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02 Wrath of Flames Page 12

  “What is that?” Ethan’s study and focus on his extremity turned to the flabbergasted Wizard.

  Bluish purple light faded. “Merlin, are you okay?”

  “Do that again, but look into that mirror.” He pointed to the stainless steel doors so polished it had a mirror quality. Again he made a fist glow, but stopped as he looked into once grey eyes glowing crimson, but unlike Kanade’s or Merlin’s, only the irises glowed faintly. Not the entire eyeball. Holy Shit! It wasn’t intense, but there was no mistake they glowed. For some reason, but only Ethan seemed to see it since he knew how he looked, the pupils seemed slightly elliptical.

  When he stopped, his eyes returned to grey with rusty flecks and the elliptical aspect was no longer there. He chalked it up to an overactive imagination. He turned back and found the newest teacher staring hard, but inward. “Did I do something wrong? Before you, I’ve never seen anyone’s eyes glow other than Kanade’s.”

  “Because I’m overwhelmingly powerful compared to even elite Casters. Only sixty six living Wizards and two Witches have the power to make their eyes glow. Not even my bride can do it.” The man came closer and asked “How did you do that on your first try? None alive have performed a glow so effortlessly let alone do an entire fist.”

  “Sometimes I get a flash in my head when I desire to do something. I wanted to do magic, but somehow making a fist seemed more comfortable.”

  “Try making a light orb and remember the sequence, circle, J, circle.”

  “I don’t know sequences.” He admitted.

  “And I just told you. Circle, J, circle. I will dive into proper sequencing all ninety eight runes later this afternoon. Now do as I say.”

  “Fine.” Ethan made a fist glow and let go, allowing his body to guide rather than force it. He knew that from Kanade. The fist pulsed as he began making a circle that left a slight ripple in the air and pulsed when the outer circle completed. Next came what looked like a J, pulsing once at the start and again when stopped. Unlike a finger able to do it in a small space. It took about eighteen inches in diameter to complete and when he finished the inner circle, his fist stopped glowing.

  Right after appeared a ball of bluish light that was basketball in size.

  It disappeared a second later as Ethan dropped to his knees, gasping for air.

  Crazy Merlin returned. “Delightful! A remarkable test subject!”

  “What… haaa” He gasped for oxygen. “did I” Another gulp. “do wrong?”

  “Nothing, Dear Boy! You just completed your first spell. Crude, but like I said, effective. Like a muscle, if Spirit Energy isn’t exercised it won’t be strong. Well done, Chap! Meet me in my room at one. I have to look into how you made your entire fist glow. Farewell!” Merlin left the room, literally skipping down the hallway like a cheerful child and headed straight for the First House’s extensive library.

  “Darlin’, you alright?” A gentle touch sent a boost of energy in him, making him stop panting. He knew she used her own power to give a boost.

  “Better, thanks to you.” He stood up shakily. “Kanade, can you make your fist glow to do magic?”

  “Of course not!” She giggled. “No one ca…” mirth flew away as she looked at his entire right fist almost crackling with power. “Darlin’, your eyes!”

  “I know. It’s a faint red glow, but definitely there. I also made light, but it sucked me dry. The floor would still be my mistress if not for what you did.”

  “I’ve never seen anyone, not even in all my years,” Blake spoke. “make their fist glow with magics to write and invoke runes. One strange occurrence after another. You are one unique being. Ethan, I’ll go inform Morgane of this as well. You and Kanade go out and meet Nell. We’ll meet up later.”

  “Um, where am I meeting her?”

  “At the lake where we sparred for months. After she is done with you, you needn’t go far to train with me.”

  They all got up and left, but just before reaching the elevators came Dress’s voice “Heeey you twooo! I’ve got something juicy at Nell’s request. Come over here.” Behind the desk they came to Dressor and both caught what he spit out. Ethan caught a pair of swim trunks and Kanade held a gold string bikini. “Since it’s raining again, and will be all day ah-gain, best suit up for the wet occasion.”

