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02 Wrath of Flames Page 30

  Seeing his display, her own wings against the wall spread as she mewled, chewing on bloodstained lips. His lips. He claimed them to kiss and she responded, her tongue at war with his rougher one that had her clenching hard, telling him she was ready for his most precious gift.

  His wings snapped tight as his thrusts became sharper, harder and more urgent. Yet she matched him, taking everything till a mighty animalistic roar of triumph shook the entire First House to its foundation.

  Everyone down in the hall eating stopped what they were doing before hearing Floa on Odin’s lap at dinner shout “GIVE IT TO HER GOOD ETHAN!!!” and her declaration got transmitted to every TV in the castle so all knew exactly what happened. Worry of an attack turned into flat out laughter as they realized who had enough power to make the whole castle shake and make that conquering roar. Many were literally on the floor laughing. Once again, entertained effortlessly by the Elemental getting some.

  Kanade screamed “ETHAN!!!” among his roar as she felt warmth like never before fill her completely. She realized without the choker she had missed out on so many new sensations. Fire licking her body was more intense, his semen in her womb warmed her insides and without the need to restrain her orgasm was mind shattering. All she knew was his name and bone melting bliss.

  Ethan was in the same boat.

  Soon though in the slide down to reality she met his gaze and said “Hot damn.”

  “Ready for more I take it?”

  Golden eyes rolled. “My pussy won’t let you go without hurtin’ us. What can you do now?”

  “This.” He began kissing and licking her pearled nipple, making her moan and roll her head on his soft wing. “And this.” He sensually rubbed her taut belly as soft as silk to make her shiver. “And even this.”

  “Shit!” she yelped as she felt his new tail teasing her ass. “You devil! If you’re gonna do it, do it right!” she grinned evilly.

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  And his tail did just that. Kanade soon panted harder and harder till she found she could orgasm while on lockdown. Plus a few extra bites to reward him for a job well done. She enjoyed a few more too.

  As soon as her lower channel loosened it was attacked without mercy by her sweet, dominant, love of her existence.

  Kanade wanted it no other way.

  “Wooooow… Just Wow!” Rumbled in her ear as Kanade and Ethan remained joined upon the wide hospital bed. She was tired and satisfied at the same time, laying on his soft right wing while hers encircled him just like her arms. She snuggled close, her head under his chin. Content. “You really do adjust to me down there.”

  A silky laugh bubbled from her small, adorable nose. “You know I can’t lie, especially about this.” She gave a gentle clench that made him rumble the way she hoped. “But Darlin’, you really stretched me to my limits. My goodness, I’ve never had so many orgasms… even without that tail doin’ the naughty.”

  “So you approve then?”

  “More than I thought possible.” She said softly. “And without my choker, I thought your fire was good, but now I truly felt fully what I been missin’. If I had known I was a biter and your blood could let me feel this…”

  “You know hindsight won’t make you feel better.”

  “I know. But we should sleep, you especially.”

  “Did we get all the blood wiped up?”

  “Pretty sure.” Her fingers caressed his smooth sails and he shivered.

  “Now I know…” A great yawn blew from his body and was infectious enough it took her strongly too. “how you hate it when I touch your wings. It feels good but so relaxing that sleep comes faster than a mother’s lullaby.”

  “Goodnight, My Angel.”

  He gave her a soft kiss before his body went slack and his breathing changed. Kanade marveled at how for once, she knew they were a perfect fit as a protective man and a curvy woman. Now any young they’d make would have a greater protective father. Even his new weight was comfortable as they lay side by side, snuggled together and felt safe within his embrace. These changes had made even her dreams of feeling like a real woman reality.

  And just as she knew without a shred of doubt he was still the same man inside, who was all hers, she fell asleep loved and cherished.

