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02 Wrath of Flames Page 28

  His angel knew right away he was still in pain and did as he would have and brought the whole pitcher to his lips.

  “Bad idea. He’ll aspirate…”

  “No he won’t, Lady Morgane. His mind is awakenin’ faster than anticipated. Give him a bit more morphine… no, he’s sayin’ just enough to take the edge off the pain, not so the numbness is too much.” All the while he loudly gulped, draining the whole pitcher. “Yes, that is a catheter you feel. Yes, I’ll get more… oh your eyes! Everyone, look.” She said when her finally adjusted to the lower level.

  “My eyes? What is wrong with my eyes? Kanade, what the fuck is going on?” He thought as he looked at the room of his closest friends.

  “They look like a cats… sort of.” Nell commented, leaning closest.

  “Like old iron. Red and grey.” Kira threw in.

  “Because it is dark. I bet if he could stand the light it would make more of a slit. Ethan, can you clearly see us?” Morgane asked as he looked at her by an IV stand.

  “He says ‘As clear as day.’… Darlin’, to her, Kira, Nell, Magnus and Ellen, it’s nearly pitch black in here. Your eyes seem to be stronger as well… Actually, you’ve changed… quite a bit.” Kanade spoke aloud for everyone’s benefit.

  Ethan felt dull sensations in his fingers and lifted them to stop when there came new and unknown sensations. His head whipped to the side and paleness stood over behind his shoulder and up by near two feet. In the paleness he saw colored veins and bones beneath the thin membranes and went to touch them. As he reached over his shoulder, a second anomaly moved, brushing against the bed’s fabric and felt abrasive yet soft, a strange combination. Strangely, the new feeling was massive and long.

  Like several times before, an image popped into his head, but instead of it being fire-related it was of a muscular back with pale bat-like wings folded, flexing and extending.

  First attempt stung like crazy, but the things peeking over each shoulder twitched on command. It was a new extension which seemed natural. Water soothed enough dryness to whisper “I have wings now don’t I? I can tell. I’m laying on them.”

  “And a tail too, Boyo.” Kira said and got a laugh at his startled expression.

  Eyes drifted down to Kanade’s hand when she lifted a thick rope he could feel like the wings, but as the electrical sensation always associated with her touch brushed the new extremity, it was indeed a long flexible tail. His arm reached out and took hold of the new limb. But his first thought was in the gutter. Oh my god, Kanade will love what I can do with this if it works. Like the wings, an image of his tail appeared and it twitched as if he had lived with one his whole life and coiled it up like a rope.

  Kanade though raised a metallic blue eyebrow. “So it’s not just me who has fun plans for your tail too huh? Oh by the way, your dick is gigantic! I don’t even know if it’ll even fit in me anymore, but I can’t wait to try. Oh, you’re officially taller than me, Darlin’. But before you get all excited, best look at your legs.” She stood up, murdering new fantasies she aroused.

  For a moment he considered using his hands, but decided to give the new tail a twirl. It responded to his will and gripped the sheet covering up to his waist and pulled it aside hearing Morgane saying “Remarkable. He has complete and total control of the appendage and it is articulating better than estimates.”

  But instead of everyone expecting him to freak out he said “Cool!” and wiggled his toes. “So I get wings, a tail and get legs like a horse?”

  “You’re taking this remarkably well.” Valande said as she came around. “Such radical changes should terrify you.”

  “Are you kidding?” He chuckled weakly while squinting from her helmet, but then starting coughing violently. Kanade and Morgane had glowing fingers in an instant, but he held them off. “Minute.” He hacked a few more times. “I’m alright. But, Val, to me this is a dream come true.”

  “Thou haven’t changed as much as we feared.” Ellen laughed, her hooves stomping louder than usual.

  Smells were also more potent. Ethan suddenly realized and looked to Kanade to ask with his mind “What is that I’m smelling from you. I smell me, and your lovely brand of cinnamon, but something else…”

  Kanade looked at her mother as she spoke down to him, but primarily thought “I’m really horny, Darlin’. You’ve been asleep for two days. You smell my arousal, somethin’ only you can. Just as I smell yours. I had to paralyze your dick from salutin’ everyone here with a ‘Howdy y’all!’ I’m as randy as a bitch in heat, like I was when we made love after your first scan and you sleepin’ for several days. I’m tempted to see how fast you can make me orgasm with that rod… don’t even think of trying that tail with so many witnesses.” She added as soon as the thought of that tail diving down her pants popped in.

