03 Atavism of the Ifrit Read online

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  Golden eyes closed for a moment then opened as her head shook. “Should I be able to?”

  “Yes, but Ethan’s blood prevents it. Such happens when celestial beings are touched by demonic blood. It means you will always have form, like all Demons, though you are not.”

  They turned as the tallest among them went ‘Hmm’ and noticed Ethan looking at the medallion at his chest. Before they could ask what he was thinking he made a fist and created a spell neither could understand or duplicate. The violet flame turned gray and then he grabbed Kanade’s hand holding pendant made of precious gemstones and made a similar, but not identical pattern and sent it into the material. The flame didn’t change color, but it did burn a brighter reddish orange. He explained “I could tell our spells were about to buckle under our aura. I’ve sealed them with a variance that I simply need to touch to recharge them now. It will not weaken the material, but I’ll need to charge it daily. Our powers could instantly kill every living creature on the planet. I do mean instant.” He said carefully.

  “I know…” Kanade sadly looked down. “We’ll have to leave earth and all our friends regardless. One lapse in judgment, Darlin’ and this world will be a barren wasteland. After we kick the kill squad’s balls I’ll begin what I know of to send us somewhere where we won’t be shunned for simply being alive. Order won’t accept either of us.”

  “YOUR HOME IS HERE!” Dressor said from the outlook window. The three of them turned, completely forgetting he was there. “This is your home, Girlfriend. Don’t run away because Armid can’t see beyond black and white. We have demons in every house. Don’t run away because you’re afraid.”

  “I’m not.” She smiled sadly. “It will take a few weeks to prepare, but I’m thinkin’ of the innocent souls should I be separated from my angel. I worry of the Accords and what will happen if war is loosed as it was long before I hatched. We’ll have time to get our affairs in order.”

  “If you’re dead set on it you better bring me along. I’m not losing my two best friends whom I love. My ability isn’t bound by distance. Take a piece of me. I still haven’t made you the perfect dress or Handsome a suit fit for royalty… Damn, you two better take care of those soldiers. They are trying to spell me to secrecy that they were sent to assassinate you both. Handsome, hurry, stop the spell in the next thirty seconds before my tongue and lips are glued shut.”

  Cold rage overtook Ethan as realization of a cover-up was taking place. “Panther, we’ll be back soon. Rest up.”

  “It’s daddy’s magic.” Kanade said as the general nodded and disappeared into the miraculously overall, undamaged island. Battle scars were still there, but all the fire didn’t hurt anyone. “Darlin’, stop my father. I’ll take care of Mother.”

  Already she’d proven herself capable so she took off in one direction like a blue flash. Ethan though jumped over twenty stories straight up before extending his wings and aiming to the source of magic he detected. In moments he came to a stop and said calmly “Mikhale, enough.”

  Megann and every Enforcer paled at his arrival healed and fully matured with sparks of gray flame flitting around his impressive horns. All he wore was the gauntlets, shield now over six feet wide and a pair of what are now leather shorts. Mikhale’s finger stopped glowing as did the evergreen shine of his eyes. Megann said “We failed… it’s too late.” And watched the Ifrit smirk.

  Kanade meanwhile appeared in front of her mother using speeds not even an Enforcer could possess. He vibrant blue wings gently kept her aloft as her tearstained reddened cheeks from crying so much blushed with anger and irritation. “Enough, Mother. You lost and are too blind to see it.”

  “I’m not your mother anymore!” Valande screamed as she threw yet another lance, but this time Kanade didn’t grab for it. She let it sail unerringly for the center of her forehead. It bounced off like a blunt stick to a brick wall. Valande stared in complete shock and denial. Then she sneered behind the helmet. “Your taint runs deeper than betraying what we stand for. It’s not just in your blood. You might talk like my daughter, but she died before wrapping her legs around a damn Ifrit. You’re banished.”

