02 Wrath of Flames Read online

Page 11

  “Results of the blood test are” Morgane looked up and showed a soft, grandmotherly smile that said all is going to work itself out in time. “much more promising than last night. Your testosterone levels are still too bloody high for my liking and your stem cells remain off my readable charts, but the growth hormones are remarkably readable this morning. And if this becomes your stable rate, you will grow around six to seven and a half times faster than a Pixie.” The High Witch turned the screen to them as Blake stood beside his pupil, arms crossed. “This though is what has calmed me and not put you under twenty four hour observation with the real possibility of doing brain surgery to extract your pituitary glands. The potion I had made seems to be regulating properly, suppressing the copious amounts of hormones it was making. I had expected you to have grown a full inch overnight, during a twelve hour gap, but instead of being six foot nine and a half, you are simply a shade over six nine.”

  ‘Haaa.’ Whooshed a sigh from both Elemental and Enchantress.

  “I’m not done.” Morgane said as she tucked a few loose strawberry strands behind an ear holding a beautiful diamond earring. “The growths haven’t grown enough to be detected, yet something else has.”

  “And what would that be?” Ethan asked with a hint of dread.

  “Your musculature is also transforming.” Seeing the blank looks had the High Witch stand and sat the tablet on the seat. “Kanade, please turn around and spread your wings so I can access your bare back.”

  “Certainly.” She let go of Ethan’s hand, turned and fully extended her glorious wings without knocking anything important over. She halted a shudder as cool feminine fingers gently pressed on her milky flesh since she could not wear normal shirts with wings.

  “Ethan, see how Kanade’s wings are attached here over each shoulder blade?” He nodded, knowing every aspect of her body better than anyone alive. “Like a humanoid’s shoulder, it is a ball and socket joint that can be moved independently and has a wide range of movement, but due to the thickness and size of her shoulder blades, they can uphold the enormous weight her wings are made of though the bones are as hollow as any other birds. In fact, all of Kanade’s bones are hollow. All of her weight comes from more muscle mass than any other creature other than Dragons. But look at her back. Yes, her back muscles are huge around the upper back and just below the neck, but even that would not allow her to fly without any aid of magic. Physics won’t allow her to do so. Tell me then why she can fly and still be able to carry a full grown man who weighs, as of five minute ago, two hundred and ninety six pounds.”

  Thinking hard made inspiration strike. “It’s not the size of muscles, but the structure right?”

  “Precisely.” Came the calm response. “Thank you, Enchantress. You can fold your wings back.” A quick flap had them back into a comfortable arrangement. “Ethan, scans revealed the muscles especially in your back are changing into an integrated pattern associated with all flyers. Also your bone density, isn’t conclusive, but for a man of your size it seems they are also hollowing. Odin at seven foot and a half inch tall has bones just as heavy as yours and you are three inches shorter.”

  “So is that how he forced Queen Gra to use her full strength to make him get thrown?” Blake asked.

  “Yes and no.” the Witch responded. “For tall men who are as heavily muscled like an American Football Linebacker, Ethan should be all strength and rather slow, but with his muscles rearranging he’ll be not only stronger, but faster. And if his bones are indeed hollowing, his respiratory system will greatly increase endurance. We’ve already witnessed his healing speed. Your kind will still be faster for the time being, Blake, but if he continues to get taller, his strides will widen and if he turns into a typical male Spirit Guide, expect him to reach ten feet tall by a year at most, be stronger than Kanade, but without her limitations to not lie or do harm…”

  “You know, I’ve wondered about that.” Ethan said as the topic had been brought up. “Angel, why can’t you lie or do harm? If Enforcers can kill, that means they can do harm. Why can’t you hurt anyone, even to defend yourself?”

  “Might as well tell him. Few know the truth, but Morgane and I are privileged to this information.” Blake said as Kanade tensed.