  Kanade held out the flimsy material. “I’m not wearin’ these through the castle…”

  “Pluh-ease!” Dress rolled his eyes. “You’ve got a rocking bod! Flaunt it, Girl. And embarrass Ethan while you’re at it. He always has it hard and pointy when all you wear is a bra and panties. This is similar except no thong to flaunt and floss that firm peach ass of yours. Get over it, Girlfriend. As a Spirit Guide all you wore was a gold top with straps crossing your bare belly to hold onto your pants. If you got it, flaunt it, Girl!”

  “No, Dress, I’ll not…” his gold face vanished from the paneling. “Cheeky bastard.” She half growled.

  “Might as well. He isn’t coming back. After all that is going on, Angel, you do look good. And I’d love to see you in a bikini strutting your stuff.”

  Her face heated and her bottom lip was chewed on as she fanned he face to eventually agree with a shaky nod. “You think I’ll look good?”

  “Not a man or woman alive will live long otherwise to disagree with me.” He quipped.

  “Alright, let’s go up to my work office and get changed. We’ll fly to the lake. I’m not goin’ to walk the halls like a Nymph. I don’t have that kind of guts.”

  “Sounds good.” They did just that and threw their clothes in Dress’s face on their way out and put the drink in her mini fridge.

  As expected it was another day of rain, but at least this time it was a steady drizzle. Erotic thoughts consumed Ethan as he held onto the bikini clad supermodel with wings. He wore only the blue and red swim trunks while his blood boiled at the mere sight, smell and touch of her. In the literal sense, he was truly hot at over four hundred degrees and that kept the freezing rain from seeping into her or her wings. But he wasn’t expecting to see anything to what he did as they landed with bare feet in saturated grass.

  The fitness area was alive with activity in the downpour. Most were under the huge pavilion using the exercise and weight training equipment. A group of five Amazons also in bikinis stood in line at the bench pressing table, one doing over a thousand pounds without a spotter and made him realize she was pumping for reps, not to build huge muscle. It made him realize just exactly how far he came if Queen Gra had so much trouble forcing him into submission. Over in the rings sparred or wrestled Gargoyles in mud, their tan, hairless bodies throwing mud in all direction doing grappling. Nymphs and Centaurs fired volleys of arrows at long distant targets while some Ogres ran fast on a treadmill. Witches and Wizards were much further away, sending spells in duels to sharpen skills. It was house rules for all fighters who took the Warriors Oath to exercise at least one hour each day or for six to seven every week. Most chose daily as a vigorous routine.

  Neither rain, nor snow nor sleet nor gloom of night stays these couriers from their appointed rounds. Ethan thought wryly the mailman’s creed as he took in everyone honing their skills in the cold rain.

  “Looking good, You Two!” came a chipper voice and they turned to see Nell and Magnus approach from the lake just east of the pavilion and sparring rings. Nell had an arm covering bare breasts, forgoing her wooden top altogether, but she wore a pink bikini bottom while Magnus wore plain white swim shorts. Nell was entirely woman, like Kanade, but Magnus’s torso was beyond rippling with knotted muscled ready to burst from beneath blue skin. He still wore the patch near his neck as it still needed time to heal from the wound.

  Ethan looked up as Kanade said “Nell! Where is your top?”

  Nell seemed smug, like all overconfident Nymphs. Her green hair lay plastered to her face, much like Magnus’s white. “Wood floats, silly. My top would fall off anyway and my vine bottoms slide off too easily. Relax, Ethan isn’t aroused by m
y tits. If he were anyone else I’d be crushed. I’m quite proud of them.”

  “Many are envious, Sister.” Nell’s younger sister strolled forward, carrying Vina, both downright naked. “Vina and I are going to our mother’s grove… and Magnus, thanks for the quickie earlier. I missed out on the orgy last night and needed that itch scratched.”

  “The pleasure was all mine. Come by our place tonight if you would like more than a quickie.” The Ogre said.

  “I believe I’ll do just that. Love you both.” Ethan couldn’t help looking as Magnus’s words rang true as Nell’s sister kissed her and Magnus both on the mouth before running to the groves to the west with a giggling Vina having fun with her aunt.

