03 Atavism of the Ifrit Read online

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  “They were glowing blue only around the irises, not the whole eyeball… Like mine glow.”

  “Whew, don’t scare me like that.” She said in relief and got back to the expansion project. “Yes, I figured it out when I overwhelmed Moth… I mean Valande’s wards and put her right to sleep.” She corrected herself, trying to break old habits that had broken her gentle heart. “The power I got from you draggin’ me along lets me do it. I never used a fist before, but the spells I’m makin’ are effortless, if a tad slower than using a finger. It feels good actually. Easy. You better fix this place to withstand us as we are now.”

  “Done done it while we were in bed. I reinforced the noise, flame and vibration canceling spells should we come under attack so soon. I even fixed up the hammock. I just didn’t have time to set up expansion protocols you taught me. That takes hours.”

  “Not anymore.” Kanade giggled as if she wanted to cry. “Our abilities allow us to do things much much faster. We’ve transcended mortal boundaries.”

  “I’m still not clear by what that even means.”

  “There, that should do it.” She slapped a hand on the rune riddled wall and instead of continuing to expand at a snail’s pace it spread and stretched the entire area to a comfortable standing room. The hammock lifted from six feet off the ground to ten while everything else stayed relatively the same. Objects like the refrigerator, sink, shower and tables were dragged along with the wall in the expansion, but were otherwise unaffected in the alteration and would be remedied at a later time. She spun around quickly, her lovely dress flared around bare ankles. “It’s our minds mostly, Darlin’.” She explained. “Before today, we could think of about two hundred and fifty or so thoughts at any one time. Now we are havin’ trillions. No mortal can sustain that level for even a moment without fracturin’ their very soul. That means we can choose to do over a trillion things at any given second. And when we focus on one specific thing we process information instantly and never forget. It’s how I’m not still bawlin’ in bed… I’ve gotten over most of it already. If I weren’t carryin’ your blood I’d be like Death, Fate and the other celestial being’s and be able to spread my form out to be in trillions of places at once. The universe is a big place, but not so much when you have this kind of power. The Demon blood we have keeps us contained, but all that power means we’ll be near impossible to kill. If you wanted you could read the minds of every human and animal on this whole planet and be able to understand it all. All without a shred of confusion. With that same thought, you could kill them without liftin’ a finger.” She looked at him sadly. “It’s why we have no choice other than to leave. Not just because of the Accords, but because we are too powerful here. One tiny little oversight will kill everyone and everythin’. Even if you weren’t here, I’m just as capable of murderin’ this world and don’t need to do anythin’. Only the ancient infinite worlds of Spirit or Demon can house us without risk.”

  “Oh… that certainly clears it up.” He said in all seriousness. Not even he would chance staying a moment longer than necessary with that knowledge. He wouldn’t be the cause of total extinction on a world he was born to.

  Kanade beamed as she read his thoughts, glad her man hadn’t changed in the slightest after all that happened. Large, loving and clear golden irises took in every inch of him and asked “You sure you fixed this place up proper?”

  “See for yourself.” He transferred the memory of all he did to the barrier in an instant and she understood it just as fast. “Why?” He asked back the moment after ending the last sentence.

  “Take a wild guess.” She said as she snapped her fingers and her dress blew up over her head and automatically folded itself on the floor next to her.

  Ethan’s ruby red eyes glazed over with lust as he watched her thick sapphire mane tumble down with the ringlets falling over perky pink breasts and pearled nipples aching for his immediate attention. She put one hand on a round hip and the fire in the fireplace behind her made her skin glitter more than usual and her wings seem to have an orange flickering outline. Her full lips quirked as she put one foot in front of the other and snapped her fingers again and he jumped a little as the front door and shutters slammed loudly shut. At that moment she was more than an angel and he responded as anyone in their right mind would. She kept reading his thoughts and said “Flattery will get you everywhere, Darlin’.” Her demure fingers combed through his bare chest hair. “Soft as puppy fur.” Kanade made a quick motion and before he knew it she slid off his gauntlets and forearm shield to toss them up on the upper shelf. He held still and let her work, just as she wanted. “The belt is good, but your pants are ruined and need to go.” She said as she slowly unbuckled the buckle and jerked it out through the loops, grabbed the falling sword kept at his lower back and tossed the two also up on the second level. A rip alerted Ethan that Kanade shredded what remained of his tattered pants and threw the scraps on the floor. His eyes locked on her tongue as she licked her full lips. “Mercy. I’m goin’ to be feelin’ sore from that.” She said huskily as her hands explored his legs. “Your chest hair is as soft as your leg.”