  “No, I chose to leave with my angel. Someone you won’t even understand because you are too closed minded. I would take him over everyone and everything there is to have. Mother, I would forgive you if I didn’t at last see you for what you are, but I saw you try to kill my one reason for living without remorse. For this I will never forgive or forget. You might have laid my egg, but you are no longer my mother. Now sleep.” Kanade’s own fist glowed bright yellow for a harmless sleeping curse and she wasn’t nearly shocked as she imagined as with three quick motions the spell to sleep slammed into the Enforcer who couldn’t resist the power of a celestial class spell.

  Valande fell instantly asleep, but before she dropped out of the sky Kanade swooped in, grabbed her by her ankle and flew right over to Ethan and the others. Before her father could yell in outrage she threw her limp mother saying “She’s just asleep, Daddy. Still can’Take her and never come back to find me. You all disgust me.”

  “You lie. You can’t even see YOU are what is disgusting.” Mikhale gritted.

  Kanade’s sadness turned to outright anger and Ethan let her defend herself. “You know damn well I can’t lie. You took that freedom from me because I wasn’t special enough to take up the Enforcer’s mantle. You lie. You attacked because Armid is a shortsighted ASSHOLE!” The dozens of Enforcer’s gasped at such blasphemy. “Just look at me now.” She flapped her wings. “I’m bigger and stronger than any Enforcer ever to exist. I’ve surpassed my clan of spineless cowards who tried takin’ my angel away. I see our laws mean nothin’. ‘Never shall a mated angel be slain before trial and proven guilty of wrongdoin’.’” She quoted the law. “I’m glad my soul mate is Ethan and not Spirit Guide. My eyes are open to the corruption of Spirit World. I’m not lyin’. You disgust me and everythin’ I once believed good and true. Had you bothered thinkin’ for yourself for a change we might have reconciled in a few thousand years. There’s no hope after your actions. Take Mother, no… Valande” She spat. “and leave under your own power before I make you.” To prove it her eyes changed to dark blue and her iridescent wings brightened enough to flex her power. Eyes flew wildly.

  “No.” Ethan said low and deadly serious. “They wanted to kill an Ifrit. I’m going to reinforce why they have such hate. I’m going to kill them all. Just as they came to do.”

  Enforcers either struggled to get free, tensed for the inevitable or simply gave up as he flew forward nice and slow.

  Chapter 2

  ‘Whoopt’ ‘Whtoopt’ the huge leathery reddish wings beat a haunting melody. Wild and frightened eyes stared at the approaching Ifrit confidently and angrily glaring such venom they could practically taste the toxic emotions emanating from him. Each one stared at the natural sparks glittering around the ivory crown and knew they stood before not just any class of Ifrit, but a royal descendant. Even together their combined power couldn’t amount to causing the faintest of scratches. Blood and dirt still covered his giant physique and made him quite clearly seem that much more dangerous. The murderous set of his jaw, pressed lips, narrowed catlike eyes and wrinkled brow was offset by the rippling muscles tensing and releasing. The smell of fear and urine was something an Enforcer never made… till now. It made is brooding intensity grin gloatingly.

  “Kidding!” He yelled as his hatred switched to a great big smile as they all flinched.

  “What’s going on?” Someone within the confining spell demanded as everything got quiet.

  “Really? You pathetic bastards really think I’m going to give anyone the satisfaction of being right in assuming I’m evil and need to be killed. Pluh-ease. Leave the wrong assuming to me. I’m famous for it.” Ethan rolled his eyes and flew backwards beside Kanade who was inside his mind the whole time and knew exactly what he planned. “My body is all that changed you self-righteous bastards. In here… ah damn. I’m
going to have to change habits.” His momentum lost as he tried tapping his temple again and felt the horn. So he tapped his forehead. “In here I’m the same. I’m still Ethan Volrum. Thirty years old. Awkward and assume all kinds of things that make me seem like an ignorant fool, but not once have I killed someone without first making sure they deserved it for their deeds or in defense of myself or those I care about. You can’t judge someone evil without understanding if they are or not just because they are different. I never liked Enforcers, but I did respect you. Not anymore after this. I know none of you would have come unless under orders from Fate or the Spirit King so I know you are following orders.

