02 Wrath of Flames Read online

Page 29

  “Well I’m still counting on you and Kanade.”

  “But I cannot fight if it comes to it. Kira would be a better choice.” Kanade said.

  Kira shook her auburn head of thick straight hair. “Not where it comes to defensive spells. He knows if four Shaman attack, I won’t last more than a second or two. He chooses well. For this mission, as a Caster, you are a better choice.”

  “Wise.” Valande agreed.

  Getting back to the subject. “Floa, let me guess, the council wants me to familiarize myself with as much as I can before sending me off? If they agreed even in my condition, they must want something bad from the Demon Lords. To allow me to go like I am means there is an ulterior motive. Odin could just wash his hands and let them kill themselves whether they ally or not. Sending me in like this says much.” He shrugged his new wings.

  “Sharp.” His mother-in-law said picking at her already perfect fingernails.

  “It is why we unanimously agreed him to be a squad leader.” Morgane announced. “A cunning and suspicious mind atop a stubborn personality to do the right thing is the mark of a good leader.”

  “Please go back to the subject.”

  “Awe, he’s still easily embarrassed to be boasted about.” Nell giggled as she threw her legs over Magnus’ thighs.

  Floa wisely chose to continue. “Yes and no actually. Morgane actually got Morom and Crait to see reason that shoving the Accords down your throat would do more harm than good. But they countered to just give you a simple guideline to follow and whatever they want you to bring up. Odin wouldn’t tell me. Apparently it’s a secret between the council and you, but he said you already know what they want. Something about strategy two?”

  Immediately it clicked and he laughed, deep and hard. It hurt, but at least he didn’t start coughing. “Morgane, is he serious? The reports I studied and he wants me to only bring up that?”

  “Specifically under Tattoo’s command and network till She is gone and the Demon population on and coming to this world calm down back to manageable levels.” The redheaded regal woman admitted. “I got them to agree that until you are fully functioning, rest will do be best. It was difficult to persuade Crait most of all in giving you time to rest rather than school you in laws that take five years to go over and a century at last to memorize. Mia sided with me after I allowed her to look over you yesterday. She especially believes you can get what we want.”

  “Can we know, Boyo?” Kira wondered.

  “Morgane, how many can accompany me, total?” He asked, looking at his team’s designated Witch.

  “Sixteen maximum of your choosing.”

  Ethan closed his eyes and started counting quickly. When he opened them he smiled “Perfect. That must be Fate putting his little fingers in the pot again because it is exactly the number if I get Reevy’s and Vitalli’s A and S class teams to join us.” Blake and Ellen each leaned forward at this idea. “Reevy’s leader owes me a free mission and Vitalli’s would get a kick out of it. Ellen, Blake, after I tell you, go to their teams and tell them this plan…”

  Cook though would never speak a word of what he was divulging.

  They listened and realized it had never been accomplished before. Eventually Ellen smiled, her pure white tail swished with mirth. “Tis a good plan. Thou are ideal to get the Demons to listen now that the world knows a Fire Elemental is on our side. It could be just the leverage we need, especially with Kyoko already warmed up to you.”

  “Kanade, will you go?” Morgane had to ask.

  “I will.” The Enchantress took her love’s hand in hers, amazed by how his were so much bigger and fit perfectly as they wove together. “Three days is far too soon. And I need to be near now all the time to manage his amulet till a permanent solution can be found.”

  “Then we should call this a day.” Floa chimed. “Blossom will be coming home from school soon. It’s ten till five.”

  “Oh Crap!” Ethan sat up a little straighter. “Jormun, is he…”

  “He’s fine.” Magnus said quickly. “Odin figured a way to have Floa send the rocks you heat twice a day to a volcano and warm them up. So far Jormungandr cannot notice much of a difference aside from a sulfur taste. He still likes it better than having one of Celestia’s feathers in his belly. He complains he should have figured this method out a millennia ago.” The room chuckled.