  Ethan felt the need to turn around and walk away and did so. She’s just pushing herself to make me feel better. There is no way she can be turned on by these gross changes. For goodness sakes, I’m hideous now.

  “And just where do you think you’re goin’?” He came to an abrupt halt as she got a grip on his tail and yanked with the strength to topple mountains. “I heard that thought you tried to hide from me. I reckon you think I’m tryin’ to make you feel better.” He didn’t turn around as she wrapped his tail around her wrist and use the tip of her index finger of the other hand to glide up and down the smooth tail right up to the base of it. Internally she giggled seeing him shiver. “You can’t be further from the truth. I’m so turned on right now I can’t hold back. Even your ass looks like red velvet I want to brush against. The fur goes right up to your tapered waistline and just stops. Look at me.” He sighed and did so, but she didn’t release her grasp of his spade shaped crimson devil’s tail. Her eyes bored into his without a shred of remorse. “You’re the most beautiful male specimen I’ve ever seen. Panther is right, you are beautiful. Men are supposed to be big, hairy beasts. But you take it to an extreme that is makin’ me ache more than usual. It gives me all kinds of naughty ideas I’m plannin’ to make reality. I do not find one fault with any part of your new look. I wouldn’t lie about this even if it was possible. I know you smell the cream between my legs slick all for you… but for me mostly.”


  “Hush.” She shushed with a finger over his lips, her eyes sparkling and full of desire. “No buts, My Angel. I’m your wife. Your soul mate. If I think your being an idiot you know I’ll damn well be the first to tell you. So believe me when I say I love your new look. Here’s one benefit I discovered already.”

  Kanade let go of his tail and with both hands she reached up and grabbed his horns on both sides, just behind the first ones that curled around in a loop. Like a perfect handhold fit just for her hands between the next sharp set of ivory daggers she pulled his head down as she stretched a bit up onto her toes and felt the world vanish with sparks flying as soon as her lips met his. Power cycled with no beginning or end. They both gasped and she felt strong hands sneak their way down to her silky hips and drew her forward till her lower belly was pressed up against his hot body beginning to spark silvery flames. Her lips parted first and she made a soft whimpering moan in the back of her throat as a coarse, rough and yet gentle tongue found its way in to wage war on hers. Her grip tightened on his horns as she pulled him further closer so he couldn’t leave. As his tongue pulled away, hers tore off after it so it wouldn’t lose its only loving companion.

  Eventually the bodies needed air and his forehead rested on hers to share breath. Still the sizzle of energy felt exciting. Ethan was the first to rumble “Damn.” And she hummed sweetly like a fragile crystal bell ‘Mmmh

  Aching in her chest had Kanade brush her glass cutting nipples over his wide chest and felt so good she wanted to cry. Sensing this, Ethan’s long tail wrapped around her lower back to keep her close so his hands could weave through her hair, grip her head and deeply kiss her so that he could hear her arousing moans all over again. It didn’t take all that much effort to make her beg. When it was impossible to take any more she pulled back and let her shaking knees finally buckle to the ground.

  From there he gasped as she took his now huge shaft already ready, but she opened wide and consumed him. Her long tongue was wicked, soft and warm and knew exactly what it was doing. This wasn’t a chore for her. She enjoyed it almost as much as he did. They were together earlier in the day before the attack, but not like this. Never had it felt so amazing for both of them. Sensations were on an entirely new plane of existence. She worked him with increasing speed till his muscles squeezed and he roared while bursting into flames. She hummed as he flowed down her throat and licked her lips. “Like thick molten white chocolate of the richest variety. It tastes better than this mornin’.” She swallowed his come eagerly and swooned all over again.

