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03 Atavism of the Ifrit Page 2

  Nevertheless, the strange sound continued an irregular rhythm of ‘suck’ ‘slurp’. But then it clicked, it was another heartbeat. Faint, but a heartbeat. There had only been two for several minutes. His and Kanade’s.

  It meant one thing, someone managed to slip his vigil. He growled and turned in the direction, coming to a dead stop. He looked past his masters and off the cliff. Instantly he was on the move, listening as he went for the same heartbeat. He went unnoticed as he sped around them… and stopped at the sheer drop off that faced south to the ocean. I passed it already? He wondered in confusion.

  Turning around he spun both ears forward. ‘Thump, slurp, thump’ He heard faintly. It took but a moment to catch up, but his Enforcer’s bloodstained jaw lowered slightly. It didn’t beat from Kanade as she didn’t smell pregnant. It came from below her. Even hidden below her limp, half furled wings Panther looked at the gaping hole in Ethan’s chest. As his eyes narrowed he first imagined seeing a spark of lilac just as lightning cracked. He expected it to disappear instantly and be a wishful trick of imagination, but then another faint spark lit up on the surface of a major artery, changing to a lighter lavender. Then another and another spark going lighter, like quicksilver. With each beat another faint spark ignited, and another. In a barely audible whisper of doubt he asked “Maaaster?”

  Attention turned as a tiny dot of light moved straight for Kanade’s exposed back and he was unaware. Newfound purpose that his master hadn’t given up yet surged and inches before Valande’s spear killed, Panther was there and his claws destroyed it with a single swipe. “You bastards won’t get close to killing my master ever again so long as I draw breath.” Panther vowed though only he had heard it.

  Valande was surprised Panther arrived in time and quickly changed location, using the clouds for cover, but Panther didn’t pursue. He knew what was necessary and wouldn’t move from that spot even if all of Spirit World was set against him.

  Deep within the undamaged right half of Ethan’s chest forced yet another heart to pump before it was time. Ready or not, it was all that was left. A last chance. The only one left. It sputtered as the muscle squeezed and released with minimal blood to give it adequate pressure. Dormant power and sheer will to survive drove it to heat up and work. ‘Thump Thump’ it went as the final parts of the brain that unconsciously controlled automatic life functions made it revive a dying body. Heat and power rose within the small muscle. Squeezing everything left to restart circulation. Damaged areas around the body began to spark and seal the area so that what little blood remained didn’t get lost. Blood cells began rapidly developing as power from the new heart began to take off and infuse rapid regeneration only heat was capable of making.

  Fire raged internally. Externally, wisps of flame silently covered the near circular cavity that was once the chest as well as the severed legs that had been cut off. As the fire grew, so did the small heart fighting to save Ethan. In size it went from a softball to twice the size of a catcher’s mitt in two minutes. More blood was made as well as new arteries, veins and tissues.

  But then something unbelievable occurred.

  Purple flames turned gray around the wounds. Grey turned silver.

  Kanade’s distraught and overwhelmed emotional state didn’t notice anything till a physical pain equal to her misery cut through her for the blood she took from Ethan that she assimilated within her own began to react with whatever was happening within his.

  She screamed as the rainy and gloomy island went silver in a gigantic burst of flame.

  Only due to nearness allowed Panther to be the sole witness to the change of a new era. The fire was too bright to clearly see and even mere feet away he had to squint. To any outside was impossible to pierce. Valande wasn’t alone as the giant fireball had blown the storm away and most of the Enforcers could only stare in abject terror as they all felt the texture of an enemy they were originally created to combat.

  Panther’s squinted blue eyes watched his master and mistress lay almost side by side, she having passed out from too much turmoil. But he noticed his masters changing before his very eyes. Kanade at the start of the explosion was over fourteen feet tall, but with each moment she grew taller, toned feminine muscles thickened over lengthening hollow bones. The bloody, mud stained ruby red strapless dress began to tighten as her proportions enhanced. Silvery runes along the hem and edge of the long skirt began to flare and take her excess Spirit Energy to grow with her. Even her wings grew, blue feathers getting longer. But the way she was positioned from collapsing didn’t let him see her face.