  “Remind him hindsight doesn’t do any good.” Ethan held sore sides. “And thank you all for being here for Kanade and me.”

  “Anytime, My Friend.” Magnus stood and extended a hand. As soon as Ethan took it he sucked in a breath. “Best you” He shook it rapidly to dull the pain. “learn to control your strength.”

  “That was practically limp.” He admitted and flexed his hand. “Sorry, I’ll learn quickly. Take care, all of you.”

  He got quick hugs from Kira, Floa and Nell before the room emptied of everyone except Kanade. Cook was the last and she said “Call my name when you are hungry.” And disappeared.

  “Alone at last.” Kanade sighed as she shut the door in the dark room.

  “Before that, Beautiful, I’d like to see what I look like standing up.”

  She paused with uncertainty. “You sure, Darlin’?”

  “Very. But I need to remove the catheter. It’s not a straight cath. It has a small air bladder in my bladder. Hand me the syringe and I’ll take it out.” She went right to it and handed it over. She tried her best not to laugh as he pulled the gown up and heard him gasp “Holy hell! You weren’t kidding. My shlong is proportionally the same, but my new stature makes me want to nay like a stallion and strut.”

  “You practically are hung like a horse, My Angel.” She drawled while licking her lips as he quickly extracted the tube. As soon as it was out her finger twirled with power and she saluted it as it engorged “Howdy to you too good sir.”

  “Damn, thanks for controlling it.” He laughed. “That would have been embarrassing.”

  “More so for me because I’m tryin’ real hard not to get on.”

  To help distract her one track mind and those wet lips she licked which made his member throb with a pulse of its own, Ethan gently grabbed the collar of the gown that was more of a sewn window drape and pulled. ‘Riiippp!!!’ went the fabric. “Dammit! It’s like paper.”

  “Welcome to the club.” Distracted well enough, she came over to help him take off the ruined gown. “Now you can guess just how fragile everythin’ is around me. We live in a world of cardboard with many bein’s soft as puddin’. But for once, I can sense I no longer can be held back from you. The restraint I’ve always had since we first touched is gone entirely.” She said touching his chest, aroused again by the coarse chest hair. The way he smelled the air made her positive he knew she was ready for action. Sweet, sweet action.

  Legs spun over the bedside, atop pale wings. His large hands extended and she grabbed hold to pull as he put down weight.

  The moment he stood, she was in awe as she had to look up for the first time.

  He was slightly short of breath from pain and loss of blood pressure, but strong enough to realize what he had become. For the first time in his life, he could see and understand the true treasure his gaze settled upon. She was such a fragile looking creature in his eyes, but strong at the same time. And just how much he changed. She was all woman. Without any comparison to a human, she looked normal. Delicate. She smiled as she was in his mind, enjoying how good it was for him to feel a real man fit for such an amazing woman.

  Large eyes twinkled with genuine warmth while her barely parted lips were inviting to touch with his own. Instinctively he wet his own tongue as well. Tingling shot up his arm in an exciting way as she held his hands gently, but he knew they were unrestrained and capable of breaking rock if his hands weren’t stronger. He felt large and protective, more than ever as she fixed him with love. Kanade was more than a foot and a half shorter.

  It came to an end as she said “You’re pokin’ me.”

  Sure enough his rigid friend poked her belly. “Would say I’m sorry, but you know it wants to make you happy.”

  “I want it to make me happy too. But my concern now is how you feel. How are your legs?”

  “Really awkward. It’s like I’m taking ballet classes, standing on the ball of my feet rather than killing my toes. But should I be saying it seems natural?”

  She shrugged, not once breaking eye contact. “You tell me. It’s your body. Normally walkin’ on the ball hurts. Does it?”

  “No. You told me all the little bones in my feet have fused completely now. My toes feel normal, but the bone I’m standing on… I don’t know.”