  Ethan’s biological clock woke him and life was good as he withheld a laugh at Kanade’s wild mane of cerulean hair splayed over his new physique. Immediately after the intimate moment of waking from a good night’s rest he realized that the morphine had worn off and so had all the pain wracking his body from the alterations. All the bite marks had healed over completely and his wings seemed fuller and much more resilient, completely healed. He lifted his tail and saw it was no longer sickly pale, but healthy pink. He flexed it and couldn’t believe he now had a tail. One that functioned more than just to help with balance. He knew it could be used as a weapon or a tool, like his hands.

  Kanade was dreaming of sex again and found her sexual appetite lovely and just as perfect as the rest of her. He knew she didn’t like outwardly expressing it, but her nature was more potent than Nell’s. He let her dream on, extracting his mind slowly so his thoughts didn’t wake her. She moaned, as if in pain so he left a thread of the connection and she went back to her saucy fantasies.

  Without disturbing her he tested out his left wing to feel it stretch and feel good much like his arms would. The joints didn’t pop thankfully, but he looked at it more closely. It really was like a bat’s wing. It was thin, but not translucent as it had been hours ago. But it wasn’t too thin to be weak. It had a soft suppleness that would do great catching wind. The main wing bone was four inches thick, but in the membrane were two supporting bones, like a bat. It had a healthy color and was strong. Much more than before sleep took control. Very strong and he knew it was ready.

  Toes wiggled like always, but he played with only the joints in his left leg since Kanade’s thigh lay claim the right. He bent the knee like usual, but where once what used to be his heel could bend much more fluidly and had a coiled spring quality. Straight had no tension, but coiled was like one hell of compressed spring. He realized it supported new muscles to allow him to stand easily and jump higher.

  For a short time he flexed his fingers, trying to adjust exactly how much grip breaks things. She was right, the world now felt like cardboard. He already had trouble learning how to pick a wineglass by the stem without snapping it. And firm plastic last night at the meal proved it had doubled at least.

  More practice will be needed.

  “Playin’ with yourself again?” Came a southern bell twang as Kanade looked up, smile reaching her eyes.

  “They are like new toys, Beautiful.”

  “Useful toys.” She brushed the back of her hand along his tail before it wrapped around her wrist sensually. “How do you feel?”

  “Amazing. I’m ready to get up and get out of this room.”

  “So am I actually. While you were under I rarely got up to even go pee. I worked and showered in here, watched a few movies when Ellen brought her portable DVD player. I even slept on that sofa in the back for a few hours. Dress made you new clothes if you’re willin’, but I’m afraid you can no longer wear shoes. Your feet are hard as stone so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Cool. So where are they?” He asked, sitting up with her.

  Kanade rose from the bed and stretched greatly before walking to the wall cabinet and opened it to grab folded clothes and another new set for herself. As she turned, he was standing tall and proud. She bit her lip again as she glazed over the physique that was all hers.

  “Red?” he asked as she handed the set over.

  “It’ll look great on you. Matches your hair and eyes. And I spelled them like usual so you don’t need to fear getting outrageously stiff in company if I bend over. At your height, you will literally poke someone’s eye out or bash their brains in.”

  They laughed together. The pants were red denim and easy to slide into, zip up the fr
ont and close with a large button. Cut ideally to go along with the form of his legs, but reached just above what he now considered his ankles, though they had disappeared. His tail had a perfectly placed hole in the backside and was comfortable. The shirt was more tricky. It was a red vest rather than a long sleeved shirt. Its backless cut was designed to incorporate the new wings. Kanade helped show him how to properly put it on and button the back.

  “Not. Bad. At. All.” She commented and he fixed the vest to sit right on his large torso. She then hurriedly dressed as he looked in the mirror, nodding her choice was indeed ideal for him.

  Afterwards she pulled out her duffle bag and filled it with all the toiletries and changes of clothes she kept for the past two long days. They brushed their teeth and fixed their hair. Kanade left hers loose to frame her face while Ethan found the leather string, he learned is also called a thong, well needed to gather his straight reddish hair and keep it contained in the back. While she preened he asked about his armor and she said it was back home for now.

  Just as they were opening the door Morgane stood with her fist raised to knock. Her green eyes lifted high at the red creature twice her height and smiled “Fortunate timing, Loves. After last night performance I expected another bloodbath.”