  His master though claimed the most of his attention.

  Ethan’s mangled body had slowly began lifting off the ground, as if the fire was a loving entity cradling him from the evil of near death. Pale color began to gain some blue then red and eventually pink. Gray flame began to take shapes, as if making a pattern of where parts of the body that were lost had to be remade. There was two phantomlike vortex’s extending from the stump of legs, a wing of fire and his bare chest. Limp arms carried what remained of leather jacket, but one either hand were two special knuckle-spiked black gauntlets. The gauntlets felt like leather, but were harder than any known metal, but retained a suppleness metal could never make. Over the left gauntlet was a diamond shaped ruby red scale from a Dragon Demon Lord called Methrom, given as a gift and made into an effective shield. Like Kanade’s dress, Ethan’s gauntlets and shield began adjusting size to the owner. Unlike Kanade’s enchantments, special runes only he can devise glowed violet. Howling winds generated by the power coming from Ethan whipped his shoulder length red hair around, along with his tail.

  The metamorphosis was a once in an eternity chance to see something never before witnessed and Panther had a front row seat.

  The fiery framework was just a pattern as accelerated and forced healing allowed his mortal body to begin its final stage to ascension and maturity. From the legs, long and silky soft hair sprouted as the wound sealed and began slowly growing along the pathway dictated by the gray vortex about one inch for every passing minute. Same went with the gaping chest. As the legs continued extending and a new kneecap was made, more pelt-soft crimson hair covered its way down. Muscles, bone and everything else was grown as genes ordered to happen. New organs in the chest was grown or repaired. Liver, lung, ribcage, it was remade. Before flesh covered over fresh muscle Panther listened as the new heart on the right side now had a twin once again.

  Now with two hearts beating together as if were one, healing speed doubled. The once gaping wound in the chest covered over, but for some reason, wasn’t as pristine for silvery crescent bite marks remained, as if his body didn’t want to lose them. The left wing that also had been severed began growing as if it were never gone. His hairy chest softened like the new leg hairs and had lost its coarseness. Back to the legs, Panther was mesmerized that instead of how Ethan’s foot had toes, the Ifrit genes had thrown away human toes and made cloven hooves instead. Both sets looked like polished obsidian. Beautiful and exotic. Panther knew it was going to happen eventually since Ifrit had hooves and he had noticed Ethan’s toes slowly shrinking, but the immediate hooves were surprising.

  And Ethan was growing while healing. With two hearts working in tandem his height from foot, or now hoof to be accurate, to the top of his head was fifteen feet, but now he was already over seventeen. Lean, corded muscle stood out over tight skin and made his manly physique even more inspiring. His wings were longer, thicker and hauntingly beautiful. The webbing between them had taken on a mild rusty hue with lines layered horizontally to allow for greater speed through the skies. It made contrast to his now alabaster skin tone running over his body and the wing bones. And instead of a roundness to the top of the furled wings now pointed a spiked claw made of pure white bone.

  But what truly showed the ancient heritage of the Ifrit was the natural crown only royal blooded Ifrit carried. Ivory horns has started showing at Ethan’s temples before the attack, but now they
grew by the moment. Polished white horns grew horizontally backwards. The horns began to take on the shape of a backwards crown, but stood out more regal than any king or queen’s as it advance further and further back, it made its first separation. The first horn began diverging upwards and curled like a hook while the bottom continued on back. It separated two more times, gradually getting longer, but stood straight. Then the horns melded together in the back to become seamless, as if the horns were one piece. In total, there were six points, three to either side, but had a symmetry beyond natural comprehension.

  Yet he had not stopped growing after his ruined body had healed.