  “Let’s try for the full body mirror I had put away.” He took a first step and went “Whoa!” as his balance threw him backwards. Kanade didn’t let go so she pulled him up before losing it all. “Darlin’, your wings are heavy and mess your balance. Before you walk, lean forward slightly and pull them in a bit more. Trust me.” She pointedly moved her own wings.

  Nearly forgetting about the new wings, he looked over his shoulder and remembered how Kanade always walked to apply it to himself. They tensed slightly as they folded in more, collapsing, hiding his backside almost entirely. He eventually found an internal, inaudible click that made her smile from his thoughts. “Remember that feelin’ when you close them. It is how we keep them from draggin’ over the floor. Think of it like a gate latch. Easy to undo, but keep them comfortable.”

  “It does seem comfortable.” He mumbled “Lean forward slightly…”

  “Don’t forget your tail either. It is thick, heavy and long to help balance. It will help since your wings are so big.”

  Success. One step was perfect. He sat a foot down to say “Kanade, did Morgane say anything about the tendons in my legs?”

  “Hmmm… Oh yeah! They are like springs. She said they are a bit like a kangaroo.”

  “Makes sense. They coiled without my muscles tensing.” The walk was agonizingly slow, especially when Kanade decided to put off showing the mirror and walked him around the room as large as his apartment back in Orlando, but much higher. He fought the protesting pain, but after ten laps around the bed the extra pain loosened up. The morphine did wonders, but walking was therapeutic since he read Kanade’s mind to learn it was also Morgane’s suggestion since he was nearly all healed. In the laps he asked “Why aren’t you afraid of how I look or find my legs weird?”

  All honesty came from her thoughts. “I find you exotic. I only fainted once when your back was shredded. When I got a good look at you after the wounds closed up, I wasn’t even slightly repulsed. The moment I saw your wings without wound my heart soared. Your legs are efficient, more so than mine. You were dominant before, but now you exude maleness. It makes my girlie parts dance like crazy. And your cock! I know you can smell I’m already wet and ready.” A sultry smile grew as she roved a demure hand down his chest. “Nothin’ has brought my love for you down, but it has certainly increased. And your muscles… wow, they are pure yummy perfection. Any female would beg just to lick whip cream off your elbow and swoon. You are all man and drip sex appeal. Mine, all mine.” She moved with him several more steps to vocalize “Stand still to see for yourself.”

  He wobbled slightly and whipped his tail around till all stopped. She didn’t leave till he could maintain and master standing. She hurried over and pulled a ten foot tall mirror out and positioned it before rushing right back to his side.

  Ethan stared at his naked glory for the first time. She wasn’t teasing, he was huge. A mountain of ripped muscle beneath mildly tan skin and a pelt of crimson chest hair. The arms were bulging cords wrapped like steel cables and handsomely vascular. His firm abdomen had gone well beyond an eight pack with muscles his human mind could not believe real. His neck was thick and shadowed just enough to show off the upper joint of wings standing well above the top of his head. Leg muscles were nearly double hers. The image looked sculpted by a master artist. Only the rise and fall of the wide chest indicted the image was real. And Ethan knew it was him because of the silvery translation bracelets bound to either wrist.

  Flickering in the center of his upper chest was the silvery amulet.

  And the almost catlike eyes staring back was by far the most startling. He remembered when he did magic how they would elongate slightly and glow, but now they didn’t return to normal. And they were darker, redder. Same with all his hair it was burgundy. He needed a trim, but someone had been kind enough to brush it properly. Knowing his beloved, it was Kanade.

  The Elemental looked like a bodybuilder, but healthy and not so vain or grotesque. His body felt natural like this, no longer awkward.

  Beside the red giant was a saucy and well rounded woman just as naked as he. So caught up in the new appearance, he didn’t realize she had stripped. She was the perfect opposite. Female to his male. Tenderness to his firmness. Even her wings were his balance. Feather to flesh. Between perky breasts rested the gift of joint hands while a gold choker wrapped around her throat.

