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02 Wrath of Flames Page 4

  “What can we do? Do you think Lord Fate did something?” Kanade was a threat from snapping.

  Morgane Le Fay shook her head. “I know not. All I read was a Blue Rose of Truth was used in his resurrection. I’ve never met anyone personally given a new lease on life, but I doubt Fate is responsible. This isn’t what he is known for meddling with. The only foreign magic coursing through him is the IV solution and that will break down soon enough. Besides, I caught the part of the conversation of Ethan growing three inches since first coming to us. I’m beginning to suspect whatever gradual changes we weren’t noticing day to day was massively increased after being shot. I was there tending wounded when he used that fire tornado and the sound he made chills me when I think of it.”

  “But he make that sound when we make love all the time.”

  “And is he possessive, more so than a normal man?”

  “Of course he is. I belong to him and he me. Many times he says ‘Mine.’ when we make love and roars with each climax. I find it erotic and pleasant. I respond to his dominant side and treasure it greatly. I love feelin’ how he does of me, but my possessive instincts are still greater than he truly realizes… since he is still new to the world he lives in.”

  Morgane tapped her lightly lipstick applied bottom lip. “Perhaps you are the reason for this change.”

  “But Lord Fate explicitly told us I wasn’t.” she denied.

  “I will do research, but Fate isn’t all knowing. How else didn’t he foresee Ethan’s death. There are cases, especially in Shifters that might be applied in this case. If a Shifter has a child who cannot turn into a wolf, lion or eagle they leave their offspring to fend for themselves. Just because they can’t alter their physiology doesn’t mean the key gene isn’t going to stay dormant forever. It’s called an Atavism, a trait that can skip generations till certain things are unlocked. Traits that belonged to an ancestor. In their particular and rare cases, sex and blood mixing from a true and full blooded Shifter will bring about the awakening of these dormant genes so they can transform their shape. If this is true, you are likely a catalytic part of things I’m seeing here, but never seen so high before. Ethan’s penis has been in you every night I’ll wager and your sexual juices are introduced through his member. If he’s a man as insatiable as Merlin, he likes to lick and suck on your vagina to ready you for penetration and therefore consumes more of you into him.” Kanade blushed, but listened intently. “Since it’s near impossible to break your skin I doubt he’s bitten and tasted your Spirit Energy rich blood. Also Fate gave him access to his ability to make fire. That is a powerful jolt to any dormant genes from a powerful ancestor and can cause one to let the traits loose. For all I know there could be a factor I’m missing. But nevertheless, five inches taller in three days is too much strain for any mortal body. I’ll have to find a way to suppress or at the very least, slow down and try to normalize his chemistry. If magic leaves him so quick without effecting or bonding he’ll need large, constant doses till a cure can be located and made. Fact of the matter is whatever is going on inside, must be treated immediately. Prolonged exposure could kill him since there are too many unknowns. Tattoo was right in having him seen right now. Waiting or stubbornness kills more often than any mortal wound I’ve seen.”

  Then the tablet beeped again. “Bloody hell!” Morgane nearly jumped to her feet. The terrified look on Kanade’s features had her shaking to regain composure. And lean into the backrest. “Look Kanade.” She showed a dozen types of bodily scans. Each revealing different factors and images.

  “What am I seein’?”

  “His heart is burning hotter than Celestia. The scan tops out at fifty thousand degrees Fahrenheit. How we do not feel it is beyond me, but her heart burns at only thirty two thousand. Look at the highlights of his bones here in red. Everything is properly proportioned except at his back. New bone growth is starting exactly where your wings are. I’m seeing cartilage and calcium growths over them. Human’s don’t have such mutations so perfectly placed, but they are so small they can’t be felt yet. Nevertheless those areas are ideal for wings. And there are dozens of new microscopic growths in parts of his body that the shouldn’t be there. Right now I read no cancer, but such rapid cell division very well could turn cancerous and the stem cells can’t heal that. If he has a long forgotten Spirit Guide ancestor, which I’m beginning to seriously consider, these growths will look nearly identical to your kind on top of being a Fire Elemental.”

