02 Wrath of Flames Read online

Page 5

  “Again, thank you.”

  Ethan looked up from the chair over by the microscope he was playing with when the door slid open. A grin split his face. “Kanade, I could kiss you!”

  “For what? And you better do it regardless.” She said coming in as the door closed.

  “Hey, Nell!” He called out as a tiny green haired woman peeked in. She waved as it slid completely shut. Kanade laid the heaping platter down on the exam table as he hopped to his feet. “Actually I’ll kiss you for bringing food. I’m famished!” He walked right up to her and she eagerly bent low for her quick kiss. He plopped down and crossed his legs on the table, picked up a fork that almost disappeared under a bear-claw and speared a thick slice of cured venison which melted in his mouth. ‘Mmmm’ he hummed. “This is Cook’s handiwork no doubt. None is her equal.”

  “We agree in that.” Kanade mirrored him on the other side of the platter, her wings framing her as the strong ceiling light really making her glittery skin sparkle, then she realized “You’ve put your clothes back on!”

  He chuckled. “You bet I did. There’s no way I’m parading myself naked when we leave. By the way, tell me why you left. Did something bad happen is why we aren’t leaving? Did my getting shot in the shoulder put me in danger?”

  “Too many unknowns, Darlin’. And we won’t be leavin’ for awhile.”

  “Wasn’t just my freakish testosterone they found was it?” he asked after swallowing and took a sip of wine.

  “You seem awfully relaxed.”

  “Seeing the bands of your silk thong is keeping me occupied.”

  “Behave yourself.” She laughed. Then sobered. “Keep eatin’, but listen to what was discovered and yes, your condition is serious, and many are workin’ to help you.”

  “I’m all ears.” He said while taking another huge bite.

  The winged beauty slowly explained what was found first in his blood work and the scans of his body. As expected, he was speechless and frightened, but she kept coaxing him to eat and having something else to do other than shake like a hairless Chihuahua caught out in a blizzard. Shit! My body’s changing. I suddenly have more stem cells than any immortal… which for the moment makes me one and I have tumors growing in my body! What the fuck!

  “Not tumors. Growths.” Kanade clarified as his thoughts wouldn’t allow him to speak.

  “What’s the difference?” He took a swig of wine.

  “You heard me tell you about the cartilage makin’ a socket over your shoulder blades and calcium build up over them, but are too small right now to be felt.” She saw him nod slowly as he ripped a piece of bread off with his teeth. “Well if indeed I wasn’t the first Spirit Guide to be soul mates with a human and you are some long lost descendant, you could very well become a human Spirit Guide hybrid. If indeed these changes do not halt, wings will sprout from your back, but if they will become full like mine I do not know.” Kanade touched her breast. “And I am not a human woman. The other growths discovered, at least to me, seem in near the right places for new organs and muscles to grow. I have more organs than a human and whatever traits are changin’ inside you possibly might make you more like me. Are you afraid to not still be human if a cure cannot be discovered?”

  “Haaa” Ethan breathed out a deep breath loudly and found his fear lessening. He sat his fork down and gave full attention to her. “Actually, right now I want these changes to happen. I’m tired of not physically being your equal. Yes, I love it when you hold me and fly, but in reality I’m freaking jealous I don’t have a set of my own and we can soar together. All I can play with is fire and know my heart is so hot it can melt steel three times faster than thermite… or more since her instruments don’t go so high. I want to look you in the eye and not make you bend over so far just to give me a kiss although my height places me in front of your boobs.” She smirked. “And what I wouldn’t give to learn how to start making runes. I want to be your equal in every way, Angel. If it means sprouting wings and growing organs to not make me human, I can deal with it so long as I reach your level… Wait, why are you crying?”

