02 Wrath of Flames Read online

Page 8

  What an understatement. He thought as the dove burrowed in his skin. It felt like hot wiggling worms crawling under the flesh as the bird looked like a realistic one on his forearm. “Why?”

  “Emergencies.” Tattoo revealed. “My power won’t activate without you saying ‘Tattoo, I need your help.’ Until all is sorted out I want you to keep it or unless Morgane can definitively prove you are in no danger. My power will make the dove come alive if you are in need. You live further away from the house than most. If something happens and you cannot be moved I’ll know though my tattoo and send help. Kanade can say the phrase too if you are unconscious. Like my spider earlier, I’m able to see and hear through my unique skill.”

  “Thank you then. This gives me peace of mind.” Kanade said with a small smile.

  “Husband, there you are!” Heads turned to find the Amazon queen approaching. Gra’s impressive seven foot tall stature was almost as impressive as her large muscles that still exuded a feminine side. Sitting upon a head of silky auburn hair was a gold circlet over commanding green eyes. She was indeed a beautiful warrior woman. Watermelon size breasts could not be completely covered though she wore custom made polished chainmail over a black bra that could be seen. A simple sword hung at her hip, but she was the queen of warrior women for good reason.

  Before greetings could be exchanged Ethan stepped forward to ask “Your Majesty, can I see Star-bolt?”

  The usual stern expression of the queen saddened. “Star is not taking visitors, but she did wish to have me tell you Storm-shadow’s death was not your fault.” The queen saw the man wipe tars from the eyes before they spilled. “Ah, so you know.”

  “Know what?” Blake asked during the silence.

  “My companion will not stay long among the living. Who told you Ethan?”

  “King Pegasus.” He admitted as the team reeled from the sad news.

  “Do not be sad for her. Though she does not know her time is ending, a Spirit Guide was kind enough to let me know she too is fated to spend eternity with Storm-shadow in the Fields of Rest. I will miss her dearly, but soul mates rarely live long after the death of their truest love. Take heart, Elemental. Star will have her baby and die, but she will exist with Storm-shadow. So long as souls survive, we never truly die.”

  “Thank you, your majesty.”

  “Babe, I need you to do something for me.” Tattoo abruptly changed the mood.

  “Yes?” she smiled at him.

  “Have a pushing contest with Ethan.”

  “Sure!” she plastered on a grin, always up to shove a man around, not even caring what her husband has up his sleeve.

  Kanade smirked and whispered in her man’s ear “Make me proud.”


  Before he could create a coherent thought his hands were grabbed by the Amazon queen and readied just like what Kanade had done earlier to say “Something is different about you… nevertheless I’m going to enjoy this.”

  Reacting to a shove, Ethan changed his stance before getting trampled and set aside all extraneous thoughts and focused on the woman trying to make a fool out of him. A challenging growl rumbled in his chest and the woman’s self assured smirk slowly began to fade when she didn’t outright win. She gave a grunt, Amazonian superpower surging though her limbs, but she wasn’t alone. Ethan’s own muscles bulged, tightening against his more fitting and simple attire. Gra gritted her teeth, her confidence being replaced by pride in strength no man can contend with. They were almost nose to nose as their hands tried getting the other to submit. Her pale and freckled complexion reddened almost as deeply as his.

  In a blink of an eye Ethan’s knees buckled and Gra yelled as she slammed him down on the polished granite, drew her sword and held it at his throat “What the hell are you!”

  “That’s enough, Gra.” Tattoo commanded but she didn’t move.

  Kanade on the other hand grabbed the sword by the blade and lifted the queen straight into the air and they looked at each other in the eye. “Calm yourself, Your Majesty.” She said in a calm tone, the razor sharp knife biting just deep enough to draw a small amount of blood.

