02 Wrath of Flames Read online

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  He could tell she was upset by the slight setting of her pouting lower lip as a group of ten Centaur, half man and horse, and a dozen or so blue skinned Ogres came over with bright smiles. “We’ll excuse ourselves if my headache gets any worse.”

  “Good plan.” She agreed as they came to a stop when recognizing the lead Centaur as none other than their ancient leader Collu. A ten foot tall being of muscle with a pair of curved swords peeking from either shoulder and two long claymores crossed over his horse half’s spine which was chestnut in color. A thick brown beard lay braided over a sculpted bare chest without an ounce of fat. Other Centaur stallions were nearly as impressive, some wearing shirts while the white mares all wore shirts to cover their breasts or had drapes over their horse halves like a woman would wear a flattering dress.

  “Ho Ethan!” Collu called loudly as he galloped.

  A Centaur runner though had orders from his leader and she had separated to rush towards the castle and raced through the nearest hall which was the Ogre area, soaked her muddy hooves in a bucket to rid herself of mud and grass, wiped them on a towel where someone by the portcullis offered her one and ran hard and fast till being forced to slow in the main hall and not trample where most of the house gathered to stay out of the rain and enjoy the company of friends and family. She panted as she raced close and was glad most of the leaders remained by their table after the noon meal was finished not too long ago. She called “Your Majesties!”

  Heads turned from Odin the All Father, Mia the Centaur queen an wife of Collu, Crait the Naga high Champion, Chille the Pixie princess, Kiroq the general of the Gargoyles, Morom the Chief Magistrate of Ogres with his Nymph wife Edda in her favorite place on his lap, while Tattoo stopped clapping as High Wizard Merlin was doing a handstand in his wooden throne and wore a cheeky grin. The runner came to a halt as Odin stood gripping Gungnir, a slightly golden lance seven and a half feet tall with a barbed blade that had taken countless enemies to their grave. “What is it, Lass?”

  The mare Centaur gave a hasty bow and said “He is awake!” there was no need to say whom as that much was clear.

  Little did she know Merlin snagged the remote from Morom which controlled the camera that is used to switch all the televisions in the hall to speak of special announcements the house leaders have and her words echoed in a suddenly silent hall.

  “There you are!” Floa suddenly appeared above the table and fluttered in her four inch height in front of her husband to be. “I’ve been all over, Odin! Ethan’s awake and is on the way and tell me why you left Blossom with your assistant after giving her fermented nectar? You know damn well she’s too young and is tormenting the poor Ogress. It took an hour to burn off her energy.”

  Odin simply grinned. “Our daughter wanted to try her mother’s favorite nectar and before I could stop her she drank half of a bowl. I had to get away. She was more than I and our other daughter Elise could control. Now where is the Lad?” His lone blue eyes turned back to the runner and noticed a large group running for the Ogre hall and got his answer. “Never mind.” He hefted his spear and went to walk away.

  “And just where do you think you are going?” Floa flit her tiny green body right in front of him, forcing him to pause. “Nuh Uh, we have other places to be, Lover. We need to talk.” Before he could react she clapped her hands and both disappeared.

  “Oooh, what I wouldn’t give to be a fly on that wall… oh wait!” Merlin’s wild eyes and maniacal grin split wider. “I can!” he made a swift gesture as the tips of each index finger began glowing with spirit energy so fast that the spell couldn’t be duplicated and one moment there was a lean, almost skinny man in his mid forties and the next buzzed a fruit fly which zipped a way to go eavesdrop on a dispute that caught his fancy.

  “Kiroq,” Tattoo turned his manual wheelchair to the tanned skinned Gargoyle and his black eyes met pink. “can you please do crowd control. If Ethan just woke up he’ll be pushing himself to see how everyone is doing and we both have felt Merlin’s tricks and suffered the effects of his magic… and Kanade’s is heaps more potent. He needs to move unimpeded.”

  The large Gargoyle flexed thick leathery wings and spoke in a deep guttural language. “I was planning just that.” He leapt and took off through the air.