  The heels of her hands rubbed in her eyes as she bent over to cry and felt his arms envelop her and press against his chest. She cried openly, releasing all her worries and fears by soaking his shirt while her hands held the material close. Eventually she settled enough to admit “I would love to fly with you too and I so feared for not only your health, but that you’d loathe what is happenin’ to you. I too want to have you happy. I know you are jealous and feel emasculated that I am stronger and can fly, but I couldn’t do anythin’ about it. I love you with every part of my spirit, but I’d do anythin’ to make you feel we were equal in all things. And now that it is comin’ true, your life is in danger from growin’ too fast.”

  Arms held on and no words were needed for what was given did the trick.

  “Darlin’, finish eatin’, I must finish doin’ somethin’.” She recovered by pulling away and looked at how her tears soaked his long sleeved shirt. Her hands went and un-tucked the material. His hands laid on hers and she heard his thoughts say “It’s alright.” but she gave a level look and said “It’s comin’ off now, Darlin’.” And not to her surprise he lifted his arms and she pulled the shirt off and threw it over into the corner seat and moved to the wall to finish working.

  Ethan though sat back down and ate while watching her write on the wall with just the tip of her index finger. A spoon went right to work on the heaping bowl and realized after all he already ate his appetite was still not satisfied. The chunks and gravy was body shivering good and what remained of the bread soaked up the residue, further flavoring the sweet and fresh baked loaf.

  “Damn, Darlin’! Aren’t you goin’ to save any for me?”

  His shoveling pace broke and before realizing it he created a massacre. All that remained was a few mouthfuls of wine, several scoops of stew and a small chocolate cake covered in fudge. “Uh…”

  Kanade laughed richly while kissing his cheek. “You’re about as happy as a pig in slop. And I’m glad you have an appetite. You went three days. What we had at home was a snack. You still hungry? I can go ask Nell or Blake to fetch some more?”

  “No, I’m good.” He pushed the tray to her.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” She lifted the single person cake with delicate fingers and started eating. The moans she made when eating chocolate made by Cook always made his inner beast rise in attention. She finished off the cake quickly, but the fudge icing on the tip of her finger was sucked clean in slow motion in his mind. He found her sitting there irresistible and after she sipped in the wine before she beat him from moving the tray to a table.

  Kanade didn’t want to tell him what Morgane had asked of her because she didn’t need any additional incentive. She went to the sink and filled the glasses with water and started drinking to wash her mouth out. She handed the other and he gladly downed it all in one go.

  “Stand up. I want to do a test.” She said out of nowhere, but didn’t reveal why.

  “Certainly.” His bare feet slapped the cold tile as she too removed her sneakers and socks. “What are we going to do?”

  “Hold your hands up.” He did and she came closer to lock her palms to his, intimately threading her fingers with his and she realized his hands were nearly as large as hers, but masculine and rough from hard work. “Alright, now push with all you have and let me see how strong you really are.”

  Deep down he knew he couldn’t hurt her so he smiled and said “Here I go!”

  Kanade’s eyes glazed in desire as she watched his muscles seem to explode. His body about doubled in masculine size, his normally firm stomach turned to an eight pack, pectorals rising, corded arms bulged in raw muscle power that had her fighting to keep from panting like an aroused bitch in heat, which she knew she was. Not the bitch part. The other, well… she couldn’t deny it at all with the display he put on. His amazing mind did it again, it shut down all but the goal to force her
back. She felt a touch of the cold rage Blake spoke of, but knew he was in control. What she truly didn’t expect was she had to lock her legs and lean forward. DAMN!!! Morgane was right! Kanade looked at her hands and saw his grip tightening enough to turn her already pale skin whiter, which was nearly impossible to do. His expression went rigid and she knew she felt the full extent of his current strength so she smiled. “Alright, Darlin’. That’s enough.” And his fearsome bulging muscles settled back and deflated.

  “So how did I measure up?... Uh, Angel? What are you doing?” He asked as she came closer. She reached back and undid the buttons of her shirt beneath her wings and pulled the rest of her shirt up over her head. A red silk bra hefted her bountiful breasts and she liked hearing a deep rumble rising in his chest. “Darlin’, we’ve got hours to wait and I’m horny. Are you goin’ to do anythin’ about it?”