  Gra calmed and smiled. “A fine man to bed you, Enchantress. You chose well. You can put me down now.” Ethan got to his feet and was surprised nobody else paid them any mind and was grateful. But as he rubbed a sore spot from being slammed down he paused when the pommel of a sword lifted his chin. “Elemental, my husband has explaining to do, but well done on nearly besting me in outright strength. Few males can boast half of what you made me use. I look forward to the day we battle.”

  “Uh.” Is all he could say before glaring when Kanade wiped a bloody hand on cloth. “Hurt Kanade again and I’ll set your hair on fire. Literally.”

  “You mean that. Good.” Gra put her blade away and tuned to her true love and smiled, but there wasn’t a touch of pleasantness. It spoke of anger all men learn at an early age that said ‘You are in serious trouble mister.’ “Husband, we need to talk. The rest of you are dismissed.”

  “Gladly.” Ethan went up to Kanade and looked at the wound to find her tough skin held up and the wound was minor. “Let’s get going.”

  “There you are!” Chimed a familiar spirited voice. Floa came around carrying a huge ceramic bottle in her hands. She had to grow to her usual five and a half feet to carry it, violet eyes dancing with mirth. Her smile waned and asked “What did I miss this time?”

  Nell bounced over as she fixed her thong and slapped her squad leader playfully on the back. “Never would I have believed it if I didn’t see it with my own to eyes! Ethan made Queen Gra use every ounce of power to throw him to the ground. Her face got so red I swore be might blow a vein or a few blood vessels in her eyes. If she were anyone else in the Amazon community they would have pissed themselves and still lost. I’ve never seen a man do that.”

  Floa was indeed speechless. “I miss all the good stuff. Give me a call next time, Girlfriend.”

  “Will do!” Nell moved over to the Pixie and smelled the contents of the bottle to grin. “You brought the good stuff.” Nell’s brown eyes turned around. “Boys, go get Cook to give us a few barrels and catch up.” She grabbed Floa’s arm and Kanade’s unharmed hand to drag them away with Ellen and Kira laughing.

  “Not bad.” Magnus slapped Ethan’s back approvingly. “This makes it clear that next to Kanade you are the strongest of our team both in physical and Spiritual power. All this excitement is making me thirsty and hungry.”

  “Same here.” Blake hissed a laugh. “But I’m going to collect Reevy if she isn’t drunk already and meet you there.”

  “Sounds good.” Ethan said as he rubbed the sore areas again. Blake melded into the party rocking the First House.

  Not long after, the two men went to the nearest table and the Elemental asked “Cook, you there?”

  “You know I always am.” The green glowing chef laughed.

  “I wanted to say thank you for the delicious food. That stew was especially spot hitting.”

  “Thanks are always appreciated. What can I do for you?”

  Magnus said “We’re going to have a private party with Vitalli and Ellen and would like a few barrels of ale and snacks.”

  “Yes, but I’m hungry again.” Ethan admitted. “You mind making me seconds of what you did earlier? I liked it that much.”

  “Hold on, you ate everything I made earlier?” She was incredulous.

  Red crept up his neck and cheeks. “Most of it. And I’m hungry again for more… if there is any to spare.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you are still hungry it is simply your body saying it was starving. Besides, we never run out of food or drinks here. Go find a cart and I’ll whip up another feast.”

  “Cook, you are the best.”

  “Don’t you forget it!” she laughed, the lone violet eye dancing with mirth.

  Soon enough there was a loaded cart filled with one large oak barrel filled with ale and the top stacked with m
outhwatering foods waiting to be massacred. A wave of thanks came right after from both had Cook disappearing into thin air with a cheerful giggle.

  Travel to the expansive Centaur archway inside the massive house took a quarter hour and moments after turning down the hall came Blake calling, holding Reevy’s clawed hand. She wore simple slacks and twin daggers at the small of her back and nothing more. Like a human woman, she had impressive breasts, but no nipple as her scaly heritage matched her mate’s pearly underbelly. She stole a chicken leg off the tray and grinned before getting started, her strong jaw chewing through bone like a cracker.