  Floating in darkness, but in a dream there was a content sigh as the cold chill had warmed to a comfortable bath. Still the image of a blue winged goddess stayed imprinted and focused on within Ethan’s mind. He simply admired it, but not really thinking to keep haunted thoughts at bay.

  Then something changed within the warmth. He felt strength returning and more thoughts rising, tiredness being forced back and freeing the senses. Hmmm? What is going on? Why am I feeling so good? At least the chill is gone. Oh Kanade, I’ll never… Wait… Kanade? Kanade’s in danger. I have to help her. I have to get her from here! He thought as his conscious mind got a jumpstart and a massive jolt the moment the transformation was complete.

  A deep, trembling roar shook the whole world, but the Veil was powerful enough to protect those contained under its domain so they were oblivious to the awakening of an Ifrit. The power of his roar snapped Kanade from her unconscious state as well and the pain her body went through was like a distant and dull memory. “Ugh… Whaaa.” She groaned as her golden eyes opened and so did her lips.

  Ethan stood tall, and dangerously beautiful before her eyes. His back was to her, but she noticed him immediately even with the changes. Her eyes looked at the long red tail with a sharp spade tip, no longer slightly bulbous. Kanade knew she should be terrified, but seeing him standing set her heart in overdrive. She whispered “Am I dreamin’ or did Death help me?”

  Silver fire vanished in a few moments, but lively sparks danced around his crown as he turned to her voice. Slit eyes landed down on her prone form and Kanade looked deep into clear ruby pools full of confusion as the setting sun glistened off his clear healthy skin. No longer did he have any human grey flecks in his yes. The Ifrit side had completely taken over to enhanced what a human body could not withstand, but not his mind. That remained all his. Then she watched his lips also part and she likes how the sunset played off his short crimson beard. Then she heard his voice, it changed. It had gotten deeper, but now it was a baritone that vibrated her chest in a pleasant way. “Kanade, is that you?”

  “Darlin’? What’s…” Kanade stopped as she went to sit up and looked as a glow caught the corner of her eye and drew it to her wings. Even filthy from dirt and blood, they had an iridescent blue glow and she wasn’t doing it intentionally.

  “My masters are powerful.” Panther humbly said in a low register he tried to make so only he could hear, but both of their faces snapped to him. The joy in his glowing blue eyes were sparkling in marvel.

  “Can someone tell me what is going on?” Ethan rumbled and went to scratch his head out of habit and touched a horn. “What the hell!?” he yelped in surprise and touched it again, feeling them with wide red eyes. “Shit! What is this!”

  Panther dropped to a knee and bowed his head. “Master, those are your horns. My I share the honor of giving you my memory of the transition?”

  “Uh… Hold that thought.” Ethan growled and his form blurred for a moment due to speed few could have seen as his hand struck out and grabbed a light lance barehanded a foot from Kanade’s left eye. With the gentlest squeeze he shattered it. “I’ve got to deal with a… situation first.” The malice dripping in his tone wasn’t kind. “Kanade, you alright?”

  Her wild eyes had her scrambling to her feet and ask “You… you just caught an Enforcer’s lance and could touch it without it burnin’ your fingertips. You shouldn’t be able…”

  Panther didn’t move from his bow though he struggled. “Mistress, can’t you feel his power? Can’t you feel your own?”

  In an instant Kanade’s back straightened as she took assessment, reveling in her new mind and touching Ethan’s who shivered and sighed in relief. Her full luscious lips parted further as she asked “Ha… have…. Have we transcended?”

  “Yes, Mistress. Welcome to the exclusive group.” Panther’s whiskers twitched in relief and a bit in humor.

  “I really don’t feel any different… or not.” He said as he looked down. “Uh, why didn’t anyone forewarn me I have goat hooves and furry legs like some Satyr.” He then ripped the rest of the jacket off.

  “Darlin’?” He turned to his love’s soft twang coated with hesitation. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you alive again.”

  “Yes, I swear I do.” He tapped his horn. “Damn that will be annoying. I meant to tap my temple. Not this thing.”