  “ENOUGH!” Collu ordered as a swarm charged down the hall cheering. His deep voice had them slowing as he stood protectively in front of Ethan and Kanade as the other Centaurs acted as a barrier which protected them. Kiroq landed in the open space the escorts had made so neither could be lost in the approaching swarm. The Gargoyle couldn’t hold back a laugh at Ethan’s completely dumbfounded expression. “If you thought you were the center of attention before when the House first learned a Fire Elemental joined our ranks, think again, Pup.” Kiroq laughed and scratched his naked chest. “After what you did, you joined the ranks of the elite.”

  “I… I… I…” Ethan stuttered as his wide grey eyes took in the rapidly filling Ogre hallway with some running up stairs that lead to many rooms, just to get a better vantage. Hundreds of tiny Pixies were popping in and fluttering above, waving their little hands. Centaurs, Nagai, Nymph, Ogres, Casters, Humans, a few Gargoyles and an assortment of other rare and exotic creatures he hadn’t seen before cheered to the point of deafening. If not for the space Collu and his subjects offered with their very bodies he’d feel more suffocated. Some women were hugging and crying while others shook hands, or in other cases claws. Apparently bets were made, but never had Ethan seen the calm and even tempered beings show such happiness.

  “Lord Kiroq,” Kanade spoke as her man was incapable of speech. “Ethan just doesn’t fully understand what he has done to make everyone act like this.”

  The five foot tall Gargoyle smiled with thick canines glistening in the light given off by Phoenix feathers encased in an orb of protective glass in braziers all throughout the house’s halls. “You are a hero, Pup and a great many have been worried for you. Through your actions at the battle, not a single house in the entire world has been attacked once in these three days. And as word spread of the Fire Elemental is aligned with Order, Demon activity all across the globe has nearly come to a grinding halt with many of them acting as they should for the first time than most can ever remember. Only our house has waited to celebrate and tonight you are our most honored.”

  “Oh hell no!” Ethan backed up a step. “Forget it. I…”

  “Believe me when I say this, Ethan.” Kiroq had to speak up over the noise of the crowd. “You do not wish to decline what our house has looked forward to doing for you. And it is not just for you. It is for each of them just as much. You don’t need to talk to anyone, but just walk and wave. All leaders and those with power must do it at some point in their lives. After tonight’s celebration things will settle down. It is the expectations the house has that has made them so lively.”

  “Well, just as long as I don’t have to give any speeches.” He scratched his head absently.

  “No, you don’t. Just seeing you awake after your near fatal injury is cause for celebration enough.” His pointed ears twitched as he spun. “Collu? Do something about this noise will you!”

  Collu gave a gesture to one of his master swordsmen and the man pulled a twisted ram’s horn out and pressed it to his lips to blow. ‘Tarooo’ it sounded deep and loud over the cheering. The sound rushed through the entire room, quickly making silence in its passing. Many around Ethan sighed almost as loudly as he did. “Now hear me!” the Centaur leader stomped a hoof on the polished floor and had all eyes turn to him. “You all forget your manners! Be off and make ready for an overdue celebration. Tonight we feast, frolic and celebrate the lives of those we lost and are in paradise! Do not crowd the Elemental! Show proper courtesy or leave.”

  With that resolute command the room began to chatter while disbursing. When enough had gone to not feel suffocated, Collu turned with a smile while gazing outside. “Good thing you requested we go inside, Ethan. It’s raining

  “Yes, thank you.” Kanade still held onto her man’s arm while turning so she could look too, since her wing wasn’t see-through and made a blind spot.

  “So what are your current plans?” Kiroq asked.

  “Kanade and I need to go find Star-bolt and check on my team and she wants me checked out by the healers for a clean bill of health. We need to see about certain… issues that have made themselves aware.”

  “Move!” Came a familiar reptilian voice. “There he is! Ethan!”