  A great sigh left the Spirit Guide as she took in her soul mate. “Darlin’, I cannot hurt anyone because I’m magically bound by my family matriarch Megann Cerulean. Before my egg even hatched I was screened for my level of power. I was close to bein’ considered for one day becomin’ an Enforcer, but wasn’t close enough. My parents are powerful Enforcers, but due to my great lineage I’d be a threat to everyone around me and my spells would be so powerful I could accidently hurt or kill even a soul let alone a frail mortal body. My bindin’ is permanent, for which I’m glad. If I was not, Lady Morgane and Blake would be unconscious and would die just standin’ this close to me. The only loophole that allows me to inflict pain or hurt someone is if I’m goin’ to save them, like with the arrow I tore out of your shoulder. It is why Enforcers wear helmets. The flame you see is their power being suppressed from killin’ anyone within a five mile radius.”

  A memory popped into his head. “Yeah, Tokala the Kitsune told me there was a dragon general under the Fire King named… oh what was it… Right,” He snapped his fingers. “Vilorogue was his name. Tokala said weaker beings couldn’t survive near without dying.”

  “You know of Volorogue?” Blake gasped and looked ready to piss himself as his lizard-like brown and gold speckled eyes were wider than Ethan had ever seen before.

  “Damn, I didn’t mean to say it. Forget what I said okay?”

  “Impossible.” Morgane Le Fay looked pale as she sat down and fought not to faint. “That Dragon is one Demon that has but one master and even then, Volorogue is strong enough to wipe out every house on Earth at the same time without blinking an eye. That Dragon is also known as a world destroyer. It is good he isn’t allowed from Demon World without his master’s approval. This means the Kitsune you faced for the Crescent Mirror was strong enough to stand in his presence. He too must be bound, as all who come to Earth must thanks to the Accords. If he violated it we would have seen bodies dropping left and right.”

  “So you are all telling me there are Demons so powerful out there that just standing near can kill?”

  “Likely not you, another Elemental, Kanade, Celestia, Odin or Pegasus, but yes. Few would survive. Our only option is to flee with Pixies. It takes just seconds to go unconscious and minutes to kill. Like Kanade, you must be born strong… Demons on the other hand grow stronger the older they get if they aren’t killed off.” Blake said.

  “But back to Kanade, Angel, why were you bound so young? I doubt you had your full powers before your egg even hatched.”

  “True, but the spells must be done so as the individual grows stronger, the spell also grows. Unfortunately, if it is true you too are growin’ more powerful, it can mean one day people are goin’ to get tired easily around you… and progress from there, but you are too old to be spelled as I was.”

  “None have considered this.” Morgane said, standing. “Why did I overlook something so important again.” Her tone was calm as she chastised herself. “The possibility is too real to go ignored. It is good it was brought to my attention. We must begin search immediately on a way to suppress his aura if it indeed happens. I will need to commune with Celestia since she is also bound. With some human hybrids, I’ll need to get creative… if it comes down to being beyond my ability, I’ll need to ask Fate for intervention… Maybe even give an Enforcer’s helmet if I fail.” Morgane’s green eyes focused. “Sorry for rambling. We’re done here for today. I’ll get started on researching aura suppressing or binding while my loyal staff learn more of your origins… Oh, by the way, Ethan. Your exempt from coming to the meeting with King Grayback. Until tomorrow, unless some other information needs to be attended to. Go ahead and also take one drink for tonight with dinner. Drink half then and the other at bre
akfast. I need to get started before the meeting of the house leaders.” With that she breezed out the door.

  Blake eventually chuckled. “Poor woman. I’ve never seen her so often frazzled. Ethan, you do what no even Merlin can anymore.”

  “Is that a challenge?” Came a disconcerting cackle.

  Heads turned to the ceiling. “Ah!” Ethan and Kanade screamed as Merlin laid on the ceiling as if on a bed and gravity no longer functioned. The mad scientist looking High Wizard laughed, hands sitting comfortably behind his head as a white lab coat stained with many colors hung down and open. The man was the poster child for Adult A.D.D. on a sugar binge. His foot tapped to an unknown beat in his head as a maniacal grin laughed at their reactions.

