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- Jr H. Lee Morgan
Balancer's Soul Page 2
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Page 2
Luckily they arrived at school before any faculty or students showed up for another long day of droning boredom. Kara got out of the wagon carrying her school bag and also Connor’s. He picked up the wagon and placed it behind a dense thicket that grew off the side of the trail that led to the school. He always hid it there because the other students would find something new to use to torment him with. Afterwards he and Kara walked beyond the confines of the trees and entered the school’s campus.
Their moderately sized school is made up with both middle and high school students put together and is three stories tall. It’s old and built mostly from red brick, back in the nineteen forties, and a few beige portables stood out in the backside of the campus. The teachers are usually nice and understanding to everyone, except towards Connor. The real problem isn’t primarily with the teachers, but with all of his peers. He had always worn long, solid black sleeved shirts and black pants or jeans. At all times, he’d wear hiking boots instead of sneakers. Shaggy, sandy blond hair was disheveled to hide his eyes, so the nickname he was grew up with was Black Sheep.
People usually get startled when he looks at them directly for some reason so he keeps his hair over his eyes, to not make matters worse.
Kara waited with him for a short time and then went straight to her cheerleading friends, when they arrived. She said “Later, Brother!” and then disappeared. When she left he looked into the sky and calculated it to be about thirty more minutes until the first class begins.
Connor casually walked up to his favorite oak tree that grew at the tree line of the school. Effortlessly he climbed the tree, sat on a thick limb and closed his eyes. Being in a tree or out in nature calms him for some reason, but he simply figured that since he was an avid outdoorsman it was a love for nature and its beauty that eased his stress.
About ten minutes later a familiar voice shouted “Hey, Buddy!” and Connor knew exactly who that voice belonged to, without even opening his eyes.
“Hey, Mark. Are you ready for another fun and disastrous day?” he asked with his eyes still closed. Connor could easily smell Mark’s aftershave rising from below because there wasn’t even a gentle breeze to carry it away.
When Mark eventually reached the Oak tree Connor was perched in, he sat down below in the solid roots. With a sigh Mark said “Yep and nope!” and then blurted out “We have a new teacher for our history class. Just found out a minute ago. She supposedly just moved over here from Washington State.” He ended his statement with a short laugh.
When Mark said she Connor cracked an eye to look down at Mark’s expression, just to see him grinning up, waiting to see a reaction of his own. Mark is like your average size best friend and is also quite popular among the ladies, but he’s never dated anyone seriously for some reason. He’s always getting good grades in every subject and in every class, like he has done this before. He could charm any lady, young or old. Jet black spiky hair stood in every direction and practically liquid silver eyes made women sigh in wonder. He lives by himself in an apartment, so he works at the local diner on the weekends to earn enough income to live. Apparently his parents died a long time ago and he really doesn’t like talking about it so Connor leaves that particular subject alone. Mark’s said he’s been an emancipated teen since he was thirteen which is hard to believe, but he has all the legal documents to prove his case.
Also Mark is Connor’s one, and only, best friend. Growing up together for the past seven years, Mark is the only person outside Connor’s family who knows his painful secret.
When it came time to enter class, Connor jumped out of the tree, landing silently next to Mark. Agility like a cat he’d sometimes been compared. Mark always jokes about Connor’s nimbleness compared to his large size being impossible, like a cruel joke against nature. They both entered the school shoulder to shoulder, only to be greeted by most of the senior varsity football team. There was only one choice to choose from, either go around and be late or try passing through. He’s been late enough already.
Connor accidently bumped into the quarterback Mathew “Sorry, Mathew.” he said meekly. Mathew turned and saw who barely brushed his shoulder, then he laughed in Connor’s face. “Here comes yet another round of ignorant banter.”
“Well! Well! Well! What looks like a cow, thinks like a cow and is built like a cow?” Some popular girls laughed along with the other players and a boy behind Mathew answered “Connor!” in an obvious reply. Connor put his head down out of both habit and necessity and started to walk away.
Seconds later Mathew dashed at Connor while his back was turned. “Here he comes, should I side step or take the hit… I’ll take it so he can feel better about himself.” When Connor was successfully tackled to the ground Mathew yelled “And that is how you tip a cow!”
Everyone in the locker lined hall laughed, except Mark. He knelt down by his head and asked “You alright, Buddy?”
“Yeah, Bud. It will take a lot more than that to really hurt me, but you know that already.” Connor pushed himself up to his knees, slowly, and pretended to actually be hurt from that weak assault.
And surprisingly Mark smiled and gave a knowing wink while whispering “Yep. It would take a tank to even scratch your thick hide.” With that he offered his hand to lift Connor up.
Now a teacher came out into the hallway to see what all of the commotion was about. He was a short, balding man with a mean streak that knew few bounds and his name was Mr. V. Also Mr. V. is a science teacher that last year Connor singed the man’s eyebrows accidently. Ever since then he’s been returning guilt with interest. It was his fault for getting too close to the Bunsen burner when Connor was using a hydrogen filled bladder and an open flame. Also Connor’s well versed in many subjects, especially in sciences and knows more in that subject than Mr. V. does, but Connor pretends to be ignorant to keep trouble away. He doesn’t need a teacher who is overly prideful, but Mr. V. is all they have at the school for seniors and the credits to graduate were needed. Mr. V. looked solely and distastefully at Connor, but to the rest of the students he yelled “Get to class! All of you!”
