02 Wrath of Flames Read online

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  “Because it needs to be downloaded and filed. I’ll return it just as soon as I’m done doing his report for him.”

  “Alright. What time is it?”

  “A little past two in the morning. Go ahead on in. Your mother is sitting with him, as is Morgane.”

  “Thank you, Tattoo.” He nodded as she weakly knocked.

  The door slid open and she looked up into her mother’s open face a she smiled. “Good to see you’ve returned to us. Come on in.”

  Laying facedown on a white sheet was her beloved. Blood and disinfectant burned her sensitive nose. A sheet covered him up to his waist, but what really stood out were two wrapped wings that seemed paper mache, but thick red blots made it all the more real. His entire torso was likewise wrapped. The wings were massively covered in gauze and lay splayed more like a beetle’s carapace than actual wings. His hair was clearly red, but more ripe strawberry and tied with a string. The nape showed a tattoo of a Naga claw, eye and swords of a master student under Blake’s tutelage no more. A lethal graduate. Hooked up to his arm was an IV blood-bag. But his wings, even covered, were enormous.

  She forced herself not to rush over and barely managed it as she knelt by his head, facedown in a recess with a platinum chain slightly dangling by his beard. In a faceless disc amulet two inches long twinkled brightly with power and seemed to burn almost like an Enforcer’s helmet. “My Angel, you have color again. Can you hear me?” No sign came from him so she gently entered his mind and sighed “Thank goodness. He’s dreamin’ of… oh my.” A loving smile made her smile despite the tears running down her cheeks. “So that is what you’ve been plannin’. Don’t worry, I’ll act surprised.” She twisted and kissed his unresponsive lips before leaning back.

  Valande helped Kanade regain her feet and clutched her right in her bosom and allowed her to cry out all her fear and emotion. After a few minutes she wiped her eyes and Morgane was there with tissues. “Thank you… both of you for savin’ my husband.”

  “We almost didn’t more than once.” Morgane spoke softly as chairs flew around so they could all sit. “Until Val finished making the suppressive amulet, we barely were able to staunch the blood. His condition is still very critical.”

  “Do you know the cause? What is happenin’ to my angel?”

  Morgane, as cool and calm as ever laid a comforting hand on the Enchantress. “We do not know the trigger that has caused such a violent progression in his condition. It could be Demonic interaction, but I’m not sure. The potion he drinks twice a day has left not even a trace of ever being consumed. It is a likely conclusion. The Elf arrow most certainly made us aware of his accelerated growth and it didn’t help matters letting a Demon Lord feed off him. I’ve spoken to his team and they all said Ethan showed no signs of pain or rapid growth till he arrived here. Tell me exactly, did he say the pains he associates with growing came up gradually or was it spontaneous? Were you in his mind the moment he returned?”

  “I was. It feels so good when I do it. I truly cannot say. I was talkin’ and relivin’ his day’s happenin’s when he suddenly said we need to see you and then…” Kanade shivered, her wings too. “And the sounds his body made… I never want to hear them again.”

  “Your mother has a theory.”

  Kanade looked up at her side as Valende said “At breakfast he ate foods rich in fat, sugar and protein. Much more than I expected yet I got the feeling he remained very hungry. Kanade, has he been doing this often?”

  “Ever since he awoke from the battle. Sometimes we eat extra at home. He’s afraid to make Cook do too much or seem a glutton. Sometimes before bed he’ll eat several meat lovers pizzas… or a gallon of ice cream.”

  “Then it is most likely he was storing mass quantities of nutrients for this sudden burst we witnessed.” Morgane believed. “Being fed off of, could have started a premature change that accelerated the moment he relaxed. Like a caterpillar fattening up and becoming a butterfly so quickly it completely bypassed the chrysalis phase. He could have eaten much more and had a safer transition, but that bloody well didn’t happen. What is worse is Val contacted the three likeliest hidden species and they all refused to aid discovering his lineage. We got that answer about two hours ago. And we cannot put any pressure on them. They find this matter is our problem to solve. They won’t do anything till his condition is complete.”