  “What do you mean, Lady Morgane?” Ethan asked, looking down upon the tiny woman.

  The High Witch in a silvery dress embroidered with elegant swirls smiled. “Why how randy the two of you were last night. I must say for a moment I was concerned when the whole castle shook. And that terrifying roar from you, Young Man, put everyone to shame. The Gargoyles were bloody impressed.”

  “Oh my god, you heard it?” Ethan went redder than his hair and the vest.

  “But how? I spelled this room with every noise cancelin’ and vibration dampenin’ spell I can do!” Kanade explained. “Surely you must be tryin’ to embarrass us.”

  “Try? What do I gain lying about Merlin taking me upstairs and trying to outmatch Ethan in orgasms? It was some of the funniest sex we’ve ever had role-playing the two of you.” Morgane laughed into her hand as the young couple looked to each other and were even more embarrassed. “On a different subject, Ethan, you look fit. Any pains?”

  “Aside from complete humiliation, Mild. I feel functional actually. Do you want to do the checkup before breakfast?”

  “I would like to.” The ancient Witch said. “But while we are alone in this hall I’d like you to allow me to measure your wingspan, if you are able.” In her hand appeared a long measuring tape.”

  “No problem.” He stepped out slowly without assistance, adjusting quickly to the new limbs and shift of balance. But he wrapped his tail around his waist like belt, feeling more natural. He turned in line with the hallway and let them stretch exquisitely for the first time. Out came a sigh.

  “An amazing display.” Morgane allowed. “Kanade, hold this end to the tip of his wing.” As they worked together she asked “How do they feel?”

  “Words cannot describe it, but not at all bad in any way. They itch to fly and I cannot wait to test them out.”

  “In due time.” She reached the other side as he extended them as far as possible. “Forty eight feet six inches.” Kanade let go and the line got sucked in. The Witch then recorded this information before leading them out of critical care and into the usual exam room for a scan. Kanade had to assist drawling blood since his skin was so strong. “All done, Loves. Ten minutes till breakfast.”

  Instead of using the elevator, they took the stairs so he could get much more comfortable walking. Twice he stumbled, but Kanade held his tied tail like a belt the whole time so he didn’t fall.

  Two stories later they reached the hall. For a few moments they went completely unnoticed. Ahead laid the table where the heads of the house ate and told of events concerning everyone who called this place home. Nearly every throne was occupied. Only Morgane was upstairs and Ethan’s new nose detected Queen Gra faintly and by the air currents his new eyes focused like binoculars, able to spot her huddled among her Amazonian sisters near the castle’s portcullis and coming this way. Kanade, still in his mind explained her eyes did the same. It aided flyers to judge distance when landing. Serenity went to hell when Chille the Pixie Princess got up and said “Look at that tall drink of water!”

  The other heads turned and jaws dropped, Odin’s most of all. “Damn, Lad! No wonder the entire house shook when you got your rocks off! Whip them out, Lad. Those wings must be huge.”

  ‘Ha!’ came a sigh of reluctance before Kanade moved around as his sails unfurled. “Happy now?”

  “Quite.” Odin chuckled, the lone eye envious of them.

  “Uncle Ethan!” Blossom appeared suddenly and grew. Her little arms barely reached around his thick neck. She cried openly and he hugged her with a large hand, folding the wings back to where they were supposed to. “I was so worried, Uncle Ethan.”

  “I’m alright, Kiddo.”

  The child Pixie pulled back and said “Mama said I shouldn’t ask, but may I touch you wings?”

  “Just between us.” He hushed and let her kneel on a shoulder to run her hands over them. She giggled and then dove down Kanade’s cleavage as the usual greeting ritual.

  “Mr. Volorum.” He looked down at Magistrate Morom who held up a file. “I assume you’ve been briefed on your responsibilities in two more days?”

  “I am.” He took the envelope, knowing inside were condensed rules to abide by.