  Ellen’s apartment, or stable as most Centaurs and Pegesai prefer, was on the first floor and about halfway down from the main hall which meant Ethan would need to cut back through the main hall since this area was on the west side and not northeast like the Ogre’s area closest to the main path he needed to take home. Blake knocked on the door and Ellen opened it, heavy metal music blaring from inside. Ethan was taken aback, completely assuming Ellen’s choice of music would be more opera or classical, not this. Not Metal. The mare let them in and introduced Vitalli, her husband who gave Ethan a steely glance before finding him not a threat to his woman. Vitalli was imposing though he couldn’t stand as his left foreleg had a thick bandage tightly binding a serious wound that did little to make the man seem weakened in any way. It helped when Kanade got up off the floor and offered a shot of Floa’s nectar which was the sweetest concoction of all time that he choked to regain breath. The room laughed at his reaction of lightheadedness before falling hard on his ass. “Whoa.”

  Food spread and Magnus filled mugs from the barrel, passing around the frothy brew. Before it got started, Ellen turned down the music and all eyes turned to the Fire Elemental to expect a speech. He sighed and had enough faculty to stare at the room of serious faces. He held up his beer and said “We drink a toast to the friends we make and to promise those we lose along the way that they aren’t forgotten and one day we’ll all meet up again. Though I didn’t know anyone who died three days ago, I do know one. Prince Storm-shadow. He was my companion and first friend I made here. He died saving me and I promise to never ruin the sacrifice. You’ve become my friends and I want to say I’m going to get stronger so not anyone I know will die because of incompetence. Tonight we celebrate the dead finding peace, but tomorrow is a new day that will change me.”

  “Well spoken.” Vitalli gruffly said in a baritone.

  “Here here!” Nell raised her mug while sitting directly in her husband’s lap.

  Drinks tipped and the party began.

  “Daaarlin’, I’m hooorny. Gimme your” she hiccupped. “cock!” Kanade slurred as she shoved a hand down his pants and stroked the shaft.

  The party lasted four hours, but everyone turned their head at Kanade’s failed attempt at a whisper. Floa fell back, kicking her bare green feet in the air as her large wings shook with each giggle. Nell was already passed out drunk, draped over Ellen’s equestrian back.

  Completely and utterly forgetting how easily aroused she gets when plastered, he groaned. Ethan felt a bit buzzed, but not so out of it compared to Kanade’s lazy gaze, rosy red nose and blushing cheeks. Hiccupping now and again in the cutest way. She wet her lips as her hand stroked him in front of the others who were full of liquor too. His own hands quickly pulled hers out without exposing himself, to hear her whimper in dissatisfaction. She had been drinking Floa’s special nectar more than even the Pixie, as well as downing ten full mugs of mead. To everyone else he got up and said “And that is enough I think. We’re going home now, My Angel. Guys, thanks for the party. I needed it… we all did.”

  “Stop by anytime, Elemental.” Vitalli said, stroking a short thick beard. “When I’m better I want that brawl you promised.”

  “And if I win you have to teach me how to track Lamia.”

  “And when I do, you have to give me all your Final Fantasy’s and buy me a Playstation.”

  Ethan nodded and the two shook at the forearms. He turned and found Kanade trying to take her top off, fingers fumbling. Acting quick. He grabbed the umbrella and tossed it through Dress who promised the storm had passed. “Up we go!” Ethan easily lifted and threw Kanade over his shoulder.

  She giggled. “You gonna spank me?”

  “Later.” He promised while holding her legs, her right wing lay oddly over his right shoulder, giving enough of a space to walk safely out the door. It closed automatically behind them and the silence was refreshing. And just as it settled, Kanade’s muscles went slack and a gentle snore had him chuckling.