  “Can’t say I’m sorry, but I like your smell of arousal. Nell is aroused as well when Magnus put a hand on her shoulder as they laugh at Ellen’s joke.”

  Meanwhile Valande was asking “Why do you wish such a dream as reality?”

  “Before I answer, can I get food. I’m starving.”

  A green light appeared with a bright violet eye glaring. “Starving are you?” Cook said with sarcasm that was dripping with hurt. “And why should I feed someone who had to go home and eat extra before he scared a century out of me? Why did Morgane have to tell me you were never satisfied? Huh?! Then I hear if I had fed you more your transformation would have not put you in here. Tell me why I should feed such a lout ever again?”

  “Cook, don’t be hard on the boy.” Morgane scolded and got the glare turned on her.

  “She’s right.” Ethan said timidly as he uncovered sensitive ears from her raised voice. “Cook, I beg forgiveness. Even after all these months in your care, I’ve always taken care of my loved ones. First my Mom since she was in a wheelchair, then my grandparents before they died too. Even my younger brother Billy, before he turned so bitter. But then I get here and there is nothing I can repay you with. You’re a Will-o-wisp. You have no actual body. You’re an entity of energy. I can’t do anything for you. As for why I was never full, I felt like I was taking advantage of you. You ask for nothing in return except a smile or how good the fare always is. I ate at home to not burden you. I’m sorry.”

  Over the course of his heartfelt and humble apology, her lone eye softened its dagger quality. “Oh, I can’t stay mad at you after hearing that. But from now on, if you can still shove a kernel of corn down that gullet of yours, do it. Call me anytime, anywhere in this building and I’ll get you fat and happy again. And you’re wrong, just because of my Kind, I feed on goodwill. Your kind words sustain me. Why do you think I love getting praised? Just a simple ‘Thanks’ is enough. But the way you say it with such genuine warmth, you remind me of a young Odin before he got too big for his britches. Now tell me what you want. Any desire of the heart.

  “Well I’ve never been so hungry in all my life. I’ll let you choose.”

  “Better make it calorie rich.” Kanade said as she sat at his side, careful not to lay on his new wing she knew was very sensitive and sore. It no longer bled or had any patches, but wasn’t near finished healing. “The least healthy, the better.”

  “I have just the thing.” Cook said and floated to the large bedside table already prepped with bowls, plates and cups. In a blinding flash she smugly asked “Think that will suffice?”

  Covering the table were stacks of a variety of steaming hot foods that attacked the olfactory senses without remorse. Hearty soups, thick roasts, whole chickens and every possible side dish he could imagine. A feast. A heartwarming grin split his face. “I’ll try to choke it down.” And before anyone could assist him his long tail whipped out with perfect precision and circled around a ham bone and lifted the tender morsel up to his hand before taking a mighty bite and moaned “So Good!” as fat dripped off his chin with a little honey glaze. Cook brightened right up. Flavors so wonderful he seemed to float higher than the painkiller
s circulating around in his veins.

  In a few bites there came a ‘Crunch!’ that made him stop. At his startled expression the room erupted in laughter. He plucked a bone from the ham, but Cook said “Don’t worry. Bone is good for you now that it is most needed for your body. Eat everything and I do mean everything. Well, not the metal. It will help give more calcium you’re craving. Just be sure to chew it up real good and well. It’ll get lodged if not.”

  “Truthfully he’s thinkin’ the bone is as easy to chew as a saltine cracker.” Kanade supported.

  He nodded and swallowed. “And the hambone is tasty too, Cook. I expected it to be bland, but the flavor saturated completely.”

  “Gargoyles like my trick as well.” Cook glowed merrily, watching him eat faster and faster. No longer did flavor hold him as hunger, ravenous and demanding, took over. But although he practically inhaled it like a vacuum cleaner, not a drop or crumb was allowed to escape for long.