  “I’m letting you go and want you to relay a message to the two of them. Here it is.” He lifted his right hand and flipped them off. “Now get out of here before I change my mind.”

  Ethan snapped his finger and the spell of rope locking them in a ball vanished just as quick. All the black winged Enforcers tumbled out, many sighing at being released, before swooping behind Megann and into a V formation.

  Heated stares nearly ignited the space between the two sides. Megann asked “We are no match, you corrupted bastard. I will retreat for now, but I must collect our dead…”

  Kanade this time snapped her fingers and the dead husks of fallen Enforcers torn apart by Panther just appeared. Those living caught them and the blue winged beauty pointed. “Now leave, Megann. I can’t believe I respected you after our last conversation where you told me it didn’t matter what our soul mate looks like since you are mated to the Thunderbird king. You’re just a hypocrite.”

  The Enforcer general looked to have been slapped as her own words thrown right back in her face before she hid it. “We’re moving out.”

  Before they did, one soldier broke ranks, pouring the very last drop of his life-force into his sword, magically teleporting behind Kanade and slid it under her chin to hold her hostage. Kanade went rigid. “No! We came to kill an Ifrit and I’ve got his woman. I won’t live once I use this weapon, but I’ll take her with me unless you kill…”

  A deep rumble built in Ethan’s chest as he saw a tall man threatening his only love. His eyes locked onto the threat and before he could spout another word Ethan’s hand grabbed the wrist holding the sword, crushed it like a cracker while pulling the edge from her delicate neck. She closed her wings to drop below the two huge men just as Ethan opened his mouth lighting with fire he breathed into the man’s face. A silver jet of unbridled fury blasted the man’s head clean off, melting spells as well as the metal the helmet was made of. The fire-breath cut like a sword of fire and the amount of dual energy, now one, destroyed the spirit form without so much as trying. His breath then turned the body to ash instantly. With it dead he turned to the wide-eyed others to say in a deep growl. “Last chance.”

  Megann signaled and each and every one of the remaining fighters left, never being so entirely outclassed to lose so many soldiers for a simple assassination.

  Two giants held position as they all flew away, the power of their eyes following out into space where they all flew into a silvery portal that leads directly to a predetermined place in Spirit World.

  Immediately after Kanade watched her father be the last to go with her mother cradled in his side she turned and bawled into Ethan’s wide chest midair. His great wingspan easily able to support both of them since she could no longer fly and cry heartbreakingly at the same time.

  All too well did he know what she was going through without trespassing on her privacy. She had completely lost her family by choosing him. Losing faith in all she trusted and those she hoped would understand and didn’t. His family had all died except one, Billy. Hers had thrown her away like garbage without a second thought or shred of love she found out was never truly there. They wanted a perfect daughter, got her instead and pretended to act like a family, but never truly were. She was in pain, tremendous emotional pain.

  Tears and whimpers came from her as he held on, letting her express it all while gliding back to the island where he landed and cradled her in both arms. He shook his head when Panther lifted an eyebrow and got a nod in response. The sun had set, still painting the sky orange for a few more minutes as he ducked to go inside his cabin that seemed so much smaller, but realization he had grown massively in so short a time was evident.

  Inside hung a suspended hammock, covered in red silk bed sheets six feet off the ground. He climbed in bed still holding her as she shook. Not a word passed his lips or thoughts. Physical contact and silence is what she wanted and got it.

  While she cried Ethan’s fist glowed as he recreated a barrier around the entire island beyond anything that could be broken by any means anymore. None could enter or leave without his expressed authorization. Not even a trillion Enforcers focused on a single point could put a dent in it. Dress even already promised to not tell anyone anything about what happened till they were both ready. The homosexual closet never breaks a promise, especially over recent events.

  Light weren’t needed, nor was the fireplace as Kanade’s new wings gave off soft metallic blue light as did the swirling sparks around his horns that were difficult to adjust to as he put his head down, but didn’t feel the pillows as the horns held his skull up. Panther stood in the doorway the whole time, making sure nothing else happens.

  The situation changed as there came a loud gurgling growl. Kanade’s tears stopped as she choked a laugh and gradually sat up. “At least your stomach is honest, Darlin’.”

