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02 Wrath of Flames Page 7

  “Ready, Darlin’?” Kanade asked slowly.

  “No, but I won’t be.” He admitted and Blake approved with a small jerk of his scaly head.

  “Remember, it will be faster if you breathe everything out first. Your lungs will not hurt as much.” Morgane prompted at the foot of the tub as well.

  ‘Haaa’ emptied every shred of air from his lungs and screwed his eyes shut. Kanade gently pushed him under and his back soon felt locked to the bottom. Clawed hands pressed on the hips while Ogre fingers squeezed.

  Fear that it was happening again came back, but he focused on the tingling of his body which told his Spirit Energy was beginning to make fire. Acting quick and focusing on it, he stopped his power from boiling them raw.

  Burning in his lungs triggered an instinctive response to surface and take a lifesaving gulp. He fought, but the force holding him down was greater than he could exert.

  No! he mentally screamed as his mouth opened to gasp and a rush of water flowed down his throat and into his lungs, causing a massive spasm to expel it. It was like he was under a seizure, the shakes violently struggling and weakened. Bubbles broke the sloshing surface, just a few that remained. The next breath was just as difficult.

  Several more intakes had muscles settle to mere shaking. Eventually stopping altogether. Eyes slowly opened as a lover’s caress brushed a cheek to find the water still made the persons’ being gazed upon to be fuzzy, distorted. Really? I’m breathing? It’s a lot harder to breathe, but not impossible. Kanade said something and grips slacked. Can’t talk, but I can just barely hear what is said. “Kanade, if you’re reading my mind look at me.” Ethan thought and her face turned back in his direction to tell she was and he assumed she smiled. “Tell them…”

  “He says it isn’t easy, but he is not goin’ to struggle anymore. He’s thinkin’ his thanks for all your help and will relax as best he can. And I too give thanks.”

  “We’ll be outside the door if you need us.” Blake said.

  “Why don’t y’all go get some rest. It’s going to take a few hours.” Kanade said.

  “Unless there is an emergency, we won’t leave our squad leader. He’d be here for us.” Blake insisted. “By now everyone in the whole house knows where we are. Nell already left to go check on Vina with her sister and Odin is being punished by Floa and is looking after Blossom. We’ll be just outside if you need us.”

  Kanade smiled as the two men stepped out. “Lady Morgane, you do not have to stay.”

  “On the contrary.” The woman sat down after magically sliding a chair next to the see-through tub with Ethan looking at them both, his chest rising and falling with slow effort to keep in control. “I need to stay close for now in event of any further unforeseen complications. Ethan is under my care and I’m the best Witch to react to many situations. I’ve not become High Witch through slacking or as Americans say ‘Doing things half-assed.’ I’m as thorough as a person can be. And until I can fully comprehend exactly what is happening in him, I’ll not rest much. I’ve already sent off Ethan second vial of blood for every test ever conceived so as to discover the extent of his condition and create treatment options. We need to find every bloody clue so if my theories aren’t fact I’ll not look a fool if I’m wrong. By tomorrow I’ll get my results and see what is said. If it can be cured I’ll do my…”

  “But neither of us want the cure unless you have proof his life is in danger. He wants to slow down progress, not reverse or stop it.” The Enchantress took the other seat and put her hand on the glass and he pressed his hand against it too.

  “And I will let you do so if it is your wish, but only so long as there isn’t definitive proof to being a detriment to his health.”

  “That is all we ask.” She smiled to the clear glass and his eyes moved. “He wants to know that when all settles when he can try and see about learnin’ about how to use magics. He can hear a bit so if we speak up he won’t feel left out. Apparently you told him you’d get back when an openin’ in a schedule could be found to teach.”

  “I haven’t forgotten.” The woman leaned back to tap her tablet absently and raised her voice some for his benefit. “It’s rare to teach a full grown adult. Difficult too. He will require one on one teaching over a class, but if he indeed does have an ancestor from your species, I doubt my skills will be enough. Likely you will find faster results by teaching personally. Since you share everything as proper soul mates, he will learn more rapidly for a goal. Promise something he wants as an incentive to get. Teach as you once were. Start with the basics and see how much he can withstand without fracturing his soul. If you need help, ask Kira since she was one of my brightest students and she is skilled in her own right. I’ll speak with Merlin if he may be available to guide him in illusions and harmful aspects of magic men dominate over us while we excel in curses and more potent potions. You know the warning signs when a certain level of runes is too much. Begin with mundane, common runes a Caster child first learns.