  Strength grew as he ate and the group sat down, unable to tear their gaze away from him. He was eating at inhuman speeds and the metal plates all were dented on return. Only once did he mess up as his new grip broke a glass of a fruity drink, but it made little difference. He was more careful, but didn’t seem to have an end.

  Cook was all too willing to make another buffet and a third.

  Finally, at nearly sixty percent consumption of the third round he sighed and took another sweet drink “Ah, so good. Cook, you are the best.”

  “Finished are we?” The Wisp taunted with sarcasm.

  “For the moment.” He wiped his face and short beard. “Don’t worry, I’ll find more room.”

  “Sadly, you won’t.” Kanade reached over and started eating. “I’m hungry too.”

  “Be my guest.” Cook giggled like a little girl. “I’m not leaving anytime soon, not until my friend is so stuffed he’ll get sick and fight having one helluva psychedelic yawn to paint the walls. So what did I interrupt?”

  “My son telling me why he isn’t afraid of his new body.” Valande sure hadn’t forgotten.

  “Right!” he took a swig, feeling much better with a full belly. “Three reason’s mostly, Val. First and foremost I want wings to fly with Kanade. Always had since she took my soul to Spirit World. To fly with her, not just hold on and be carried. Kanade already told me all that has changed in me while eating. You have no idea how frustrating it is not to be her equal. I so wanted to fly with her and soar. Now that I can, I will when my pain lessens. I can tell my wings still need to heal up a bit more. I get the feeling the membranes will tear if I try stretching them. Second, I hated Blake’s tail with a passion. That thing is a weapon more deadly than his swords. I wanted one for a little payback. And lastly for my legs, these are like a horse’s. Even though they are numb, I get the feeling I’m faster than ever before, not just because of my new height. For the first time in my second life I feel like I’m not emasculated because my angel is so much taller and stronger than me. I’m a man worthy for her, in my own eyes.” He added when Kanade gave a sideways look. “I now feel confident in life. Both love and among friends. I’m just grateful my face hasn’t distorted. I know my eyes and hair are different. Overall, my wishes are realized. By the way, Val, thank you for acting so fast in getting me to the operating table and for this.” He patted the warm amulet on his chest beneath the large hospital gown. Even hidden it glowed like dim fire.

  Valande’s young face became soft and motherly. “And you are welcome. But now that you are awake, I must ask to speak alone with you.”

  “What for? I trust everyone in this room.”

  “Unfortunately I am forbidden to speak as to why. But I need to do something rather invasive and it requires I remove my helmet.” This had eyebrows raise. “Everyone please step outside. You will be safe out there. It won’t take but a few moments.”

  “Mother, what has gotten into you?” Kanade asked as she put the plate down.

  “Ethan, this is very important.” Valande ignored her only child.

  “If it is, I’ll do anything to wipe that expression away. I’ll be alright, Angel. That goes for all of you. Do as she asks for me please.” He said without moving in the bed.

  Soon the shiny door shut and he was alone in the room with an Enforcer on mission. Slight fear trickled in and down his spine, but not making him overly anxious.

  Then she removed her helmet. Fire vanished soundlessly to revel a smooth helm much like he remembered of Magneto’s from X-men, but was gold. Just as the fire died runes around the wide room flared bright enough to make him shield his eyes. But just before he was blinded he saw Valande in her glory. Like those impressive wings, her hair was long and colored like the sun on a bright day without a cloud in sight. A beautiful, near carbon copy of her own child’s beauty. But with her helmet removed he felt a slight pressure on his chest, but his imagination supplied that any weaker beings than she would be killed if all she did was sit somewhere doing nothing.“Try not to resist for your sake.”

  Not a second later he felt an alien mind fly through his. Every memory, emotion, dirty secret and inspiration was hers for the taking. Her mind was honed better than most and what would have taken days to fully know the person as a whole took mere seconds without her helmet. It was indeed invasive and so thorough that she knew without a doubt the kind of person he truly is. She put the helmet back on. Flames returned and dimmed the lights. She heard Ethan sigh as she reached between worlds to connect with her one. Like always Mikhale was right there and inviting. “False alarm, My Angel. He has not been touched by, contacted or claimed by the taint of Chaos’ master. His scent merely was a coincidence.”