  “Sorry for being judgmental yesterday.” Ethan said to the parents watching their daughter go off. “I didn’t realize it till just then, but you both actually love her… not just the pleasure of sex. You both actually love her.”

  “We do, very deeply.” Nell said, obviously pleased to see how far he came in so short a time, but for kindness she kept her breasts covered with her left arm. “Magnus is a great lover anyway, but until she finds her soul make and her eye color changes to brown like mine, she will love us and her other sixteen current boyfriends and nine other girlfriends. Vina has a half brother fathered by my man here and two half sisters before I came to this house and had him. Vina’s my third seedling, but first with him in what will hopefully be a long line of seedlings to come. It will be a good and sad day when my sister finds her true mate, but I truly hope she finds whomever it is soon.”

  “Why?” he felt required to ask.

  Nell gave an evil grin. “Her tongue is rough as bark and can lick me raw in seconds to shoot chlorophyll all over the bed. I’m a squirter.”

  “Sorry I asked.” He groaned. “Let’s get this over with. What is the first step, Nell?”

  Her pink tongue stuck out before snickering. Magnus had no such reservations in holding back a laugh. “First I need to know if you both can swim.”

  “I was raised in the Nineteenth House in Alabama.” Kanade said as if it explained all they needed to know. Apparently it was for neither elder asked for further details.

  “Before I drowned I swam all the time.”

  “Good, it’s like riding a bike, but no swimming will be happening today.” Nell turned and sauntered to the crystal clear lake. “Follow me, Love Birds!”

  “I’ll not leave you.” Kanade promised, not for the first or last time. Together they followed Magnus and Nell to the lake with a reflective stormy surface rippling from the rain and wind. The older couple dove right in. Ethan paused, gripped again in fear of deep water. He could see the floor all the way to the lake’s deepest parts where colorful fish swam and went on with their merry little lives. Magnus and Nell stood together in waist deep water, staring back with reassuring smiles. “IT’S FRIGGIN’ COLD!” Kanade yelped as she leapt back from sticking a toe in the freezing waters.

  “Really?” Nell looked up to Magnus. Nymphs were resistant to cold, like any other tree. They had sap instead of blood and ate nutrient rich dirt and fruit. They were after all, plant women. But like trees they feared fire. Nell especially worked hard not to fear Ethan as he was her natural predator.

  “Unfortunately there is no way to heat an entire lake.” Magnus said gruffly.

  “Oh ye of little faith.” Ethan laughed and held his hand out. Magnus, tell me when the water turns to bath temperatures. But not too hot to boil the fishes.”

  Power of a Fire Elemental flowed from within, heating a massive lake. Many in the water doing laps stopped as the sudden change had them looking quickly to the cause and find Ethan just standing in the rain, arm stretched.

  Magnus laughed deeply. “I forget you are master of heat, not just flame. It’s starting to feel much more comfortable. Kanade, I take it you don’t like the cold?”

  “Not particularly.” Her toe felt the lake and she sighed. “Much better. I like warmth because I get cold so easy. Good thing I’ve got such a compatible husband. Seems like you started somethin’, Ethan.”

  His hand dropped when Magnus gave the signal to stop and he turned as Kanade pointed to many warriors standing, making their way to the water. Others who didn’t want to freeze and avoided a good swim had a change of heart at the new level of comfort in the liquid. Hands of thanks waved from some while others made a beeline to frolic, especially those already in swimwear.

  “Come in till you are uncomfortable.” Nell prompted as she sank and no longer covered herself.

  One foot at a time was matched by the woman of his dreams. The comfortable water was soothing and helped ease some worry. It wasn’t quite bath warm, but near enough. Kanade took his hands after stepping in front, only to realize he had stopped and his hands shook. “Eyes on me, Darlin’. Think happy thoughts.”

  Breathing slow and deep he imagined her totally naked and could picture her without flaw. Every aspect from those perfectly shaped breasts to the vee between her thighs that not one hair grew there. She was naturally hairless from the neck down, but used magic to often keep his carpets bald as well. She downright hated hair in her mouth.