  Kanade swallowed a hard lump. “Wha… what changes has my angel taken? Please tell me.”

  “Of course I will. I’m not about to make you dream up unrealistic horrors when we’ve got proof.” She waved her ever trusty tablet. “First we’ll go over the mundane. His aura is safely, and mind you temporarily, sealed. People can be near without dying again. His skin has gradually become extremely hard since operating. Val had to find a new vein when the first needle was pushed out. The density of it is nearly identical to yours, Kanade. And he is in a tremendous amount of pain so he is sedated, extremely sedated so he’ll feel nothing. Hell, ten elephants would feel nothing. I had to resort to purely human medicines, but his human side still responds well enough. I had to when I learned his wing bones grew much faster than the staff using needle and thread to stop hemorrhaging.” Then the High Witch sighed. “Here comes the difficult data. First, you must know he has more than wings.” Kanade said nothing. She wanted to hear every detail again. “After his torn back, we discovered his legs had altered in an extreme way. Think of them more like a horse’s back legs now. His foot elongated and became a new joint. He retains all his toes, but will most likely walk on what was once the balls of his feet from now on. The bones there have nearly fused together and the underside is flesh, but two times harder than the rest of his tough skin.”

  “Like the legs of Gargoyles?” Kanade asked and swallowed again.

  “That is a closer analogy. Thank you. And yes, like the legs of a Gargoyle yet without claws. But their skin is still tougher than either of yours… And Ethan has… well… grown a tail exactly four feet eight inches long. You cannot see it beneath the blanket, but he does have a tail. Judging by the number of vertebrae, it will articulate more than a Nagai’s supple one… if it heals properly, much like the wings.”

  “What else. What are you still holdin’ back?” Kanade said.

  Morgane looked to Valande before saying “If he walks as expected, he’ll now stand nine feet one and a quarter inch tall.” Kanade’s jaw dropped. “And many of the growths in his body are now functional. He has an organ that stores extra oxygen if he must fly in higher altitudes or to hold his breath for ten minutes at a time at a bare minimum underwater. His bones have hollowed greatly, but not like yours is. His still need to continue. There is one growth in the right side chest cavity that concerns me, but isn’t doing anything for some reason. And know this, he somehow weighs seven hundred and two pounds. He’s gained over four hundred and forty six pounds since he was scanned this morning.”

  “But how can that be? It’s like a lean blood hound turnin’ into a boar.”

  “Descriptive.” Morgane snorted and played with her strawberry curls. “Well the weight defies normal logic. He weighs more than Mikhale now, Child. Yet what is more confusing is he isn’t starving as he ought. His body should be so weak it needs mechanical support and concentrated nutrition fed down his gullet by a tube. But since he has been sedated, his healing is remarkable to say the least. He’ll require bihourly dress changing, but his critical status should last three weeks. But if he continues at this rate I’ll pull him out of the induced coma by the second day. By the third or fourth and he’ll likely be fully healed.”

  “That fast without magic?” Kanade asked in disbelief.

  “If magic didn’t accelerate these changes he likely could recover by tomorrow.” Morgane stated with certainty.

  Kanade looked to her prone soul mate sleeping. “His wings, are they functional?”

  “Most certainly… if the healing is correct and the skin fills in properly with blood
vessels. Judging by the bones that came out, I’d swear they were natural. As natural as yours. His wingspan was measured at forty three feet. Really large for any winged being in my records. If they fill in, who can guess the true width. His back muscles are already at optimal levels for flight. The torn skin didn’t damage them at all and the ligaments attached to the bone are more than adequate. Even for snapping straight in a near instant.”

  “Will he have feathers too?” She asked, hoping to see them as red as his hair.

  “With a tail, not likely.” Valande burst her bubble. “I cannot give away many details, but as he has a tail now, the three races are featherless. They have wings like a bat, supple and leathery. If his wings turn the color of his hair, it will narrow the process down to two, especially if his eyes have changed.”

  “His eyes?” Kanade asked.

  “I’m assuming they will become elliptical, catlike. Right now the drugs dilate his eyes so we cannot tell.” Her mother explained.