  “We will still often see each other if you make it your mission to accompany Ethan to be scanned every day. I’m making him my eight a.m. appointment for the foreseeable future. I’ll document all further changes and take daily blood samples to chart the development happening.”

  “He’s also askin’ what he owes you for the treatment. He listened about water from Mermaid Lake being expensive. He doesn’t yet know what has happened to our account yet.” She said the last part more quietly.

  “There is no cost. I’m treating him as a research subject I set aside each year personal funds for. Until he stabilizes, he is not only a patient, but a subject of study for future references. I alone, as will the both of you, will have full access to these records. We know not what changes will happen, or if it will stop. As I said, I’m thorough.” The woman smiled while Kanade offered one as well.

  “So what do you wish to talk of next?”

  “A recent sexual escapade you had in here actually. I want a blow by blow if it were.” Morgane was serious, but remained her usual composed self. “I felt his tongue, but I doubt you’ve tasted regular male semen to compare against Ethan’s to be neutral. Information, no matter how mundane even in your sex life, will shed light. Tell me exactly what he usually does compared to what you recently did in here. One day you shall see that even the most insignificant things in life will shed the brightest light.”

  Silence stretched and became uncomfortable for Kanade, but Morgane was an extremely patient woman and would not force an issue without reason. The Enchantress eventually sighed. “Our very first night together was after Ethan returned from Kira’s punishment for what she did. I set the mood so it would be romantic, even wearin’ a corset and a miniskirt with embroidered stockin’s. He took me after I revealed I wore no underwear, burst into flames and threw me to the bed and…”

  After her voice was exhausted from explaining every detail she remembered and they ate in the room, Kanade heard the smaller woman who barely reached her ribcage say “He has been under for two hours.”

  “Finally.” Came the grateful response and Kanade knocked on the glass to which Ethan looked towards and saw her tapping a wrist as if she wore a watch

  About time! He thought, expressed as much liquid as he could and leaned up. ‘Huk! Huk! Huk!’ he coughed painfully on air, throwing mist with each reaction. The tub’s high walls did little to stop from soaking the floor.

  Embarrassingly massive belches that would make even Odin himself give a standing ovation ripped free. He gave an apologetic look to the two standing women, but the shorter one said “Completely natural. Burp as much as you must otherwise you’ll have a serious case of hiccups for the rest of the night.” Not that he could stop if it were possible.

  Eventually things abated and he carefully got out to receive another towel to say “I hope I do not have to go through that again.”

  “If it worked you won’t.” Came the professional reply. “Lay down for another scan. If all goes well I’l
l have the water purified once more so you may drink a quarter liter each day till the changes are complete.”

  For ten tense minutes Ethan was scanned. The tablet beeped right after the glass dome completed everything. “Well?” Kanade near yelled and so wanted to snatch the portable computer from Morgane’s grasp.

  Instead of answering immediately, the woman snapped her fingers to have the dome lift. She said “Ethan, you may put your clothes back on. I’ll tell the both of you the results as soon as you can get comfortable.”

  A grateful sigh escaped him as he hopped into a pair of loose boxers and pants. The fit was much better than before and the long sleeves was made perfect. Shoes can wait. He thought and stood behind Kanade’s chair, placing his hands on her tense shoulders which relaxed from the connection. “We’re ready.”

  Morgane tapped her tablet before turning it around to show a side by side comparison titled ‘Scan 1, October 2nd 12:46.’ And ‘Scan 2, October 2nd 19:23’ “According to your first result you were six foot eight and a quarter inches tall. The second puts you at six foot eight and within a gnat’s eyelash of three quarters. In just seven hours you’ve grown nearly another half inch.” The couple were equally speechless. “But there is good news I’m pleased to say.” She finally smiled and brought up brain activity. “Right here where I’ve highlighted are the pituitary glands and is what is responsible for the rapid growth. I’m relieved it worked as that area the potion targeted has slowed its hormonal excretions within readable parameters. In a few days I’ll take another blood sample just to make sure, but you’ll grow about as fast, maybe marginally faster, than a Pixy’s progeny. Your body is too laced still, but at this level I’m far less worried. The growths haven’t changed enough to be read, but again, that is good news.”