Everyone went away as ordered, but they were still laughing mostly because Mr. V singled him out yet again. “Ah, another day, another disaster.”
The rest of the day went about the same. During lunch, Connor surprisingly received only had one carton of milk spilled accidentally over his shoulder and down his back. Usually he ended up worse on the average day. Meatloaf day always caused dread, especially trying to remove barbeque sauce from his clothes. Together he and Mark walked into the empty Home Ec. room and washed the milk out of his shirt before anyone could come back in and see the secret he hid from prying eyes. Mark was always there to keep a lookout. After lunch it was Science class with Mr. V.
In science Mr. V. began asking what were the parts contained in atoms. The teacher looked directly at Connor and asked “What is this part?” he pointed at a representation of an atom.
His only reply was to look silent and beaten while saying “I don’t know, sir. I didn’t have time to study last night.”
Mr. V’s snide remark wasn’t original in the least. “What a surprise!” Connor thought to himself “Get over yourself. I really do know you pompous fool. There are three basic parts to an atom; the proton, neutron and the electron. And all of the elements are categorized by the atomic index and all matter…”
Finally came the last period of the day, American History, and not a moment too soon. Mark sat next to Connor because it’s the only class they have together. “Ready to meet our new teacher?” Mark asked in a barely suppressed joy. The desks were designed for two people to share and individual chairs to slide in and out of the desk. The classroom held a total of twenty annoying students, if they all were present.
“Thrilled!” Connor exclaimed in a chipper tone while actually being bored and wasn’t thrilled in the least. Mark knew his friend well enough to know when he was having another bad day so Mark jumped on to another topic
When Mark finished chatting on his Algebra assignment that he passed with perfect numbers, yet again, Connor looked out the window to see two squirrels fighting over an acorn. They chased each other up and down the oak tree merrily, in fast moving circles, sometimes jumping from one tree to the next. Their lively excitement became the perfect distraction and balm for his mood. Connor began laughing to himself quietly at seeing the jokesters of the animal kingdom. One of the rodents got a hold of the nut and began fleeing from his pursuer. But then another squirrel jumped out and began the chase anew.
The final bell to get to class rang loudly.
Just as the chime died Connor heard the classroom door open. Here we go again, someone new to laugh at me for their expense!
This was the first day Connor met her.
School and Life
When she walked behind the desk Connor realized this stunning creature has to be the new teacher Mark spoke of earlier this morning, but she looked more like a student. But there was something about her sent his instinct off.
Connor tore his eyes away from her so he continued to blandly stare outside, but unfortunately he got a very good look at her. She stood far shorter than he, barely five foot at most. She could be about the same height as Kara if not slightly shorter, by his initial guess. Her figure was obviously petite with a heart shaped face and perfect porcelain skin. She looks about to be in her late teens or early twenties and has a flawless complexion. Long, silky brown hair flowed down to the small of her back. The hair looked thick and held only the slightest touch of natural curls, but she kept her hair loose. Her long hair reminded him of healthy, nutritious earth. What really caught his eye in that single moment he looked upon her were those knowledgeable emerald green eyes. It’s the color of life and also his favorite color.
As he continued to stare out the window, hoping to find the playful creatures again, Mark sharply elbowed Connor’s in the ribs. He felt surprised that Mark didn’t hurt himself to gain his attention. Connor casually turned to look at him and he heard something unexpected. “Look at this new teacher; she is as bland and plain as the wallpaper. Talk about giving your hopes up.” He said in a very quiet voice that only Connor could possibly hear. And Mark’s eyes were hiding something else as he looked upon her… or did Connor imagine it? Mark’s eyes must be playing tricks again.
Connor looked at him fully, but didn’t say anything. Inside his head it was a different matter. “Who are you talking about? Not the new teacher? Why would you say that about her? She’s perfect! I just wish I was older and braver to ask her out on a date one day…Dream on…” He shook his head to clear out the random thoughts growing out of control.
She then wrote her name on the board. Ms. Sarah Branderson
Connor had to look away from her again because he could feel something in the air, energy? drawing him in. And finally she spoke.
“Hello everyone I’m your new history teacher, Ms. Sarah.” She had a very feminine and velvety voice. She is also quite soft spoken. “Where in the world did I hear her voice from? ... Wait! Is she my new neighbor?” She went on saying “This is my first time teaching so bear with me if I make a mistake.” Her tone and the sudden shift of her eyes spoke otherwise. “Why are you lying?” But Connor remained quiet. Sometimes catching someone in a lie and confronting them about it was the worst thing a person could do. She ended her introduction with a question “Since this is a history class and time is always a factor and constantly moving forward, adding that much more to our histories. How do you personally tell time?”