  “Then I’m hopin’ they do.”

  “Why?” Morgane asked first.

  “Because they will be exotic and my old dreams of my soul mate has red, catlike eyes. But he was still human in my dreams.”

  “And why did you not tell me of his eyes?” Valande asked with a twinge of concern no one picked up.

  “Nobody knew. I’ve never spoken of them before. Because I wasn’t sure if such a Spirit Guide existed when I kissed around, mostly with red winged ones. If my dreams become real, Ethan will have beautiful crimson eyes. Not like blood exactly, more like pure and polished ruby with impossible depths. Read me to see how he looked in my dreams.”

  Both women did just that and she suppressed a shiver at how creepy and wrong it felt to be read by others. Morgane smiled. “I see what you mean. Ethan’s features are hazy, but clearly him and those eyes are a bit frightening and dreamy at the same time. And they were real, not contacts. If those rusty flakes are more pronounced, you maybe have given us a preview of something to expect.”

  Valande was too quiet to even be acknowledged as her mind reached for her husband’s to tell him what she learned. Everyone else was clueless. It seemed her stay would be extended to see if her worst fears had come true. She took a sniff with this newfound knowledge and could faintly detect the species of the likely culprit. She wasn’t certain, but it was too soon to disregard it either.

  For now it would stay between them.

  Before the Enforcer could test a theory there came a knock and standing outside were Ethan’s whole team, still in armor. They had stayed the whole time.

  “Is that… Ethan?” Kira whispered, her mouth parted like the rest of them.

  “Come in, but be quiet.” Morgane said as she opened the door. “And yes, it’s him.”

  Each entered without making much of a sound. Kanade didn’t get up as she sat by the table and held his much larger hand. “Magnus, is everythin’…?”

  “I’m plenty fine.” He cut her off. His helmet under an arm and allowed his silver hair to flow. “My exposure was short. I was up on my feet right after you left. How is he?”

  “Better, but in bad shape. And yes, those are wings layin’ on him.”

  “Was it our fault for letting him feed the Yuki-onna?” Blake asked.

  “No one is to blame. Morgane and Mother agree it was goin’ to happen anyway. Maybe it started it prematurely, but Ethan made the right choice regardless. I read his mind before he fell. Don’t blame yourself, Blake.”

  “I’m his second in command. I didn’t like it, but…”

  “But Ethan makes his own choices and doesn’t look back.” Kanade said in such a heartfelt way that his lack of voice earlier today was put to rest. “I might not like a Demon feedin’ off my angel, but I agree it was the best available option. As do all of you since you didn’t tell him to stop. He made the right choice.”

  “Agreed.” Came a deep voice from the open door. Heads swiveled to find the one eyed Viking standing there with Floa sitting like a child on his shoulders. He didn’t seem the least bit distracted with his soul mate playing around. “Morgane, a word.”

  “One moment.” She told the room as she stepped outside and closed the door.

  The group watched as Odin spoke and Morgane looked furious. Tattoo made up the triangle, saying nothing and yet speaking at the same time. Not once did their voices raise, but it was clear whatever the All Father said pissed her off. Then he said something with authority and walked away still with Floa riding him without the smile anymore. Tattoo rolled behind the once believed Norse god, shaking his head.

  “Is everything alright, Lady Morgane?” Nell broached the subject when she returned to the room.

  “It most certainly isn’t.” She seethed behind locked green eyes. “Apparently the Yuki-onna wants Ethan to represent Order when she invites the other remaining Lords. I don’t know what the bloody hell the council is thinking, but they approved Ethan as ambassador by unanimous decision, even without Tattoo and myself to tell them no.”

  “Are you serious?” Kira asked as if she was hearing things. “Do they even know how bad Ethan is?”

  “Damn sure do. Kyoko is adamant about Ethan and supposedly told Morom she’ll give us five days… five days to send Ethan as representative and mediator. She apparently doesn’t believe his condition. Odin just kindly told me that it is our best interest to heal Ethan by any means necessary and school him as much as possible for the five days she has given us. I told Odin no and he said if I didn’t then he would find someone else who will heal him.”