  All the will that kept him standing vanished as he dropped painfully to his knees. “Thank you so much, Morgane!” Then before she knew what happened he hugged the Witch and made her let out a rare burst of laughter and patted his back. Kanade was also grateful and joined the embrace. After, he apologized and she waved him off. “So what’s next?”

  “Kanade will explain again what we discussed as well as your questions when you return home if there was anything you missed. Take the quarter liter of potion home and drink it when you come for breakfast. I left it by her shoes. Other than that I’ll release you to get plenty of rest and I will do the same.”

  “Thanks again.” He said and she got up to leave as they were putting on their shoes. They heard ‘You can go in if you want.’ and hooves approaching.

  “Well?” Floa flitted in first before the team all crowded.

  “She believes my growing will slow!” he grinned.

  “Tis glorious news!” Ellen laughed, her ample bosom jiggling. “Now let us go downstairs and get drunk off our flanks.”

  “I’m up for it!” Kanade seconded. “After today’s excitement I’m up for a few dozen pints.”

  “That’s the spirit!” Ellen slapped Kanade’s wing more than the back, but was good enough. “What says the whole team?”

  “I’m willing to go blind.” Magnus chipped in.

  “I’ll go get my fermented nectar from five centuries ago. You will all love it!” Floa clapped and disappeared.

  “Speaking of teams.” Kira said and looked up to Ethan and Kanade. “I’ve thought long and hard about it, but I’ve never felt so accepted in a squad before with all you lads. Ethan, as squad leader I’d like your permission to make my position in yours permanent as Supporter. Will you let me be the team’s Witch?”

  He asked “I thought you already were?”

  “So did I.” Kanade said in confusion.

  “Morgane allowed her come on a probationary status from the earlier er… issue.” Nell tactfully put it. “Until Ethan says yes and tells Tattoo she’s on this team, her pay for hunts and missions will remain halved and can be dismissed from the team by the leader if she doesn’t work out. If you accept her, she gets what we all do and can challenge being let go if she doesn’t want to. Right now she is in this team’s bottom of the ladder. For instance if you told her to wipe your ass and she doesn’t, you can dismiss her. Making her a permanent member means she can tell you ‘Fuck No!’ and can make the team as a whole vote to keep her or send her packing.”

  “In that case, Kira, welcome aboard. I’ll talk to Tattoo when I get the chance.”

  “Done!” rolled past the very man in question.

  “That was weird.” Ethan laughed.

  “Not so much.” Magnus said with a smirk. “He was being seen next door for the grafts on his legs. We talked for awhile before getting seen. He’ll want to see you sometime tomorrow though.”

  “That’s why I brought it up.” Kira admitted. “And thank you for hiring me.”

  “Enough talk. Let us drink till we cannot think.” Ellen said, turning around.

  “Right to the point. I really like her.” Kanade threw out and took Ethan’s hands when all were leaving after the Centaur.

  “Most find that to be true.” Ellen laughed in vanity while tucking her sandy blonde hair behind an ear.

  “Ellen, how is your family?” Ethan asked.

  The Centaur woman continued walking while looking over her shoulder. “My husband took a few serious wounds from a reanimated corpse of one of his fallen teammates, but will make a full recovery within the week. My husband is a stubborn one so I’d give it three days before he’s chomping at the bit to go out.”

  “From what I’ve learned of Centaurs, especially stallions, he’ll insist to be let out to roam tomorrow. Blake, how did Reevy do?” The Fire Elemental asked.

  “Not a scratch. Next to my father Crait and my mother, Reevy is right after me in this house in terms of blademasters. Her twin daggers are near impossible to see and if she slides serrated razors on her tail, she is one mighty female. I could never find a better mate to give me young.”

  “Well if Vitalli Quiethoof is stuck in bed why don’t we have a private party in Ellen’s stable?” Nell said as her pointed ears were revealed as she bounced. “Bring Reevy as well.”

  “Inviting yourself again Nell?” Ellen’s tail swished.

  “Like you would rather be out celebrating in the hall with everyone already passed out drunk or starting a brawl? We all know you’d rather have a smaller drinking party and your quarters are the largest.”

