02 Wrath of Flames Read online

Page 13

  “No, but I trust you.” ‘Huup’ he filled his lungs to almost bursting.

  Ever so gently they slipped under. As soon as water reached his chin he tensed, but she didn’t stop sinking. He did trust her entirely and in moments all sound muted with his head entirely beneath. He shook, fighting the urge to get the hell out, but a finger lifted his chin so he had to look at her blurry face distorted by the water. She was smiling and radiated genuine love that he trusted her and drew closer to place her lips on his. Instantly the fear fled to the four corners of the world. The softness and love she had came across loud and clear though he no longer was able to pick up her thoughts. This wasn’t foreplay or lust, but a deep love only she could ever have for him.

  The lip lock ended as aching lungs screamed and she pulled them both up.

  Nell came up and kissed Kanade full on the lips briefly to say “Excellent work! You gave positive reinforcement when he needed it most. I’m glad you came, Kanade. You are the key to helping him overcome this block. But I’ve got homework for you both.” She looked to one another carefully and Kanade knew the kiss was Nell’s version of a proud backslap. “I figured this would take longer than Magnus, but he’s an Ogre. Keep doing this till he goes to Blake, but if I don’t get a chance, I’m saying this now. Kanade, fuck your man senseless underwater. Remind him water isn’t evil. Positive reinforcement. The loss of control so long ago needs to be reclaimed. Run water constantly if he flames up, but sate his lust underwater till he can stay under without fear all alone. And I do mean you do your thing and milk his dick for every drop he can give you. Every spare moment must be done to get him over this issue as swiftly as possible. If he associates water with respectful pleasure, his recovery will happen sooo much faster. When he can go under all by himself, swim with him. Especially in the deep parts. Perhaps even make love one night out there when no one is around. Or go to a pool that can be refilled if he boils it.”

  Neither said a word, but both had great ideas for what is to come.

  Nell had Kanade bring him under again and again. He still shook till the next sunken kiss made him think of something else entirely.

  Chapter 5

  “Raaa!!!” came a deep primal roar as Ethan punched again for Blake who twisted the power right out of the blow and returned with a snap-kick to the gut. Cold rage flowed through Ethan as the storm picked up with lightning and thunder here and there. Sometimes exaggerating blows exchanged. The heavy strike forced two steps back before he closed in on the weaponless Blademaster.

  Nonstop for nearly the past three hours Ethan fought the martial arts master. Holding his breath in the lake lasted for two hours, but without Kanade the water was too much to handle alone at this time when he was asked to try solo.

  Blood, rain, sweat and mud covered both Blake and Ethan, but more so on Ethan. Blake was fast as lightning and struck just as hard. At the beginning though it was completely a one sided fight that held little interest to many, but when neither stopped for a breather after the first hour, murmuring turned to rumors and rumors always drew attention. Not that Ethan noticed as his focus was riveted on the scaly opponent, but those working out had quit to gawk and the Elemental’s bestial roars drew a full crowd under the pavilion to stay out of the rain. Some Pixies even brought popcorn, hotdogs and a few kegs of beer for the crowded area of cheering and jeering fans. But in the endless battle, tides and bets shifted as Ethan grew accustomed to his body due to serious need to beat up the one in front of him. It was Blake’s way to teach by pounding his students, something Ethan had grown accustomed to, but still didn’t like.

  The battle grew so severe it even drew out General Kiroq, a battle aroused Odin and even Morgane Le Fay recording it all for her research.

  It all came to an end when Blake snapped his tail out like a whip, but no one could clearly see how a large hand snaked out to grab it midair before coming close to slapping his face. Ethan turned, intending to throw Blake by his very own tail, but experience and quick thinking had the Naga grab hold of Ethan’s ankles with slack. As Ethan roared with a tail in both hands overhead, he yanked.

  Slack snapped taut and Blake had a death grip on the bare ankles. The momentum of a thrown four hundred pound Naga Blademaster was greater than a human and Ethan’s own throw transformed into a reversal where he fell face first into the hard, wet sand while Blake landed on his feet. But he didn’t win unscathed as a sharp pain forced him to look and see part of the tail broken and laying limp. Even Blake fell to his knees panting as Ethan rolled over in the rain.