  Unable to let her have all the fun Ethan scooped her with a squeak into the hammock and laid her half on while taking to his knees too. Kanade gasped as his rough tongue found the swollen folds between her legs. It was sweet nectar mixed with cinnamon. Her legs wrapped around his shoulders, but not the wings. Her hips bucked with each brutal assault to her clit and dive into her channel, unable to control it. Her moaning pants turned to a thrashing as she became wetter for readiness. Slender fingers wrinkled the red bed sheets as a climax built higher and higher under expert ministrations till she screamed in release and convulsed in orgasm. Tearing shredded the crimson sheets. As her release cooled she lazily said “I want you in me now.”

  Too happy to oblige in the fiery room he stood and smoothly entered her as a vortex around his member naturally enhanced the experience for her.

  Always for her. For her alone. Forever.

  Kanade’s back arched as she gasped, feeling him stretch her to the very exquisite limit till she wrapped her legs around his rather narrow waist, sat up, grabbed his horns and threw him back on the floor with a heavy crash. Her wings half spread as she moaned “Yes. YES!!!” as her hips began gyrating around and around. Ethan’s deep resonating growl was pleased as her breasts bounced each time he thrust up from below and made her eyes roll up into her skull and her sharp nails cut into his chest to bring on the blood. Whirling fire caressed her like millions of soft, warm feathers and the heat lifted and blew her hair all over in the most beautiful way only a supermodel could pull off in a picture. Her eyes snapped to the front as he folded his wedged tail and gently pushed it up her ass. She smiled “Much… much better.” Then she threw her head back and moaned louder as he repeatedly brought her to whole new heights over and over again. As her orgasm stripped her sense of reality she came down with her lips pulled back almost in a snarl as her teeth tore into his collarbone and broke the skin to access his blood. There was no pain, just satisfaction he did good and this was the reward. His own teeth tore into her slender neck, making her moan while her hips matched him blow for blow. All thoughts were on exquisite sensation.

  Ethan scooped her up and pressed her into the wall, making her scream and thrash in ecstasy as her nails shredded his back, but the momentary pain just made him thrust harder.

  Eventually his own release arrived and he drove to the hilt. His didn’t have to wait long as Kanade’s automatic orgasm went on lockdown at the first taste of semen flooded inside her womb like an avalanche. She clamped down, unable to release through will alone. It was her body’s way of making sure of she’d become pregnant if the time was right. Sweat slicked both their bodies as they panted forehead to forehead, her legs still wrapped possessively around his waist. She soon began licking the flowing blood from her several love bites, making sweet, soft noises while doing so. He grabbed her firm ass and carried her over to the fireplace as his flames had died down slowly. He sat while crossing his legs so she could sit on them and wrapped his massive wings around them both.

  Then she leaned back with a lazy smile while wiping some blood off her breasts. “See? Nothin’s really changed except I’ve got great handholds now for leverage to kiss and fuck you silly.” Kanade rubbed her fingers over his horns with affection. “Can you feel me touchin’ them?”

  “Not really. Just a slight pressure at my temples. They are bone or ivory I think.” He said while holding her hips, enjoying the current of electricity immensely. “… Your wings are more beautiful now. Do they tingle now that they give off light?”

  Hair bounced as she shook her head. “Nope. They feel normal to me. I find them pretty.”

  “They’ve always been pretty.”

  She smiled at that. “Those hooked spikes at the topmost joint of your wings, can you move then like a finger like Celestia?”

  “A little.” He wiggled the digit. “They are more like wall-hooks. They aren’t like fingers, like hers.”


  “Um, Angel?” She looked back at him, still swooning from the romp that still pleased her. “Are you really fine with my appearance?”