  Heads and attention turned to a group of five individuals fighting their way through the tide of people hurrying to ready for tonight’s banquette. Leading them was the six and a half foot tall Naga Blademaster Blake. His bare chest showed off a white underbelly while the rest of him was different shades of brown scales. As usual hung a katana to either hip with a leather baldric crossing a wide sternum which held up a broadsword. His three thick clawed fingers and thumb were gently pushing people aside and his long tail wasn’t trampled over to Ethan’s surprise. Flanking either side was a nearly naked girl named Nell, a Nymph, wearing a wooden brassiere with intricate carvings and a vine woven thong which covered the most important parts. Dark evergreen hair hung loose down her back. Pale alabaster flesh glowed almost ghostly as her bare feet quickly kept her from getting run over. Strapped over her was a quiver of arrows along with a Dragon’s horn bow. Beside her was her soul mate, a blue skinned, silver haired Ogre with a five inch ivory horn curving up from the center of his forehead. Hooked at his hip was Zaxis, a club that was crafted to look to be made from wood, but was a specially made weapon of solid metal. Behind them almost half jogged the most powerful Witch of the house, a Scottish spell caster named Kira wearing a classy dress and heels. She was undoubtedly beautiful, but after betraying Ethan and getting sent on and Incubi hunt, had changed and no longer flaunted herself, but didn’t hide her beauty either. And following behind Kira was Ellen, the tallest member of the team at over eight feet high. She was a Centaur of great beauty with dirty blonde hair. She had just one sword on her, a claymore, but each one of them were all deadly warriors in their own right.

  Collu and his men realized who they were immediately, especially Ellen Quiethoof as she was the liaison for the Centaur herds.

  Blake came right up, smiling a mouthful of small pointy teeth all less than a quarter inch long. But when he got a better look his smooth stride faltered and nearly tripped. Speckled, slit brown and golden eyes narrowed as he sized up the man who stood before him. His suspicious nature kicked in and his hands went to his katanas, drawling both from black sheathes faster than a blink of an eye. He leapt and placed the edges in a scissor’s fashion to his neck, crossing the blades, but only Kanade screamed, Ethan held still and was remarkably calm.

  “Sheathe your weapon’s, Nagai!” Kiroq ordered with a growl.

  Instead Ethan held up a forestalling hand. “It’s alright. If he wanted to kill me, I’d be dead, especially in my weakened condition.”

  “Who are you?” Blake hissed.

  Ethan answered calmly. “What does my scent tell you?”

  The Blademaster’s forked tongue lapped the air, before closing distance and licking just the tips against his bearded cheek. The swords held still just keeping enough pressure not to break the skin. Those slit eyes blinked in confusion. “But how is this possible? Your scent is true, but you cannot be my pupil.”

  “I’m turning around now.” Ethan warned a second before doing it. Blake took the pressure off his neck, but not away as he stopped and lifted his brown and reddish hair to reveal a tattoo of a Nagai’s handprint inside an eye with crossed swords put on the nape of his neck.

  Blake stepped back out of shock, not realizing how tense everyone was. Both swords dropped and lost their bloodthirsty stance. “How is this possible?”

  “What is the matter with you!” Kanade shrieked and wrapped her wings protectively around herself and her soul mate.

  “I would like to know myself why you’d draw blades against your commanding officer.” Tattoo demanded calmly as he rolled up being pushed by Princess Chille warily taking it all in.

  “Go ahead, Blake. You were first to notice.” Ethan allowed.

  The Naga sheathed his weapons as quickly as they were freed and rather asked the one in question directly. “What has been done to you, Ethan? I was your trainer for four months. Near each day we were together. I likely know a person’s body better than they do and yours has changed too drastically.”

  “Changed?” Nell asked as she peeked over her husband’s blue shoulder and took a closer look, realizing it next. “By the Sacred Groves!” She gasped. “You’ve grown! What…!”

  “Sonofabitch! She’s right!” Magnus voiced.

  “Grown?” Kiroq stepped between the tense Nagai and the Elemental. “I see it now. Ethan, your statistics said you were six foot. For a human in their thirtieth year you should have stopped, but you are clearly much taller than six.”

  Kanade pulled her wings back as Ethan touched her arm and thought “It’s alright, My Angel.” He looked at everyone staring, all seeing it for themselves. “Yeah, Kanade measured me after I found my clothes tighter and my feet are cramping in my boots. Before the battle I was six foot three and during the three days I was out… I grew another five. I’m six foot eight now. I thought the soreness I felt after waking up was because I was unconscious, but a long walk usually helps. Instead all my joints are throbbing right now and I have one hell of a headache. I think growing so fast is why I feel so weak and sore.”