  ‘Grrr’ he rumbled as he smelled her desire and slowly unbelted the buckle of her shorts and slowly worked them down, his thumbs catching fire which had her shivering with delight. He was teasing and it had her made a soft noise that mean’s she knows he’s being cruel but loves it anyway. She lifted her legs to get out of them and absently watched them get thrown away and already on fire.

  Gravity vanished for a moment as Ethan swept her into his arms and threw her onto the bed table, her wings outstretched and got comfortable and went blind for a moment as the room went ‘Boom!’

  Outside the door the entire house felt a tremor and Nell’s grin was full on. “Seems like they are having a good time in there.” Magnus, Blake and Ellen laughed.

  “What in the bloody hell was that?!” A British Witch behind Kira cursed.

  “Never you mind. Focus.” Morgane ended further discussion.

  Kanade’s vision cleared as the room was now bathed in flames. She noticed ash floating from the origin and knew another set of pants were far beyond repair, but her work and spells had activated and sealed them safely inside. Fire raged, but consumed no air. Her gold choker kept her safe and allowed her to feel not a shred of fear as his blazing body crawled up close and again he let his eyes caress her form, cruel tongues of orange heat licked her everywhere and aroused her almost as much as his building growl and again he declared “Mine.”

  “Mine.” She also declared and threw her head back as his face buried between her legs. “Yes!”

  He teased her clit through a red silk thong she enchanted around the bands of all her underwear after getting tired of losing them all the time. Her back arched as his tongue played. When he did just right he tasted her nectar flow and soak the fabric. He rumbled and used his teeth to take them off to which she was grateful. But he wasn’t done as he went back for a seconds helping and she gasped as his tongue had a rougher feel to it than she remembered, but didn’t mind one bit as he had her moaning and gasping in desire.

  When she could stand no more she locked his head between her legs and twisted so he was now on his back and in a fluid move she turned so her sex stayed near that wicked tongue which she had desires to lick her all over. Vibrations flowed from her belly which lay on his and knew the sound was of pleasure that knew she was indeed happy and all his doing, but her focus was completely on the swirling orange and red tornado around his stiff penis. She knew with his new size, thus too it would be larger, but was ill prepared for just how much. Mouth watering, she took him and heard him purr in pleasure as her long tongue curled around the head and was tickled by the warmth the blaze in her mouth experienced. It was a celebration at both ends as he started to lap and tease with thick fingers which made her dizzy.

  Knowing just how her love likes it she kept bobbing her head till she felt his abdomen tighten and readied for his roar of release. He shot into her mouth and she expected the thick tangy taste of his semen, but was pleasantly surprised to find it was faintly sweeter and she hummed as the warmth tickled its way down her throat and wasn’t alone as Ethan flicked a rough tongue in her channel and her own joyful climax rushed throughout her.

  “What the!” she began as she was flipped and spun into her favorite position. She spread herself as his arousal hadn’t abated even slightly and she gasped as he drove his way in, nails digging into his back, drawing blood as she was ravished. His thrusts held much more power in those narrow hips and she matched them. The force rocking through her made her breasts fly out of her bra and get taken by his mouth till they were so hard they ached. His hairy chest was her favorite antidote as they brushed against her stiff pink nipples while fire consumed her both inside and out. Her smooth and soft wings cocooned him to her and his need of long slow strokes hastened in urgency to short and urgent, mirroring her own needs.

  “Raaa!!!” came an inhuman, primal roar of male satisfaction as Kanade screamed in ecstasy and her channel muscles clamped down tight and wouldn’t let him go for the next several minutes. Her wings shuddered as her legs locked around him and he eased his weight down on her, weight she craved and was intimate. He took in her potent scent of cinnamon and sex and knew his mate was indeed happy with his deeds.

  Next came her favorite words. “I love you so much, Angel.” He stretched up and she eagerly awaited her deep and slow kiss as a cool down to the feverish lovemaking they shared.”