  Out like a light. He found out and laid her down, positioned her on her back before taking both limp arms and pulling her tall body up so she was riding piggyback. In sleep, she nuzzled his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist to sigh. He cupped her firm rear end and walked the hall to give a few nods to those who called out. Saw a group of Nymphs having an orgy with a few Gargoyles, Ogres, a few Pixies and a man or two. He passed by them quickly before getting sucked in. Kanade’s state might be enough to put on a show she’d regret sober.

  Not a moment too soon he walked out into the cool Scottish air smelling thick with rain and cool meadows. It was still extremely dark so he pictured a flame five feet above his head. Tingling all over announced Spirit Energy at work and the curtain of darkness receded in a hurry in the wake of floating fire. Kanade’s weight had slowly gotten heavier, but he cherished her more than the burden. And so he walked along the paths.

  She was passed out the entire time and needed constant adjustments to stay there, but thankfully her legs around his waist took off some strain. Ethan, about an hour later in the walk noticed the soaked hoof prints of King Pegasus and a thought sent a fireball away over a hundred yards into a thick meadow, but the king wasn’t mourning there further.

  Metal clanging on metal grew louder as they made it home. The two story granite building covered in soot was a welcome relief after such a hard day. Racks of weapons yet to be completed had braved the weather, some having done so for weeks before any finishing touches could be done. The large front door had a flickering glow beneath, but not from a normal fire. Still, he went right and took the stairs newly built of stone to his apartment and touched the rune keyed to his spirit-signature so it opened of its own accord. Inside he used the fire that guided to light the fireplace before being let go. Flickering lights were just enough to make the room glow romantically. Immediately he laid his beloved in bed, pulled off her sneakers and his own as well. He covered her up and then came a mewling ‘Row’ that sounded more statement than question in cat-speech.

  Panther had come out of nowhere, a large black cat who came into their lives recently and made Kanade happy when it was discovered Panther saw Ethan as his owner. The sleek feline sprung silently into the bed as only a cat could, but then walked up and kneaded Kanade’s breasts before curling up among those wondrous hills to give him a look that said ‘So what are you going to do about it?’ Those expressive blue eyes could be so uncaring at times and then so expressive it made Ethan often chuckle at the intelligence, as it did now. He reached forward to scratch Panther under the neck. “Did you kill any mice or are you being lazy and want the fresh salmon strips your mama always spoils you with?”

  Among the strong purring the cat ‘meowed’ his answer.

  “Coming right up. A good boy who does his business outside and doesn’t mark up my home with cat piss deserves treats.”

  Ethan moved over to the kitchenette off next to Dress who offered a sultry wink and teasing smirk. It was a rather recent addition that came in handy. He fished out the bottle of purple glowing liquid, put it in the refrigerator and pulled out a wrapped package of fresh salmon to cut a few slices before putting them in a saucer. Panther didn’t move from the heavenly breasts. “Fine, I’ll cater to you then.” And placed it on Kanade’s exposed navel to which Panther stretched a paw and pulled it closer. “Lazy cat.” He humored. “Take care of her for me for

  Panther’s whiskers twitched before Ethan grabbed safety glasses and earplugs.

  Ringing became louder as he stepped downstairs as he put on the clear glasses that seemed tighter, but only because of what happened.

  He knocked before opening the door. “Master?”

  Standing over by the quenching tanks was none other than Celestia, a Phoenix, a fire bird slightly larger than an ostrich, but one of the deadliest forces in the universe. Red and golden feathers glistened as fire eternally bathed her from beak to talon. She stood eight feet tall, glowing emerald eyes, a curved beak, powerful wings with three calloused fingers at the wing joins and had an attitude to match her appearance. Long tail feathers looked more like a rainbow’s curvature and was stunning. She stood tall and majestic, a queen without peer. She is also the most recognized Forgemaster on Earth and likely anywhere else. Her weapons and armor have no equal and rarely has someone become her apprentice due to high standards few ever meet, if they can stand being near her.

  Being a Fire Elemental has serious advantages.