  Nagai were known for quick speed and deadly skills, not for endurance. Though he could have been defeated hundreds of times during the lesson, it pushed his endurance far beyond what he was comfortable with. Yet Ethan didn’t quit or call for a break. Blake controlled his oxygen starving body with slow, deep breaths, just like his pupil did and slit eyes shone with respect.

  The crowd waited silently till a deep belly laugh came from Ethan. “I’m so tired I can’t move even my pinky!” he laughed harder between deep breaths.

  “You and me both.” Laughed Blake who’s own arms were too heavy to lift.

  Then they turned to the cheering pavilion and laughed all the harder when they realized they were today’s entertainment gain. “Aye, good show!” Odin laughed as many came out into the storm to see the two warriors. “Tire yourself out, Lad?” the All Father sat on his heels as Kanade used her wings to shield her man from the rain washing him off slightly.

  Ethan’s answer was a weary laugh.

  “Odin, I just went over the last few moves. Despite the lethargy both were under, Ethan was moving just two and a half percent slower than Blake who was also exhausted.” Morgane said quietly enough so only those of need to know details could hear.

  “Is that so?” Odin’s lone blue eye was considering a worthy fight. “Not yet, Lad. You’ve got a bit more growing till we can brawl. Blake, that tail needs tending or do you want me to cut it off?”

  Blake shifted the limb and said “His grip shattered the bones. Best to cut it and let it re-grow. It will be faster and less painful as far as healing is concerned. It’s only a foot and a half. Make it quick while I’m still numb.”

  Odin took out his broadsword rather than Gungnir and said “Chillanne.” to invoke a set of runes that turned the golden blade crimson. A flawless swipe lopped off right to the end of the damaged area. Nerves had the severed end of the tail twitch wildly. But the magic in the blade also cauterized Blake’s stub so it didn’t bleed. Used to pain much worse than this, Blake grit his teeth and stood. “Alright, show’s over, Lads. Start heading for lunch.” Odin called out. Some grumbled, but didn’t disobey in clearing the area just as the grounds chimed it was a half hour till noon and lunch.

  Kanade helped Ethan to his feet and started to the showers to more quickly wash off his body rather than the rain’s slow job. He stopped and asked “Can we dip in the lake once more?”

  “Just say it. You want to kiss me again.” Kanade teased, still in her alluring bikini.

  “Not just kiss, Angel. I want it all, but the lake’s cooler waters will feel good right now. How bad is my lip?”

  “A few deep cuts, but most of the blood came from your nose being broken a half dozen times. I need to set it straight.” She said for she could do it. Inflicting pain for benefit. He nodded and before he could count to three there was a ‘Crack’ and a few colorful curses as the broken cartilage was set back in proper alignment. But when she fixed it he found he could breathe better and spit blood away more easily.

  The lake was cooler, but warm enough to sit down and wash off all the grime. Kanade helped tend his face and used her fingers to brush his soaked hair. She wanted to kiss him, but resisted as he was in pain once feeling returned.

  To dull the pain and not cramp, they decided to walk back to the main hall. Some stayed as close as possible to him as he radiated heat and the rain wasn’t so bad with him to temper it.

  “It’s a no
go.” Reevy announced as she sat down at their table. “Cook, I’d like a Cornish game hen and leave it up to you for any side dishes.”

  Ethan put down his fork to say “What is a no go?”

  “My leader won’t team up with a man, even after Kira explained how we’d be able to take down fiercer opponents.” Reevy thanked Cook and started using her claws to start picking apart the stuffed fowl. “But I was pleasantly surprised when she offered a onetime only allowance to team up if your team cannot handle a mission. She won’t charge you for support only once. She’s never offered that to anyone. But Kira and my team’s Witch made arrangements to work together in empowering potions during any downtime. Likely my leader did it when I told my team of our trade. By the way I see you wearing the gauntlets. Why?”

  Kanade instead answered. “He’s breakin’ them in. The leather is stiff, even with what treatments you used to cure the hide. I’m far from done enchantin’ them, but they need to respond to his energies. You know it takes about three days for items to bond properly. He’s wearin’ them for as long as he can till I’m alerted I can continue and finish imbuin’ all the bells and whistles.”