  Blake’s grip on his swords slacked as he asked neutrally “How long have you been up there, Merlin?”

  A bubbling cackle came as he came up into a seated, upside down position with a bluish green right index finger. As soon as it stopped he flipped his wiry frame like an acrobat to land on the examination table, arms spread like gymnast’s at the Olympics. “I was here the whole time. I just didn’t let you see or smell me. I heard it all.” Merlin hopped lightly down, looking mid forties with wild brown hair and insane azure eyes. “I was too curious as to why Morgane was so randy last night. She only gets that way when something bothers her, even brought a rather flexible Nymph to bed too. So I have you to thank, Ethan.” Merlin grabbed his hand and gave it a vigorous shake. “Now I’m curious as to what your turning into. An ancestral Atavism no doubt.”

  “That is what Morgane believes.” Ethan admitted just to get Merlin’s too close face to lean back. Too bad it didn’t work. “Though she believes I have a Spirit Guide ancestor, but can’t say for certain.”

  “Oh, this is going to be fun, Chap!” the High Wizard bounced on the balls of his feet. “Morgane’s good, but my methods are faster.”

  “No offense, but you scare the shit out of me, Merlin.”

  “Then I’m happy you feel that way, but I’m not talking about figuring out your heritage or what you’ll become. I’m more interested in teaching you how to use runes to make magic happen.”

  “Actually, I was goin’ to teach him, High Wizard.” Kanade threw in.

  “Nope!” he popped the p. “I’m in the market for a new pupil actually. My last batch have moved on as of two days ago. The male side of magic must be done with a man. The male aspect is illusion and blowing shit up. Female magic is best in making curses and potions. Since you can’t understand how to channel male energy due to your different gender transmission. Get it? Transmission! As in a car. He’s a stick and you are standard. He can play with his…”

  A fist flew along with a growl. Ethan punched for Merlin’s face, but a quick motion had Ethan seeing stars and realized he was flipped over and slid down a wall right on his head. Last he saw before the stars was a simple movement and a glowing finger barely touch his knuckles.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk” Merlin said, wagging a finger. “Barbarism doesn’t work on me.”

  “How about third degree ass burns!” Ethan was back on his feet faster than any expected, hands blazing, mirroring how pissed he was. The effect seemed to sober Merlin some. At least he stopped bouncing. “Now apologize to Kanade for being rude. You just told her she isn’t good enough and no one hurts her feelings.”

  “Darlin’, it’s alright.”

  “No, he’s absolutely right.” Merlin said and gave a small bow. “I was rude, Enchantress. I belittled your expertise. You do not become an Enchantress without knowing every rune of Order and are of the twenty sixth class who can use them all or how to link them without conflicting the sequences. I ask for forgiveness. Please say yes, it is getting rather warm for me.”

  “Then yes.” She said as even Blake was unharmed. Ethan had but one target.

  Flames extinguished.

  Snapping back to his earlier craziness, Merlin asked “What do you say, Chap? Want to learn from a High Wizard?”

  “Ethan,” Kanade said, backing towards him. “Lord Merlin is indeed a great instructor. Better than me and greatly more experienced in teachin’. Despite his personality, he is still the High Wizard and strongest one in the world. Stories of his prowess weren’t entirely exaggerated. Only his personality was overlooked.”

  “Not really, I made spells to omit that from my recorded history. I like when people show up expecting the Wise, All Powerful and Great Merlin, advisor to King Arthur Pendragon, as a wise and humble man. I like messing with those notions by running down the halls naked.” The Wizard stared tapping his foot to the beat again rather than bounce. “Ohhh, raspberry!” he said as he licked a new stain on the lab coat.

  “If you think he’ll be a good teacher, Angel… You sure?” she nodded. “Alright Merlin. I’ll learn from you, but only after lunch till dinner or less. I’m overextended as it is. Blake is going to help me adapt to my new body’s changes every morning and my nights are all booked with Celestia.”