  “But that’s not possible.” She held the tablet and stared at the proof.

  “Alright, then tell me that in your kind… females don’t have soul mates equal to greater than their own. Tell me if in all of Spirit Guide history there has never been a case where a woman was bonded to an inferior mate.”

  No use denying it. She told herself and shook her head as it never happened before.

  “At this preliminary point we can assume not only is Ethan’s life in danger, but he’s changing at a dangerously rapid pace faster than he was already doing before serious trauma shocked his system. Trauma that would kill any spirit creature other than nearly invincible Spirit Guides. These are facts, Kanade. Whether than believing or not, he’s in danger. Living this long has been a miracle, but…”

  ‘Snaaa’ their heads turned to find Ethan’s naked body sprawled out snoring like a freight train.

  “Bloody hell. He’s asleep.” Morgane laughed as some tension left her. “He wasn’t lying about not being top condition. He needs serious and immediate treatment. Keep him naked for he’ll need to soak for the potions I’ll need to mix in a large quantity. It will take several hours to concoct and be ready. He needs to be relaxed. His testosterone will make for a ticking time bomb and with the power he has it could kill us all… which we all know to be possible after slaying millions of Demons within minutes. Keep him calm, it will take time to ready the potions. Have sex if you must, but do not leave this room. Isolation would be in everyone’s best interest for the time being. Keep him happy and calm till I arrive. Fireproof the room while you’re at it…” Morgane got a thoughtful expression. “Better yet, I need him sated and pliable. Make him a happy man and turn off the red switch when he’s nice and calm.”

  “But what about you said of my… juices. Wouldn’t that make matters worse?”

  “Too late now don’t you think?” she arched a strawberry eyebrow. “What’s done is done. A little sexual release will make me feel better being in the same room with him. I need to help him and to discover if indeed he does have an atavism, find what kind and try to make it go dormant again. If indeed he does have an atavism we can proceed from there. You do what only you can for him and I’ll do what I can.”

  “I will do anything to see my angel is healthy and safe.”

  Morgane picked up the second vial of blood, the tablet and hurried to the door, stopped and smiled “All will be alright, Kanade.”

  “Thank you, Lady Morgane.” Kanade swallowed, not believing it.

  The High Witch stepped outside, shut the door to drop to her knees and take control of her terrified body that shook from her flight response raging out of control. Few times had she been so terrified. Soon she regained composure and quickly made way for the front desk. In a voice of complete command she nearly shouted “Listen up!” all sounds died and heads snapped to her. “Evacuate everyone off this level who is not in a life threatening condition and summon every Class Thirteen A Witch and above in this entire house up here right now. I don’t care what they are doing. This is an order. Go in storage and find every scrap of Tournikka extract, Crème Sap, Jasper oil, dried and shaved Aloe, Powdered Dragon scales and pure water from the Mermaid Lake.”

  None questioned and moved instantly. Kira and the rest of the team hurried while dozens of Pixies clapped to get the floor clear in under a minute.

  Through the spider upon her shoulder, Tattoo sat in the main hall with friends and had seen and heard it all and was furiously typing away on a keyboard to
plug into the emergency house broadcasting system.

  Once he hit Enter it wirelessly activated in every TV.

  A nearby television up in the healing wing, scrolled bright and in red, rolled a summons for all Witches in the house to come to the healer’s wing immediately. Nearby, Dressor was also sending word throughout himself in the First House and every Witch who heard were on their feet and running to answer. Morgane had all about forgotten the spider and found herself grateful for the fast actions of Tattoo.

  Kira rushed over to ask “Is it that bad?”

  “Worse than you can imagine and I can quantify. We’ll need all our combined powers to keep Ethan from either dying or killing us all.”

  Magnus readied his club Zaxis. “Kira, stay with Morgane. The rest of us will guard Ethan’s door.”