  “I can handle it. Right now I’m more worried about you.”

  “I’m better now.” He half believed it. “But I’m voraciously hungry too and I need a distraction. Go wrangle us up some grub. We both grew huge and our bodies are starvin’. Yours especially.”

  “No, I don’t want to leave you…”

  “Hush.” She said as she put a finger over his lips. “I’m not goin’ anywhere. With our minds, I cannot see distance separatin’ us ever again. Can’t you feel our power now?”

  “A little, but I feel mostly the same for some strange reason… except for my hooves.” He gulped.

  “I find them sexy.” She purred softly. “Now get off your ass and bring home the bacon. And when I mean bacon, I mean fish. Take the net and bring me something to cook for the three of us. Panther, can you go collect firewood please.”

  “As you wish.” The Balam bowed and vanished into the darkness.

  “You sure.” She nodded and crawled out of the hammock before he did. Then she giggled and pointed to her own head in gesture. Hanging off the tallest horns in the back was a skewered pillow. “Damn, they are in the way.”

  “You look like a king.” She commented as he took the pillow off and threw it back into the spacious hanging bed. “Now go get your queen a meal.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He smiled and ducked out the door with the fishing net in hand before flying out into the cloudy night, but his new eyes saw clearly. The only difference to distinguish day from night was night had a lot more blues in the shadows. The ocean below was easy to see through, almost like wearing polarized sunglasses. But then he caught sight of something good and dove for it with a smile.

  “Girlfriend, don’t forget I’m here too.” Dress said when they were alone in the room.

  “Oh, Dress, I’m so sorry you…”

  “Sweetheart, now don’t you go apologizing for something you had no control over.” Dress barely had to look down from his second level where gear is stored. Gear for every island vacation idea. Most for swimming and fishing. “They were sooo in the wrong they were blinder than a mole without a sense of smell. I showed up moments after I felt the barrier here fail and witnessed everything. Everyone is still asking me why I was so overwhelmingly upset. Don’t worry, mums the word till you two young sweethearts are ready. And don’t worry about another attack. Ethan might not feel it, but I swear it all to you. I’ve been in the presence of many celestial beings and one on one won’t stand a chance against sweet cheeks. I can te
ll he is the one foretold… for good reason. And you’re no slouch either. Together you two are nigh invincible. Armid won’t dare another attack now that Ethan’s an Ifrit beyond his son’s best pets. And there is a barrier around this place beyond anything I’ve seen before.”

  “Dress… I almost lost my angel again.” She said sadly as she put her arms over the ledge and put her chin down on her hands. “Again! How many times must I see the man I love suffer so much? I just got him back from being kidnapped and tortured. Why would Mother almost kill my man. For cryin’ out loud, she said she liked him. Then she tries killin’. I wanted to die so badly, Dress. I wanted to DIE. I’ve never thought like that. Seein’ him die, feelin’ his mind leave me, that sensation when we touch fade was unbearable. His heart was gone. I want to thank whoever intervened and kiss them for savin’ my angel.”

  “There was no one who could have done it.” Panther interrupted with large bundles of sticks beneath both arms. “Ifrit have binary hearts. Two that sound as one. I was surprised Ethan’s second was developed enough to save his life. Your mother never fought an Ifrit. By the time she hatched only one remained. Had she known, her aim would have been for destroying the two instead of just the left. I would like to give you my memory now if you are ready.”

  Kanade chewed her bottom lip for a moment before nodding. Panther pushed the memory from the moment he heard the heartbeat and everything that happened thereafter, including watching her grow by force from the blood she had of Ethan’s. The processing power assimilated it in an instant and even relayed it for Ethan to also watch before saying “Panther, thank you for savin’ us.”

  The Balam went stiff as she came right up, bent low and hugged him as if he were a small child. It was so unexpected that the wet sticks he collected all fell. He awkwardly patted her back from the affection. “You’re more than welcome, Mistress Kanade.”

  “Girl, what do you want me to do?” asked Dress as Panther began to collect the mess of twigs and limbs.