  Reevy gave a sidelong glance. “Spoiling your mate are you?”

  “Like you are any different.”

  “Got me there.” The female Naga hissed a laugh. “My mate came back missing a little of his tail… Did you really fight for three hours and shatter some bones by simply gripping him?”

  “Yeah and I bench pressed a half a ton. It was hard, but I’m not anywhere near what I was a week ago. My last bench was around three ten.” He admitted. “Blake wanted to see my strength before fighting and always either completely dodged my punches or turned his body so fast there was no power in them. He kicked my ass for awhile, but for some reason I didn’t tire or feel any exhaustion during the first hour. Afterwards I was only on my feet because I was pissed and wanted to throw him to the floor at least once. Blake was right though, I needed to find my body awareness again. My timing was way off. My strength could have beat his, but no matter how fast I am, if I can’t connect, what is the point? I had to wear him down just so I could see him.”

  “My mate is indeed fast. Still, few can be humble enough to state their inadequacies aloud. To know you find my Blake weaker yet still your superior fills my breast with pride. I wonder if it is because you are in pain that you can speak like this.” Reevy inquired with a tilt of her scaly head.

  “No, that is just Ethan.” Kira said as she looked up from a sheet of paper she scribbled on, figuring what spells to impart into the ingredients she now had access to. “He has no pride.”

  “Well thanks for that.” He said dryly.

  “Oh you know I’m not being mean.” The Scottish Witch huffed while rolling her emerald green eyes. “You’re humble, Boyo. Most males exaggerate their virtues and not inadequacies. Women especially like men who don’t have bravado. It makes us relate as best we can. It is refreshing to hear a man who can speak in awe of someone who kicks his ass on a daily basis. We all know if you wanted to really hurt Blake, none can really stop you. I personally find it helps one to grow. Fate knows I wish I was like you and could be so honest.”

  “But you have changed. You are not who you were.” Kanade said when Ethan was rendered speechless. “After the Incubi, you no longer see me as a rival and who stole Ethan from you. You even see me as a friend and him a big brother you never had. Don’t sell yourself short. You are a better person now than ever in your whole life.”

  Kira blushed. “Thank you, Kanade. Um, I’m wanting to create a new potion I’ve never tried before. Can I ask if you will look at this and tell me if it’s feasible?” She passed the paper she had been working on across the table.

  Paper in hand, Kanade sat silently while everyone finished eating. After a few minutes Kanade held out her hand for the pencil, which Kira passed over. “It is a rather bold solution to want to make a curse that will make a Dragon itch itself to death, but two runes in the lines will nullify this one… here at the end. What is the highest level of runes you can do?”

  “Sixteen B.” Kira said.

  Kanade thought for a moment. “Then I’m sad to say this sequence is beyond your power. You would need a minimum of Sixteen A powers to implement the changes I have in mind to correct this sequence.”

  “Well I’m the highest class of Witch here, but the five stronger than me are too busy. Do you think you can help me to…”

  The Enchantress shook her head. “Though I’m a class twenty six, these are curse runes that kill. I cannot implement them though I have power.”

  “Sixteen? Twenty six? What is this?” Ethan wondered.

  Kira explained. “It’s how Casters are classified. Numbers start from one and go no higher than twenty six with C, B, A, letters ascending to reach the next higher number. You’ve already heard me talking about the ninety eight runes, well I only know forty seven. Most Witches rarely reach the twelfth class. Wizards average fifteen to seventeen. If I were Sixteen A I’d be allowed to know three more runes. Apparently it’s one of those that Kanade knows, but won’t tell me. Merlin is the most powerful Caster, but as a Witch, I’m strongest here. It is too bad my strength has maxed out. I can’t get stronger without turning to the darker arts, but that is something I won’t do.”

  “So you know all ninety eight runes?” Ethan asked his angel.

  Kanade shook her head. “Sixty nine. The rest are runes only the male side of magic can invoke. Some are gender neutral, mostly for the first six classes.”