  “Masters, perhaps you can discuss it later. Enemies are still near. What did you wish to do?”

  Ethan looked to his exquisite soul mate for a brief moment and his fist glowed violet as he aimed it at her and with a few deft strokes she was perfectly clean as if no grime had ever touched her. She looked down at her shimmering dress and her luminous wings before giving him a private smile. “Thanks, Darlin’. Let me do the talkin’. If you can touch a lance. None of them can hurt you.”

  “Us.” He corrected. “For some reason I can tell your body is as tough as mine. It was effortless to break the spear.”

  “Mother isn’t Transcendent.”

  The Ifrit went still. “Valande did it? I know she damn near killed me. I saw the triumph in her eyes before I passed out.”

  “No, you nearly died on me.” She wiped a tear from her eyes and shook her emotions off slightly though the wounds of her heart were too fresh. “And I know Mother’s energy. She’s disowned me and I do not care. I too saw how she didn’t hesitate to take her chance. She wants me dead too.”

  “Babe…” He took her hands just as another lance was thrown, but it bounced off his instantly outstretched wing as if it was a raindrop.

  “Oh, I am glad to feel this.” Kanade sighed in total relief as the invisible electric current sizzled stronger than ever. She heard another ping behind her and knew her mother was desperate, but Ethan wouldn’t chance a spear getting close, even if she also knew her power and body were above any known Enforcer to ever exist. Kanade stepped closer and hugged him tightly, safe from the barrage of now harmless weapons. She knew she had something to do, but couldn’t let him go yet. Then she knew it wasn’t just a dream as his chin rested atop her head and just held her, their minds woven together to exchange emotions till she knew he was safe and very much alive. She pulled back some and showed a soft smile. “I like your chest hair. It felt like silky fur.”

  “What about my goat legs?” He was very upset about them.

  “Hmmm.” She rubbed her chin that glittered in the ever fading sunlight. Looking him up and down. He shifted uncomfortably and stopped as her slender fingers brushed against his thighs, a smile quirking at the corner of her mouth. Then she grabbed his belt, undid it and pulled his pants forward to peek down. A full blown grin appeared as she put it back together. “My curses around that almighty cock I crave is still free for me to have dessert without worry of hair gettin’ in my teeth. Besides, it fit’s you. My man is a beast in the sack. Just the way I want him.” She came forward and pressed her lips to his.

  Bad idea. The sparks flew as it was meant to be a quick show of reassurance, but turned into a way to express everything she felt. The passion flew and they withdrew gasping. “Holy hell.” He panted.

  She nodded. “Never felt that good before. I could have kissed you into eternity, but that one made eternity not seem nearly long enough. Now that the changes are over I think our connection is beyond experience.” He nodded back.

A throat cleared. “Master? Mistress? The enemy?”

  “Oh right.” He shook his head to clear arousing thoughts she elicited.

  “Sorry, but why am I so calm?” Kanade asked as this time she moved in a blink to catch a lance before her man could do it. He growled in frustration, but didn’t say anything as she held it easily before shattering it with a gentle clutch as if it were the consistency of cottage cheese. It sparked like fireworks before disappearing. “Panther, why are you kneelin’?”

  “I have failed to protect my masters from harm.” He said simply.

  “So you are waiting for your punishment?” Ethan asked.


  Ground slightly shook under the weight of the hooves as Ethan came forward and plucked a single whisker from Panther’s muzzle. The Balam didn’t twitch a muscle. “There. You’ve been properly punished. Now get up already.” Panther stood rigid as a soldier, claws retracted up into the forearms and hands clutched behind his back. “Now that your honor is unstained, answer her question.”

  The Balam didn’t hesitate. “Neither of you are afraid because you know without a doubt that the Enforcer’s can no longer harm you in any physical or magical way. Only Transcendent beings like myself can put a scratch in the hide you both have. Mistress, can you sense a trigger within the boundless expanse of your mind that will allow you to spread your essence like Order beings can?”