  Valande was just as opposed at the rest of the room, but she first raised her voice all without uncrossing her legs from the chair. “Does anyone outside this room know you can expedite Ethan’s healing by tomorrow if you spell him?”

  Morgane shook her head and then smiled. “Val, you are a genius.”

  “I know.” The Enforcer smugly smirked.

  “Apparently I’m missing something. Tis confusing me.” Ellen crossed her muscular arms beneath bountiful breasts.

  Kanade caught on. “I get it. No one knows you estimated Ethan’s recovery in two days. A normal recovery induced magically usually takes three. But we could heal him in one if anyone else knew. We won’t will we?”

  “So long as none speak of it outside these doors I can misdirect the council.” Morgane smiled brightly. “Ethan’s recovery will be swift enough without extra efforts. Are you all trained in mental shielding?”

  “All of us are old enough and Kira is a natural Witch, so yes.” Magnus nodded. “So for two days we should put mental blocks even here in our own home? Well I’m in. Ethan’s body is torn up enough as is. Straining it at this point would do more harm than good.”

  “We are agreed then?” Morgane had to ask and got nods all around. “Glad you are all on my side.”

  “His side.” Blake corrected as he came around the bed to further examine his greatest student. “Morgane, may I pull the sheet down. Before Floa made them vanish, I hard his legs breaking.”

  “I’d rather you don’t. His tail and legs are in bad shape.” Kanade answered.

  “Tail?” the team asked in quiet unison.

  Listening had never been so tense to the group as they heard Kanade and Morgane’s words recount the condition. Morgane even showed off his scans with Kanade’s permission. Shocked would be an understatement. Scared would be too simple. Danger of the unknown was like riding on the edge of a crumbling cliff during an earthquake.

  After about an hour Morgane stood to say “Best you all go ready for some shuteye, even for a few hours. I need to change his dressings and sleep some as well.”

  “I’m staying here. I’ll not leave him any more than is necessary.” Kanade’s words eased the worried team.

  “Just do not overdo it, Kanade.” Blake hissed. “Rest if you need to and find Dressor if you would like some company. One of us will always be available. Do you need anything?”

  “Next time you come, bring a large bo
ttle of whiskey.”

  The group smiled. The Naga nodded. “Done. Valande, what about you?”

  “I need to stay close to keep an eye on the amulet to make sure it contains him properly. Like my hatchling, I’ll be sticking close for awhile.”

  “Keep us updated, Lass.” Kira said as she was the last to go.

  A team of skilled nurses were coming in right after. “Kanade, best you go outside.”

  “But I can handle it…”

  She went quiet as her mother’s hand fell on her shoulder. “We’ll be right outside. Kanade, let her work. Last thing we need is you fainting again.” No denying that as they left the room.

  Chapter 8

  “Ooohhh.” Came a weak, groggy sigh through parched lips.

  “He’s coming around.” Morgane spoke, but sounded like she talked underwater, distorted.

  Sounds and breathing were amplified as the world started returning to its rightful place. Numbness still gripped everything, but in the lack of sensation he craved “Wa…” An overwhelming cough took over that seemed violent, but in reality was exhausted wheeze. Then in his mind he heard the soft melody that belonged to the one individual that held his very heart. “Don’t speak, Darlin’. I’ll be your mouth. Tell me what you need.”

  “Water.” Even his own thoughts were sluggish. “And the light. Too bright.”

  Kanade poured fresh water from the pitcher while telling Floa “Kill the lights and close the blinds. Even with his eyes closed, it is too much… Mother, stand behind the bed. Direct light is painful. Your helm…” They all complied and the bed was raised so he was partially sitting up when she sat at the edge of the bed to give him a much needed drink.

  Refreshing, cool and revitalizing. Water had never been so sweet, not even from Cook. He was weak, but in the darkness he carefully opened his eyes and zeroed in on the plastic cup that seemed tiny for some reason. Then he found the pitcher and went to lean for it and sucked a sudden breath through his teeth. Sharp pain wouldn’t allow it to happen even being numb.