Connor assumed the class looked around at each other in confusion. Some of the talkers went silent while some chairs grated on the floor as the person it supported tried finding a comfortable position. Mathew, who is also in class, answered first. “ You mean like a clock?” She nodded her head approvingly when Connor caught her vague reflection on the glass. Why, even when he tried looking for the squirrels, did his eyes seek hers, even in a reflection? She went on and calmly, asking every student how they tell time. Some said their TV, her watch, his calendar, computer, cell phone and so on.
Connor could hear her steps and even they were perfect.
Mark then answered her with “My Tablet!” as he pilled it out, fully displaying the time boldly across the screen which made everyone in the class laugh and it pulled Connor out of his rampantly warring mind. Finally she got to him. “Great, now everyone will laugh. Oh well I’ll just do it regardless.”
Ms. Sarah called “What’s your name, Sir?”
“Connor.” He said, forcing himself to look out of the window and not directly into her exquisite eyes. Just thinking about them again quickened the pace of his heart and he began feeling slightly flush. Thankfully his hair would hide most evidence of his reaction.
“Ok, Mr. Connor. How do you tell time?” She asked innocently.
“You’ll laugh like everyone else.” Taking a deep breath through his nose was a mistake because she smelled too pleasant. Her fragrant smell already permeated the room. She smelled just like apples and strawberries. “I use nature as my time keeper!” He blurted out before the smell of her could make him any worse or spontaneously combust.
Everyone laughed, just as expected, but Connor heard a distinctive sigh amongst the boisterous laughter. He had to make sure he didn’t hear his imagination getting ahead of him once again.
Through the hair that shaded others from his eyes he looked at everyone around and for some reason Ms. Sarah stepped up right in front of his desk. By their will alone, his eyes went up and met her lovely emerald green eyes and noticed she wasn’t laughing or making fun at his expense, like the others. It was a first and for some reason Connor cherished her ignorant innocence of not knowing what everyone else thought of him. And she asked in her velvet coated voice “Can you give us some examples?”
Connor stared at her for a long moment and noticed that no one in the class currently laughed at his expense any longer. He forcibly tore his eyes away from her and noticed all of his classmates were staring slack jawed at her. He thought it was because no one has ever asked him such a question, in a polite way before. Only two people were smiling in encouragement, both Mark and Sarah. “No Connor, its Ms. Sarah.”
At last he answered what he knew that few others did, looking out the window again “The sun and the moon reveal day and night and were the original means of establishing time. There are four seasons; Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. I use the phases of the moon to tell the date, for even it is constant for setting time and date. It is more accurate than our calendar system because it stays remarkably the same, even as it moves further from the planet each year. Also tonight there will be a full moon, if you’re wondering. There is also the sun dial which our ancestors used as a clock by reading the dial’s shadow during the daylight hours. It must always face north to function properly.” Connor finished with confidence because he knew precisely what he was talking about. He finally looked up at Ms. Sarah and she had a look of nostalgia written on her expression (probably remembering something from her past.) The look revealed compelled him say something that apparently caught her off guard. “Another thing that would be pertinent Ms. Sarah, our ancestors also regarded balance as nature’s one true law. It’s balance is the only reason we can create a timeline.”
Ms. Sarah gasped and for the first time she truly looked upon him. Her green eyes were blazing with intensity, and he got the feeling that she was looking through him. Also there was this sudden and weird sensation, like someone scratching at his brain. It became quite irritating.
After a few moments, she turned away quickly and started to the front board. She said “Everyone please read chapter nine, section six and answer question number seven. Then turn your answers in at the end of class.” As she finished writing on the board, she slid into her chair. Her brow furrowed and Connor knew that look all too well. She began having a bad migraine.
While everyone began working on the assignment Mark le
aned in close and quietly asked “What was that all about? Connor seriously, when you said something about balance, she looked like you were a long lost friend or lover. Or maybe a snake would be more precise.” adding a smile he continued “And you look like you finally found something you’ve always strived for, Buddy.”
“I’m just glad it’s Friday.” He sighed while trying to change the subject and answer the book’s question. When he finished answering the lengthy answer he looked up from his paper to noticed Ms. Sarah glancing back at him from under long eyelashes with a curious and delicate brow raised. Then she bit her bottom lip nervously, but the migraine remained, plaguing her.
The bell rang and he turned in his answers, on her desk. Connor then strolled out the door and on his way. Kara sometime later met up with him at their usual spot. Pulling out the wagon from the thicket Kara asked “How was your day, Brother?”
Only one word came out “Weird” and he took off running back home.
Sarah asked an average good looking boy with silver eyes and jet-black hair the same question and he answered with “My Tablet!” and everyone giggled. “I have found another class clown.” Walking around the obvious jokester she saw the next participant. “Now let’s ask the big guy staring out the window.” His shaggy hair covered most of his feature and his eyes were hidden. He was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with black jeans. “Black on Black? Not too many people can pull that off, but he can. His sandy blonde hair makes a good contrast to his outfit. He looks like he is avoiding me for some reason.” To see if it was true she asked him “What’s your name, Sir?”