted yesterday when I flew in.”

  It was an opportunity none could pass up. Seeing a legend in action.

  Meanwhile, Kanade was in her office upstairs telling all her fears and woes to the world’s best shrink. While she expressed verbally, he had her work physically. She chose to get started on a new project, one she recently learned was not beyond her reach anymore. Skilled fingers got to sewing something she would use as therapy and get through this new life hurdle. It did help as it wasn’t wrought with emotion though tears came often.

  Outside in the southern training area, a fair size crowd gathered, so far only those already out to hone skills. Ethan stretched to warm up and whisper small phrases to activate some minor protective spells in his jacket and pants. It was a suggestion by Ellen he could not pass up, for more than one reason. Valande went to the weapons rack and picked up a huge training longsword without a honed edge, but in her grip it was more of a short sword. Most watched mesmerized as she began flowing from one perfected form to the next that not
even Blake could hope to copy to such perfection. Like every warrior, Ethan watched her fluid transitions to get an idea how she fought and hoped to exploit weaknesses. He knew right away he was vastly outclassed, getting the sense he was back at square one and facing Blake for the first time. All his hard work seemed inconsequential just by watching the Enforcer moving and swinging that blade.

  A hand fell upon his shoulder, but he knew who it was by scent and didn’t look back. Kira said “You cannot be serious, Boyo. Just look at her. No wonder she is famous even in Spirit World. I’m already afraid.”

  “You’re not alone. Others smell like you do. Mostly other Witches.”

  “Smell like me, Boyo?” Kira asked, tucking a few strands of auburn hair behind an ear while green eyes searched his with curiosity.

  “Yeah, I have a greater sense of smell now. I can now distinguish the races by scent… well not Gargoyle yet. But since my team is so diverse, it helped. As for Val… well, at least she is the first decent Enforcer I’ve met and I’m actually itching to see how I compare.”

  “Luck.” She wished. “You’ll need it, Boyo.”

  “Thanks, Kira.” He said as she sashayed away to stand beside Magnus and Vina.

  “What a great morning to work out!” Valande sighed while flushed from her warm ups.

  “I still can’t believe you say that half naked during winter.” Ethan said as he approached a large sand circle.

  “Unlike my child, I love the cold. I grew up in the last Ice Age on this planet when your ancestors were still painting in caves.”

  “So I can crack any dinosaur jokes?”

  “Laugh it up, Child.” Valande said as she readied the dull blade.

  “Ekklandan.” He spoke the final sequence and over half the silver writings flashed in his jacket and pants, adding protection from any fatal blows and to dampen injury. To only his eyes he could see thin ripples covering everything, like a mirage. It was the way spells worked. Unless enough power made lights stay in the air, magic could not be seen by anyone other than the Caster.