  “Good. See that all turns in our favor. I will inform Kyoko you are up for the scheduled meeting.” With that he left and Ethan shoved the file in his back pocket after folding it once to fit.

  Kiroq, general of the Gargoyles landed in front of the new and improved Fire Elemental to stand up at five foot. Dark pink skin wasn’t stone, but just as hard. He gave an approving grunt and left before Crait, the Naga High Champion, came for a closer look. Blake’s father was bulky and his brown scales were more pronounced, almost studded underneath. Not one for many words, the swordsman said “Much fiercer than when you first appeared.”

  Many laughed or pointed as Ethan and Kanade walked down the hall with Blossom’ little face peeking out her shirt. Those who got over his new form heckled or made catcalls from last night’s lovemaking. If he were in human society, he’d be seen as a freak or a devil, but here… one’s race was a moot point. With so many varying creatures, his body was nothing to gawk at for too long.

  Sex on the other hand was universal to tease them about.

  At last they reached their usual table, but had visitors. Both Reevy’s and Vitalli’s teams sat together, eagerly awaiting them.

  First to crack the table’s silence was none other than Nell. “Well, well, well… look who finally came up for some air. I have a little show and tell. Better yet, can you tell us what makes this sound?” She pulled a little recorder off her hip’s vine thong and hit play. Immediately there was a loud rumble followed by ‘Raaar!’ that near blew out the speakers. “Anybody? Anybody?” Brown eyes darting around the table.

  “We get it already.” Valande laughed at the pair’s beet red expression. “Ethan had a good time. Apparently so did my hatchling.”

  “Mother, that’s what I don’t get.” Kanade said as she sat down beside her. “I enchanted the room to not let our lovemakin’ be heard.”

  “Simple answer is I stripped the sound blocking and vibration dampening.” The Enforcer shrugged.

  Both Ethan and Kanade were flabbergasted. “Why would you do that, Mother? When did you do it?”

  “I wanted a good laugh and heard stories about you two, but I certainly wasn’t expecting that!” She shook her blazing head as if to clear it. “How you’ve not gone deaf is beyond me… Kanade, where is your choker?”

  “Oh no you don’t. No changin’ the subject. How could you embarrass your own daughter like this? You’ve humiliated me before, but never like this.”

  “The house needed to let off steam. The Agas has everyone w
ound tighter than a coiled rattlesnake. Here, watch. You over there! Toss me the remote.” A Gargoyle hanging off one of the hall’s pedestals threw it over to the Enforcer who caught it lazily and searched through recent recordings and grinned when she found it and hit ‘Play.’

  The flat screen started over and was fast forwarded to where Floa appeared and fell right in Odin’s lap. Not a minute after, the screen shook along with a bestial roar Ethan knew came from him. After it passed and silence filled everywhere they heard Floa yell and then tension was obliterated by hilarity as Merlin did something crazy again and the camera panned around to record the levity he caused.

  “Sonofabitch! That’s funny!” Ethan had to laugh after seeing that clip. Kanade stared at him, before joining in. Unable to worry of embarrassment after watching.

  It only got funnier after Blossom innocently asked “Auntie Kanna? Did you make Uncle Ethan hurt to make him do that scream?”

  “Floa, have you told her of the birds and bees yet?” Ethan asked.

  “Aye! Mama and Da told me last night!” Blossom stood up for herself and looked adorably confused. “But I do not understand how babies come from men who have a tail between the fronts of their legs and put them where we girls pee.”

  “So innocent.” One Witch across the table sighed.

  The table erupted in a laugh.

  Nell sat beside Ethan playing with Vina. She squealed with delight when he brought out his tail to tease and grab onto. Vina found a new play thing and shrilled a laugh. The Nymph mother said “You use it quite well.” He could only nod.

  “Now can you tell me what happened to your choker?” Mommy dearest asked.

  “Ethan broke it with one hand. As his Soul Mate he can no longer burn me. Why?” Kanade looked at her mother, basically telling her that the theory was now proven.

  Floa resisted asking why now, when she was told before it was the only way to safely be near a more powerful mate.