  Next thing Ethan realized was water was now up to his chest, but barely skimmed beneath her gold top. Legs locked up and Kanade smiled with such endless love he took just one more step.

  “Not bad for an aquaphobe.” Nell swam over since she couldn’t reach the bottom anymore as she was second shortest of the team next to Floa’s full grown form. “It was good of you to come, Kanade. He stared into your eyes and was distracted enough to reach mid chest… Perhaps…”

  “I do not like the sound of that tone.” Kanade groaned.

  Nell laughed. “As you should be. Do like I did for Magnus. Give Ethan a real distraction. No one is close enough to see… Uh, My Love, swing around to the south and use your wide chest to block any onlookers just in case.” Slurping water followed the Ogre and stopped when he took up position.

  “Not a good idea, Nell. He will kill you all if you make me do that.” Kanade said, reading the Nymph’s intent.

  “Really. How does showing your boobs mean he’ll kill us?”

  “When he gets too aroused he cannot stop himself from burstin’ into flames like the Human Torch or like Celestia if that can help you to understand.” Ethan was thrilled as she used a comic reference and rubbed his thumbs on her hands where she didn’t let go. “He has no control when he gets that horny. And no, if I wrap my legs around him… this lake will be vaporized.”

  “She’s not joking. I lose control when I get… aroused.”

  “If you just hugged her can you stay in control?” Nell asked, swimming away instinctively, expecting him to erupt at any second.

  “I… think I can.” He said and wrapped his hands around her lower back, beneath drenched wings. Kanade stepped into the embrace, wrapping her arms around his back. He couldn’t break eye contacting with those swirling golden orbs filled to the breaking point in desire. Her breasts pushed against his chest, pressing together as close as possible to becoming one entity. She didn’t say anything, but she felt his throbbing erection rubbing her very aware lady parts. She shook like him, but after a minute of serious self control to not impale her right then, he nodded he could handle it. By all that is good! I’m achin’ for his cock to be in me in front of everyone! Got to calm down. Got to resist, but damn it! His eyes are arousing my pussy to achin’ proportions. And his cock is rubbin’ me… if I’m quick maybe I can… no I don’t want to hurt anyone. Think mundane thoughts. Bunnies, Gators, squirrels… Yet Ethan knew those weren’t his thoughts or fantasies from her perspective. They were faint echoes in the far recesses of his mind, but clear. He just didn’t realize right away that the thoughts came from her, but the faintness and how many simultaneous thoughts barely scratched the surface. Words jumbled together among her other thoughts. Only the most prominent of them faintly could be read. He didn’t say anything because after whatever Merlin did, he could
almost feel Kanade’s desire to have him fill her channel, be possessive and feel his manliness make her feel like a woman in every way. He was surprised that she wasn’t lying. He could feel her love, if barely, but it was powerful and unparalleled. He could also sense that her arousal was so consuming that she didn’t sense his weak intrusion, but he now knew he could touch her mind so long as he concentrated. Then he remembered yesterday’s words and realized she hadn’t said some things, but thought them. What a woman! He personally thought.

  Yanked from this development which he’d keep secret, Nell said “Ethan, trust your beloved. Give yourself over completely to her embrace. Hold nothing back. Keep thinking that or anything that keeps you calm. Give up control. That is why you fear the water. It took away your control in living in a most violent way. This time give control freely to one who loves you. Do not resist. Can you do that?”

  “I can try.”

  “Don’t waste my time trying. To overcome this, trust your mate just as she trusts you. Look at Kanade. She will love you for all eternity. You are her One. Her only reason for existing anymore. She trusts you impeccably. Do this for her too.”

  Kanade nodded, squeezing a hug of reassurance. He squeezed back affectionately, but mostly to her thoughts she had of him.

  “Much better. Ethan, keep in mind you can stand straight up right here and trust her. Take a few calming breaths and Kanade is going to bring you underwater with her nice and easy. Take your time, but know you won’t drown right here. Lock your eyes with Kanade under the water and hold your breath as long as possible. Give a signal when you need to come back up.”

  “Ready, Darlin’?” She asked as he calmed, soothed by her soft southern twang.