  “Yes, keep everyone away from there, but whatever you hear or any vibrations you feel, do not enter. Kanade will keep Ethan comfortable till our treatment can begin. Do not attack him. Blake you were lucky he didn’t feel threatened by you.” Morgane added. “Now go and pray we aren’t too late.”

  Blake swallowed, but rushed off and had Ellen and Magnus block the empty hall while he and Nell stood outside the silent exam room door as the waiting room was filling with hundreds of powerful and experienced Witches.

  A sudden loud snort snapped Ethan from his slumber about an hour later. For a few moments he felt concern as he didn’t immediately recognize where he roused. The bed was stiff, but not unpleasant. Bright light stabbed the eyes and he sat up squinting. Recent memories came rushing back and remembered he was being examined by Morgane Le Fay. The scanner dome was off and a sheet was laid over him.

  Movement out of the corner of his eye caught sight of striking blue wings covered in many soft feathers. Sharp bluish light at the tip of her finger was writing into the wall over ten feet off the ground, adding to the runes already placed in the private room. He smiled lazily as he watched her at work. He didn’t speak as her concentration was intently focused on writing.

  When her hand withdrew from the wall to rub her chin in consideration he said “Wha-cha doing?”

  “Ya!” she yelped and jumped a foot in the air, her wings unfolding some as well. She spun with a hand over her heart as her glowing eyes returned to their natural luster. “You gave me a fright, Darlin’.”

  “Didn’t mean to.” He chuckled, not meaning it in the slightest. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. It just happened. That hum the magic made was like a lullaby.”

  Kanade walked away from the wall and looked him over. “How ya feelin’?”

  “Aside from a creak in my neck, better. My headache is down to a dull throb, but my joints are a little sore. So did I get that clean bill of health?” Ethan’s smile fell as she got a worried look on her pretty face. “Kanade, what is it? What happened?”

  “Tell me first, My Angel, are you upset?”

  “Not at all. If anything I’m aroused.”

  “Aroused?” she asked after blinking long blue eyelashes.

  “With the way you’re sitting turned and the cleavage I see as you lean forward like that gives me exciting thoughts.” She looked down her blouse to realize just how she positioned herself and sat up some.

  Her energy slipped in and she blinked. “So you feel emotionally stable?”

  “Sure, but tell me what has you so worried. You’re starting to get me worried too.” His corded arms crossed over his chest.

  “Angel, Morgane found disturbin’ issues in your blood work and the scans taken of your body…”

  “And?” He prompted when she looked down and went silent. “Wait, did she freak when she saw my testosterone levels?”

  “Wait, what?” Her gaze snapped and met his. “You knew you have testosterone higher than anyone?”

  “Well, yeah. I told you I had anger issues as a kid. I was easy to set off back then and I growled a lot. It scared my mom and grandparents and for several years I worked hard at controlling myself. Doctors all thought my testosterone was some lab mistake because they were off the charts, but that was all that made me odd. For my family, when I was old enough to realize how much I scared them, I spent weeks alone in my bedroom trying to calm myself. If I was awake I could have told you sooner and not let you worry.”

  “Stay here, I’ll be right back.” She suddenly got up and went to the door. Before he could say anything more she was gone.

  As soon as she opened the door she saw Blake and Nell snapping their heads in her direction. She knew they were there so she said “I’ll be back in a minute.” And spread her wings to fly down the hall. She took a few corners, flew over Ellen and saw the entire front room filled with women talking. “Lady Morgane, we need to talk!” her raised voice ended the chatter as she landed next to the High Witch, Kira and several upper class Witches standing around a large glass tub in the middle of them, the tub they all worked over to use their unique skills to imbue the potion with magic and pool their collective resources to make the concoction stronger.

  “Is something the matter, Enchantress?” Morgane stopped what she was doing, as had everyone who listened.