  “Are you certain?” Mikhale thought back and she sensed no change in him.

  “Absolutely. I read everything there is to know about our new son. He is not what we were trained for. He is as we believed, a honest boy fit for our daughter in every way. His love for her rivals even yours for me. Have you discovered anything?”

  “Not even close to what you describe. His lineage is exceedingly difficult to follow. I’m up to sixty four generations, all human except for one Pixie born male with a powerful wizard who was given the first gift by the Spirit King as a father. So far, those two ancestors are all that have been connected to Order. The rest have all been mundane humans.”

  “That far back…? Hmm… it could be where he can cast with a whole fist. If a powerful Wizard’s line gifted by the Spirit King somehow managed to blend with a rare species, it could account for his unique mystical talents.”

  “My thoughts exactly, Dear. I will continue efforts till I find the culprit. And Lord Fate seems to be preparing for his father’s arrival. It will be in a few months so hopefully Ethan will be done and we can return to our master’s side.”

  “Love you.” She thought and ended the connection while opening the doors. To those waiting she said “All is well. My worries were unfounded.”

  Everyone returned, but Morgane held a large glass of glowing purple water. No one bothered to ask what it was all about at just a glance to the muscular giantess’ guarded expression. Kanade was back at his side, holding hands and sharing thoughts. “I’m alright really. Your mom just learned everything there is to know about me. Whatever she found or didn’t find has eased her wrath. Look at her wings… they aren’t so stiff anymore.”

  “True. I can tell you are better. The food really helped.”

  “Sure did.”

  “Drink up, Ethan.” Morgane held out a large glass of purple potion.

  A strange emotion surfaced. One that churned his stomach just by looking at the liquid. He shook his head. “No thank you, Lady Morgane.”

  “It would be best if you drank.” She held it out.

  Again he shook his head. “Sorry, but no thank you.” Ethan tried being as polite as possible. “I get why you want me to drink, but all it did was delay what has happened here.” He gestured to his body. “If I still haven’t developed cancer or any mutations after m
y body tore itself apart, maybe we should let things just be for now. At the first sign of deformity we’ll do as you like. So far, from what Kanade has been relaying, my body is proportioned more perfectly than when I was more human. My new organs are supposedly still functioning properly to maximize bodily functions. My bones are just as hollow as hers and just as strong. I agreed before this massive change, but now my gut is telling me my worries were unfounded. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful for you making all the potions and…” he stopped as her hand came up.

  “Ethan, I will not force you to drink unless there is no alternative, but my professional opinion is you should drink to regulate. If what Val has said about the likeliest species, your changes are not close to done yet. Your joints will be in constant pain from rapid growth till your genetics finish working. Are you sure about this?”

  “Living with pain isn’t new. You forget about the man smirking at the foot of my bed covered in scales and has little mercy.” Blake hissed a short laugh. “I lived over four months as a human punching bag. If I need painkillers, I’ll stick to ibuprofen as an anti-inflammatory. I just want to finish whatever is going on as soon as possible.”

  “On the condition to do two daily scans and blood drawings.” Morgane countered he offer since it was clear he would be stubborn. She sighed when he nodded and placed the drink on a counter at the other side of the room.

  “Thank you.” He said with genuine gratefulness.

  “It is what it is. I can understand wanting to get over something as soon as possible. I would not allow this if what you say wasn’t accurate.” The High Witch smoothed her thick navy blue dress as she sat down.

  “Guy’s what else have I missed since getting knocked on my ass by my own body?” He asked those sitting at the foot of the bed.

  A bubbly laugh came from Floa as she sat beside Valande. “More like knocked on your face. Well actually as it concerns us all and pisses Morgane off,” Ethan looked at the High Witch who showed barely a flicker of resentment before offering small smile. “well Kyoko stubbornly still wants you and hasn’t budged, even after we gave her a picture when you were under. She says she understands, but will not allow more than the three days we’ve got left. Only Morgane and Tattoo are opposed to sending you off to only Spirit King knows where!” She threw up her evergreen arms and rolled purple eyes. “My fiancé only managed to get her to allow a small contingent to accompany you wherever she’s planning to hold the conference, but only two others may go inside to stand behind your chair during. Other security will take position.”