  “Tis true.” Ellen nodded as they all turned the corner to find Tattoo signing something at the front desk. “My stallion would likely prefer good company and maybe a brawl with Ethan.”

  “With me?” he asked incredulously. “Why me?”

  The centaur laughed. “When Nell and Magnus visited my Vitalli yesterday she told him how you bested me by hugging me with your face buried in my breasts to knee me in my chest to knock the wind from me. He feels it was a dishonorable groping to fondle me.”

  “Awe man!” Ethan moaned and the team laughed. “Doesn’t he realize it wasn’t like that?”

  Ellen’s beautiful expression tried holding in a laugh and barely succeeded. “But of course. There are few ways to bring my kind down, but Vitalli as I said, is stubborn. Nell, I believe you are right. My husband might enjoy company and a stiff drink… and meeting the man who toyed with my heart knowing full well I belong to another.”

  “Hey! Hey! Hey! No fair, Ellen. No way in hell am I going into the lion’s den with a raw porterhouse hanging around my neck.”

  Tension accumulated from today evaporated as Magnus poked Ethan in the back with the umbrella while snorting like a horse and roared in laughter as Ethan jumped a few feet in the air, still holding onto her hand. All except the Elemental laughed till it was so infectious there was no other alternative. “You’re an ass.” Ethan told the Ogre who returned the large umbrella to the owner.

  Kanade though met Ellen’s gaze as they stood about the same height to ask “So you mean to say my angel didn’t arouse you with his head is your bosom then? I like it when he does it to m
e. His beard tickles just the right way.”

  Ellen shrugged as she pressed the button for the elevator. “You’ll never get me to admit it, Enchantress. But I too find my husband’s short beard erotic when in the right places.”

  “I’ve discovered that too.” Kanade admitted.

  The shiny door went ‘Ding!’ and opened. As they all came in they heard “You all seem in much better spirits now.” Tattoo called as he pushed on black rubber tires to glide in their direction.

  “Helps hearing at least one thing won’t kill me within the next few hours.” Ethan said, keeping the umbrella carrying arm out so as to have the elevator doors remain open. Tattoo nodded his thanks and expertly slipped in and looked up to each face. “I just hope the newly discovered growths don’t turn cancerous.”

  “And if they do we have Pixies who will easily use Translocation to clap cancer right out and make potions to expel any harmful cells.” The heavily tattooed man in a wheelchair stated a fact. “You are in good hands, Kid. After all it is the least we can do after you saving our asses.”

  Changing the subject, Ethan asked “Tattoo, it’s been bugging me for awhile. May I ask how you broke your legs a few months ago?”

  “Sure. I’m not shy about it. Oh, I’m going down too for a few drinks.” He said when the elevator didn’t move. Kanade pressed the button. “Breaking my legs was my own damn fault. That and impatience.” The recently clean shaven man grinned. “Gra told me no, but I did it anyway. You see, for about three decades I’ve been confine to a wheelchair and husband to the strongest Amazon queen in six hundred years. I’m six foot two, but only when we lay in bed together do I feel less broken because our heights are a little more evenly matched. Couple years ago I made a pet project. Ethan, you know…”

  “Yeah, my mom was interested in walking too. You’re talking about an exoskeletal suit aren’t you? Bone deterioration from sitting for years makes bones brittle.”

  “Finally someone who understands!” the door went ‘Ding!’ again and they all exited to a loudly partying hall. Many were dancing, drinking and many crowded around fights and bets being placed. “Yes, I made a suit, but it malfunctioned as I was walking down two steps and hit the ground before Gra caught me and the impact is what broke my femurs and left knee. I’m currently taking bone supplements, a potion twice a week and so far a coral grafted in my bone is taking well in repairing the damage as well as reinforcing the rods and pins in my legs till they become unnecessary. The healers said in about two months I’ll be ready to try walking in my suit again. Meanwhile I’ve got a few more bugs to fix in the suit’s software, but when it is done I’ll finally be ready to fight alongside my wife even without my powers. By the way, Ethan hold your hand out.” Kanade let go and he did as asked. “I’m going to loan you a dove.” Tattoo rolled up a sleeve and upon his outer bicep a white dove pulled free from his skin and flitted to Ethan’s wrist. “Be ready, this will feel a little weird.”