  A heavy sigh blew from his lips. “What are your thoughts concerning what you see?”

  Kanade looked into the mirror and smiled. “My powerful angel and a little woman who is luckiest in the universe. Two opposite powers made to fit perfectly as one.” She touched his arm and tucked it between her breasts and felt a great curtain of winged flesh ruffle in the air as it stretched around her and pulled her closer. “And a couple who share love without compare.” She looked away from the mirror and up into his entrancing eyes. “Most of all I see true and absolute love.”

  Doubt left him as he spun to her entirely and brought his other wing around to completely wrap her around while his hair began lifting on thermal energy and sparks igniting till she closed her eyes oh so slowly as his body turned aflame. She now understood why he loved it when her wings wrapped them together. Nothing could compare. Then her eyes flew open as she felt pressure at her throat. “Darlin’?” she asked before she heard a ‘Crack’ of metal breaking between his fingers as if it were a twig. “ETHAN!!!” She yelled and tried moving, but he peeled her choker off and crushed it into a mangled paperweight between his palms. Before she could really scream about being burned alive, all she felt was more warmth and new sensation as even her own hair now lifted. She looked at her arms and found nothing so much as hurt. “Wha… what did you just do? Why am I not burnin’?”

  He rumbled deeply “My blood. I know now without question. I don’t know how I know this, but you have so much blood inside you from me… I can no longer burn you.” Ethan’s eyes smoldered. “A couple drops won’t do anything, but you’ve tasted fresh from me for over a month. I’m now part of you so that collar isn’t necessary. Forever. My blood is part of you now and for all time.”

  Truth was proven and she didn’t question it either. She looked close as his eyes adjusted to the light he made had turned into narrow slits, but her mouth noticed “Your fire is a reddish purple? I hadn’t seen this color since the tornados.”

  “So it is.” He smiled before leaning down for the first time to kiss her. Not the other way around. She stood on her toes to reach him.

  Lips met with a hunger that knotted the insides and made the world be forgotten. But as they kissed, Kanade came closer to press her breasts into his chest and wrap her arms around his neck. She gasped in the kiss as she felt his tail naughtily come around to caress her vagina while his hands stroked her wings.

  Unable to last any longer she pulled on his neck and lifted herself up to settle around his narrow hips and made a big mistake.

  They fell hard, his wings tightening a moment before falling instead of spreading to catch himself. He made a grunt of obvious pain in the sensitivity and newness to the sails, but she knew denying his protective instincts would ruin the mood so instead she laughed before covering her mouth with both hands and saying “Whoops.”

  “Whoops indeed.” He laughed, still on fire. “But this is better for me.”

; “Me too.” She hummed softly while spreading her legs and wrapping them tight.

  Her lower lips felt the new warmth as a vortex around his head parted them and in a smooth motion went to the hilt. Eyes wide had him asking “Kanade?”

  “Hot damn! It fits right to my womb! And the fire rollin’ inside me… Hot damn!” she said again and her inner muscles convulsed stronger than ever as her ankles locked around him into a scream of pleasure before instincts took over and her mouth opened to bite down on his neck viciously, tearing through skin to reach rich molten blood she craved while her nails scoured his back.

  This in turn roused his desire to start thrusting powerfully a moment before he too bit down. Only this time there was no resistance. Her strong flesh parted like butter, but his instincts to only pleasure his mate restrained biting to tear. This was a bite of love. By her vocal mewling, his inner animal knew she was indeed pleased. He growled deep in his chest and her answering feminine sounds for more had him forgetting all about pain. He felt her lapping the blood like she starved, his need was no less. It grew each time he made her peak and clench, begging for more. When she took another bite he grabbed her ass and, without consciously thinking about it, picked her up and pressed her solidly against the wall. His wings spread halfway, making him bigger both outside and in and his dick had become engorged from the potency of her blood. Stretching her to her limits and beyond where pain became pure pleasure.