  “Does it mean we need a Wizard to compliment Kira, you know, combine the male and female…”

  “NO!!!” both women yelled and gestured him to stop. Their reaction was unexpected and frightening. Kira shook her head and spoke while Kanade broke out in a sweat. “Bad and horrifying things happen if male and female runes mix. Some runes can be used again and again to come out with different effects if linked in certain ways. Not only how they look, but how they are drawn and sequenced. Like if I made a circle” she made her finger glow and traced a circle in the air. “and did it again.” She did it. In her hand was a puddle of glowing light. As soon as she stopped it disappeared. “Yet if I did one circle clockwise and the other counterclockwise.” A puddle of blackness pooled in her palm. “You see, the patterns are the same, but switch direction and get a different outcome.”

  “When I made a light ball earlier I nearly passed out.”

  “Wait… you did what?” Kira didn’t know this, nor did Ellen, Reevy, Floa, Ellen or Vitalli. Blossom was too distracted playing in Ellen’s dirty blonde hair and pretending it was a lovely smelling forest.

  A hand rested over his head. “Show them, Darlin’. I’ll supply the power so you don’t exhaust yourself again. I cannot wait to see their reaction.”

  Weak and weariness vanished at her touch so he did like before an his gray gauntlets couldn’t completely hide the effects of his glowing fist as he did as before and widely traced the three symbols in a way that felt right and soon sat a bluish purple light the size of a basket ball.

  All who paid attention were rendered unequivocally speechless, especially seeing his eyes glow in an unorthodox way. Kira’s jaw hurt from how far it went down. Kanade laughed and he let go of the heavy drain, but thanks to her he wasn’t fatigued from it.

  “Impossible!” Kira stood and grabbed his hand from across the table, not caring how her dress could be stared down. “No one can make their hand radiate power! Only Merlin and other High casters can do two fingers at a time.” She slid off his gauntlet. “Do it again.” He focused his Spirit Energy and again his fist brightened. “Impossible.” She said in a curious whisper as she looked from every angle for some trick.

  “People keep saying that, but I’m trying to do two fists… not working.”

  “No surprise there.” Kira sat down and watched as the color faded. “It takes tremendous focus and Spirit Energy to make a fingertip glow. To do a whole fist must mean you
are more powerful than any Wizard. Not a surprise again after seeing you singlehandedly end a war. But if you pass out doing an orb, you are likely no more than a Second C rank.”

  “Second B actually.” Merlin literally dropped in and pirouetted on the table wearing a lime green leather body suit covered in runes that actually moved all on their own through the material. “The bodily link allowed me to feel his output. Ohhh a Kitty!”

  Merlin got scratched as Panther came out of nowhere before leaping up and crawling into Ethan’s lap. “Where the hell did you come from?” Ethan scratched the midnight colored feline who closed his eyes and began purring.

  “Panfffer!” Blossom came flying out of Ellen’s hair and scooped the cat in her arms after growing in the blink of an eye. “I missed you.” She hugged him tight after going limp. The way of all cats.

  The High Wizard licked his scratched knuckle that didn’t bleed. “Bad, Kitty. Ethan, you ready to start your lessons?”

  Merlin’s behavior was difficult to keep up with. “Alright. Let me put this back on first.” He slid into the gauntlet, feeding fingers though the sleeves and adjusted it to a comfortable fit. “Blossom, be nice to Panther. Be good for your mom and auntie till I come back. And don’t bug them too much. Your mom is preparing for her wedding remember?”

  “Aye, Uncle Ethan!” the young Pixie grinned too adorably.

  Ethan walked away like a gentle breeze, holding a cracked rib from the fight while Merlin flitted around like an annoying gust.

  “So what now, Girlfriend?” Floa asked after Kanade returned Kira’s notes.

  “Before we get started on weddin’ plans I’d like to write a letter to my parents. They haven’t returned my last one and I need some of my mother’s valuable advice.”

  “Like about biting your man during sex and his changes?” The elder Pixie fluttered her magnificent butterfly wings.

  “Yes, and a few other issues she’ll be able to help with. I miss her. We talked all the time in Spirit World.” Kanade looked down.