  “And I love you.” She touched his cheek with bloody fingers, but wasn’t alarmed as that was normal. “That was fuckin’ amazin’.”

  He laughed as she was so euphoric her smile was slow and sultry. Then he spun till they both laid on their side, her still tightly keeping him in while both panted. “I know! You screamed out loud this time. I never made you do that before.”

  “Want to know why?” She giggled softly as her hair lay wild on the tabletop, the sheet long gone from not being protected from fire. He nodded as he removed her bra and she pulled him close. “I am incapable of hurtin’ anyone, but the stronger someone is the more strength I’m able to release. When you pushed against my hands I sensed your strength deep inside and knew I could be stronger and not hurt you. My orgasm now would have broken your hips a week ago. The resistance that keeps me bound was loosened and therefore my orgasm let me experience more.”

  “You realize what this means then don’t you?” he thought and she smiled.

  “I do, neither of us want you back to before. Perhaps I can…” she shook her foggy head after seeing his rusty flecks in his grey eyes sparkle for a brief moment. “No, not without knowing the consequences.”

  “What do you mean?” he delicately brushed her wing.

  “I do not know where it came from, but I just had the urge for us to bite each other. I wanted you to actually bite me.”

  “Then we’re in the same boat.” He admitted. “As I came inside you I had the odd urge to bite your neck. Is that normal?”

  She shrugged. “I’m as clueless as a monk in a nudist’s colony.” She pulled him closer till they shared breath. “We don’t talk about sex too much in Spirit World, but for all I know… this is natural. I never wanted you to bite me before, but for a moment I was going to let you.”

  “I’d like to try if you’re willing.” He spoke softly.

  She considered it for a moment before turning her neck in offering. She shuddered as his beard tickled her silky flesh and gasped as he bit down. The feel of his teeth in the curve of her neck made her swoon. He released, licked her perspiration and bit down hard. She couldn’t stop herself as she latched on to his left shoulder and felt wet, hot iron flow into her mouth. Instead of making him scream in pain, he rumbled and burst into flames again. His penis engorged almost as fast and although her vagina retained a death grip and her legs weren’t going anywhere, they climaxed again.

  Horror shot through her as she realized what she had just done and she wiped blood from her lip and looked at the bite wound raining down his chest. “What have I done?!”

  “Kanade, relax.” He soothed and she found his lips unblemished. “I’m not hurting anymore. When you bit me my joints stopped throbbing.”

“But I bit you hard enough to break skin and taste your blood!” Her stained bottom lip quivered like her fingers.

  “Hush, My Angel.” He gently kissed her and she stilled. He alone had such power. “Read my mind and see how it doesn’t hurt.” Am I a masochist now? Her bite didn’t hurt at all and my pains are dulled. Did she take away my pain or is it endorphins? And why the hell do I feel like I should strut down the hall right now with her wrapped around me? Holy hell she is beautiful and mine all mine.

  Inner thoughts swirled around randomly and she couldn’t help laughing. “Nell and Floa would torment us if you walked around with me in this condition. But tell me, are you lyin’?”

  “Not even close. Tell me… did you enjoy biting me?”

  “I wish I could even shake my head no, but…” she nodded. “I can’t believe I do, but seeing that bite right there is like a warnin’ to other females to back off. I’ve claimed my territory. By the Spirit King, I enjoyed bitin’ you.” She buried her face in his neck and licked some more coppery blood. He rumbled again and she knew he wasn’t lying. She licked her lips and asked in a soft whisper “Did you find bitin’ me as intimate as I do?”

  “Truthfully I do not know. Your skin is so soft, but harder than granite. But when I bit down hard is when you jerked and chomped.”

  “Then let me share.” A bloody fingernail pressed down on her collar bone. Ethan watched her eyes narrow as she inflicted pain upon her own body. He could tell she wanted to scream and stop, but pressed down harder till gasping and pulled away to reveal a thin stream of blood running over to her glittery neck as they both remained laying side by side. “Go ahead.”