  Tattoo had heard enough. “Ethan, proceed to the medical wing immediately.”

  “Why? Can’t it wait till after I see Star-bolt? I need to see her after…” his voice closed and none needed to hear more to know the contexts of that train of thought.

  “I’m afraid Star-bolt isn’t taking any visitors at the moment and Gra won’t let anyone else see her, likely not even you. Right now my only concern is for your health. Five inches growth in three days is unnatural, even in our line of work. And judging by your wife’s pensive expression” Ethan glanced and saw worry etched in her beautiful appearance. “not even she knows how this has come about. Best to be safe and find there isn’t a curse and wait too long and find we were too late to have it lifted. If it is magic in origin, it could do anything. The dangers are greater than I’m willing to allow. As your Specialist superior, this is an order. I just hope that arrow the Elf shot you with wasn’t spelled. It could be why you were still alive.”

  “No, there was no magic in it.” Morgane Le Fay said as she joined the conversation, coming as soon as she heard from the nearest television when the runner spoke of his awakened state. “I personally scanned the arrow and in it was the full Demonic life force of an Elf. Nothing more.”

  All looked at her elegant appearance in a flowing green dress which highlighted her long, curly red hair and emerald eyes. Ethan though had to ask “What does that mean?” the High Witch as it seemed he was the only one with confusion and not be shocked in place.

  “Simply put,” She began with her ever present calming demeanor. “that the owner of the arrow in which Kanade removed from your shoulder, had saw you enough of a threat in the battle to give every shred of Demon Energy in his whole body, meaning his very immortal life, into the arrow at the moment of release. That is the most desperate a Demon can get, give everything to also take down its enemy. For we who use Spirit Energy, just a little will kill a Demon if we hit it’s weakness. The same is done if they hit us.

  “It didn’t matter where it would hit with that much power.” Morgane continued. “A single nick that breaks the skin would kill each and every one of us who are listening… Aside for Kanade and you apparently.” Ethan’s jaw dropped. “Yes, you survived what would kill us a hundred times over without hitting a major organ.

  “Love, you took the arrow in your shoulder and it was lodged deep in the bone…”

  “So I took a full dose when a drop wou

  “Quite bloody so.” The experienced Witch validated. “As to your increased physique, I believe and share Tattoo’s concerns. Tattoo, please allow me to personally discover what is occurring within your subordinate. I will be the best at discovering the extent of Ethan’s condition, stop it or even reverse what has happened.”

  “Do so then, Morgane. I’ll leave him in your capable hands.” Tattoo lifted a knuckle and one of the inked spiders pulled from the flesh, scurried around to the palm of his hand and held it up. “Please take my spider so I can have a part of me in there.”

  Not even the slightest hesitation occurred to Morgane, as if giving a realistic spider that came out of a tattoo was a daily occurrence. She put a finger down and it climbed up her wrist, arm and held position on her shoulder. Many women cringed, Kanade included. “Ethan, if you would kindly come with me?”

  “What about Kanade and my team?”

  “I’ll agree to your wife, but your team will have to wait outside in the waiting room.” She allowed.

  “We accept those conditions.” Blake voiced when he knew his former student about to object. “But allow me to escort you, Lady Morgane.”

  The High Witch smiled and held out her hand which the Blademaster took and she wrapped an arm around his.

  Ethan pulled Kanade from her reeling mind trying to make sense of everything by interlocking his fingers with hers. “Let’s go.” She nodded and walked beside him, hearing the other leaders conversing in hushed tones. He though gestured with his head for Nell, Kira, Magnus and Ellen to come along and none hesitated. They all quickly caught up to Blake, Morgane and the Elemental asked “How did you all do? Magnus, what is with the bandage on your neck?” he asked when the gauze showed in his shirt’s collar.

  Magnus’ blue hand touched the wound and Nell smiled lovingly. “A lucky hit from a Ghoul carrying a sword covered in salt. The sword was a graze, but you know purified salt is like acid when mixed with my blood. If it had been a true strike I’d have had to pull back from the line and had a chunk of flesh cut out before the salt ate its way down into my body… forgive our master, he is grateful to see you alive and well. We all are. We all spent many hours with you, Floa and Kanade. Vina wants to see Panther again.”