  A bloody hand came up to brush his softly bearded cheek. “Yes… Yes, I am. Completely. If you didn’t notice how quickly I came, I did six times before you shot yourself into me and I went on lockdown. I will love you forever, no matter what… but I feel safer with you like this. I know my babies will have no better protective father. We have a long road ahead before then, but we’ll do it together. Hear me? Together. I know how you see me and love it half as much as I love you. So stop thinkin’ I’m upset you’ve got more hair, horns and hooves. I find them sexy on you. Erotic actually. Have more confidence in this truth. Remember, I’m your wife and will tell you what you need to hear, not want to. If I was disgusted, I wouldn’t have given a blowjob. I would have put you to sleep, magically made you spill your seed in a turkey baster and pump it inside me. I wanted you, your cock your kiss, your hands and that evil tail to make me enjoy every experience. Even bitin’ was what I love. I’m just surprised I could break your hide with the power roolin’ off you. Stories of Ifrit weren’t kiddin’. You truly could vaporize this solar system if you were inclined to do so. Accords or not.”

  He said nothing, but was terrified because she wasn’t exaggerating. It would be all too easy to do. To move on he said “At least my spells worked or we would have walked through the walls with you wrapped around me…”

  “Like a koala on a branch.” She giggled and squeezed her legs. “I’m almost ready for more wood.”

  He growled and her eyes widened as she felt him engorge even more inside her before she grinned. “Be careful what you ask for.”

  Chapter 3

  “Dawn already?” She lilted as she stepped out of the now resized shower with his tail possessively belted around her slim waist as they opened the nearest eastern window.

  “Should we even feel tired now?”

  “Suppose not.” She answered him as she scratched her neck that had healed after five minutes ago from being bitten lovingly. “Probably why I’m not tired after the tuna. You?”

  “Not hungry either.” His deep baritone voice resonated as his ruby eyes took in the sun hovering over the islands to the west. “Whoa, that’s cool! I can see the sun… actually see it in space! Crap! That must be Mars over yonder… Oh look, there’s Jupiter!”

  “Amazin’!” Kanade’s slender hand covered her swollen lips as her newfound celestial eyes could pierce through the atmosphere and beyond. Still mentally combined their minds reached out faster than the speed of light.

  The sun was white and was violent, but the flames… Ethan sensed the sun itself as he always could with fire, only it was much more immense and deep down, sensed a dim presence that fed the sun. It didn’t react, more like it was just doing what it needed to. More stars meant more fire h
e could sense. Then worlds opened up, most uninhabited and lifeless. But several planets had life. Ethan couldn’t rightly explain how far away the world was, but rather than vastly populated by humans, this one was the home of Nagai. Lizard people. Another was home to Thunderbirds, great raptors akin to a cross between a Phoenix and a hawk, wreathed in lightning as they soared the skies of a jungle world with red leaves rather than green. And still Ethan felt Kanade happily following right along his exploration of the galaxy, just as awe inspired though she had visited many of those worlds a few times.

  Immediately passing the Milky Way galaxy they both felt the resentful gaze of hundreds and hundreds of powerful entities.

  Most powerful of them all had Kanade quake and gasp.

  Reacting out of instinct as the being up front lashed out with purposes of malevolence, Ethan’s mind and newfound power encompassed Kanade’s like an impenetrable shield. Ethan’s real ruby eyes narrowed through reality to find a huge man with suns for eyes standing leader over other great beings with strange weapons. Some appeared humanoid in Ethan’s mind, but others were strange. One even looked like a lobster having sparkling bands around it’s pincers like elbow blades for close combat, another seemed a cross between a slug and an octopus with twelve tentacles. Each one seemed ready to fight to the death though. The leader had been flanked by other humanoids of godly power. Their sneering faces showed fearful surprise as the clearly most powerful white haired man with ripped muscles and a sword burning a white flame get thwarted without any magical or physical defense. The weapon’s attack got halted against the internal power generated from within Ethan. Mentally Ethan’s voice shouted like a supernova of an exploding star that made tears to space itself, which would repair and mend almost instantly. “What the fuck was that for!? Why did you attack me and my love!?”

  The celestial being were even more startled at his controlled wrath.