  “Ethan just woke up, but just now told me he already knew of his extreme testosterone levels. He doesn’t yet know what else is going on, but he has had those levels as long as he can remember as a child. I do not believe he is a threat as we believed as he has lived in that condition for as long as he knows. He told me he had serious anger issues as a child and growled even back then.”

  “You didn’t hint or make him say that just to ease your worries?”

  Kanade shook her head. “No, his surface thought at that time were rememberin’ how angry he always was and how he suppressed it for his family’s sake. Bein’ closed up made him the comic nerd he was and not fightin’ everyone he looked at. He doesn’t know he’s got the growth hormones or stem cells or anythin’ the analysis discovered.”

  “Makes sense.” Head turned to Blake as he wove his way closer. “Ethan told me of his anger issues too. It is why I personally trained him and he can now enter his cold rage whenever he needs to. When he first arrived he threw me like I was nothing more than a half filled potato sack. And when I charged him earlier, his reactions haven’t fluctuated. I was his master and his aggressive nature is higher than any human I’ve ever met, but he isn’t a threat. General Kiroq noticed his odd behavior as well. If indeed Ethan is undergoing changes, his anger hasn’t altered. He first made me believe he is a calm person, but when fighting shows another side of himself. And I fervently believe that the powerful dedication he uses, where he shuts everything down and focuses on one specific goal is his coping mechanism, which is what has saved him from becoming a ruthless madman.” The Naga finished saying.

  Morgane took on an introverted expression. “If indeed his hormone was so high and hasn’t changed… Well… Alright, Kanade, go back and do as discussed. Tell him of his changes and keep him relaxed. If you tell me he isn’t a threat to the wellbeing of this house I’ll lift the restriction, but he still must remain till I’m positive the changes are stopped or at least slowed down.”

  “How long will that take?” Kanade asked as her worry lessened.

  “Keep him occupied for three more hours till we complete this.” She gestured to the dully glowing liquid filling a tub. “We will then start an hour long treatment in which right after we can scan his brain and see if his pituitary gland excretions have abated.”

  “Um, before I left, I sensed he was ravenous.” Kanade said.

  “How did I overlook that!” Morgane said. “I bet he is. Cook!”

  Cook appeared seconds after right in front of the High Witch. Cook was a Will-o-wisp that looked like a burning soul, but she was green and had a single, large violet eye that took up much of the orb’s front surface. In a cheerful voice she asked “How may I be of assistance, Morgane?”

  “I know you’ve heard about our Elemental. He must be starving for nutrition. Can you please make a huge amount of
food, three times what he would normally consume in a sitting?”

  “He is always happy to eat my cooking and has great manners. A gentleman. Bring me a large tray and some bowls.” Cook glowed with how well she spoke of him. A Witch who works in the healer’s wing did so and brought a huge stainless steel tray with two bowls and glasses to them and Cook floated over and created a blinding green light. As it vanished now filled the two bowls with a thick, meaty stew packed with vegetables and a brownish gravy. In the glasses she filled with his favorite sweet wine while the tray was loaded completely with breads, cheeses, desserts. The tray got so heavy the Witch almost spilled it all before Kanade’s large hand flew up under and she easily lifted it up to a comfortable level. Cook floated up and cheerfully said “I added a little for you as well, Enchantress. Take good care of him and tell him I hopes he gets better.”

  “Thank you so much.” Came the reply and Cook just vanished after helping out. “I better get back.”

  “We’ll finish as soon as we can.” Kira promised and received a grateful smile.

  Blake escorted Kanade through the throng of people and away. She said once they were alone “Thank you for stickin’ up for, Ethan.”

  “Simply told the truth.” He hissed in his native tongue. “My reports are all on file for anyone with clearance high enough. They can verify Ethan’s progress during the four months of training I gave and in it is his development I named the cold rage. I am his friend, but my impartial reports will certainly be looked over and considered on his case file before if any changes must be made. I do not yet know everything that has been discovered, but it can wait. We will guard outside if you need anything. Don’t hesitate to ask. Ethan and you would do the same if any of us faced such a crisis.”