  “Excellent! I will adjust my schedule for one till three every day. You will have homework, but I need to know how well you can multitask mentally.”

  “High Wizard, may I touch your mind to make a comparison.”

  “But of course, just don’t delve too deep or you’ll likely never come back. I’ve experienced my fair share in sixteen hundred years.” He retained a crazy smile, but the tone was serious. Kanade released her power for just a few moments, but realized Merlin was also reading her too in a way no mortal had ever done before. At least he minimized the invasive feeling she always experienced when someone was in her mind. The smile slipped from his face and he became deathly calm when he turned back to Ethan. “Your mind, I saw it through hers… you have the discipline of a Master Wizard and likely a candidate for me to even test for High Wizard status. You are too young, far too young to be able to think in so many ways at the same time even before anyone noticed the changes occurring to your anatomy. It took me three centuries to do what you’re doing and I was considered a natural prodigy. Both of you, leave us right now.”

  Neither Blake or Kanade had ever seen the High Wizard act anything other than a fool and recognized the change. An intent look, one focused entirely on one goal, just like Ethan does when he shuts everything else out. Few in all of history had ever seen Merlin so serious. Even fewer lived. They left almost under compulsion while Ethan saw behind the wiry frame a lethal adversary. Merlin could strike quick as a snake while Ethan was more like a bear. That was already proven when he found himself slammed upside down against the wall.

  Just as soon as the door shut Merlin pointed a glowing finger and the bright blue light actually turned the very color of his eyes a dark glowing silver, much like Kanade does when she worked to enchant something permanently. The finger moved, leaving runes floating in the air. Two paragraphs later he reached out and took both identical writings in either hand, which sucked the very air along with the runes to condense into a ball barely larger than a marble. “Be still, Chap.” Merlin stepped forward and gently pressed one ball of blue magic directly into Ethan’s forehead, much like Morgane had once did, but this felt different. There was no feeling till Merlin pressed the other orb into his forehead and through the two orbs, he could feel Merlin just as the Wizard could feel him.

  “I need to feel how you use your Spirit Energy. Make a flame.”

  Seriousness compared to the madman, Ethan found he preferred the madman much more. A simple thought brought will to life and fire appeared harmlessly in his left palm.

  “So your Spirit Energy flows all over your body with equal distribution.” Merlin commented as he felt everything through the link. “A powerful self-defense mechanism. Your energy protects everything from strong molecular kinetic energy. IE heat. No wonder why you’re bloody fireproof. And your clothes are also giving off energy… physical contact imbues and shares immunity. Odin told me strong cold automatically triggers a response?” Ethan gave a nod. “Best offensive and defensive instincti
ve trait I’ve ever come across. Extinguish that torch please.” A slight sizzle made it die. “Alright, I can sense that you personally have little to no conscious sense of detecting Spirit Energy as well as Demon Energy in use. Usually it takes decades for a normal Wizard to understand the nuance of our craft. Since you’ve yet to be trained I’m hardly surprised.”

  “Demon Energy? Is that how Kanade knew Demons were coming when I died?”

  “That is it exactly. I’ve never felt anything like your energy and I know where you are at all times when you activate your energies within a six mile area. Very distinct. But until you get accustomed to understanding Spirit Energy of others, you need to feel your own. Do you know the runes to create light? It is of the simplest and least life threatening set of runes one can try as a beginner.”

  “I saw Kira do it once. It looks like a circle within a circle with a J looking letter holding the two circles together. Is that what you mean?”

  “Crude, but functional. Typical of a Witch not even in her ninth decade.” He held up a finger. “You are connected to me so you will feel all I do. As your energy tingles all over the entirety of your body, this will focus that feeling to a singular point. Fingers are easiest, but you can do it with the tip of your tongue, toes or even your dong if you’re that bored and well hung. Now feel as I tap into my Spirit Energy.” Ethan felt nearly exactly the same way a moment ago, tingling everywhere. “Now I’m concentrating it all to the very tip of my finger and willing my energies to that point. The full bodily sensation flows to a point which makes the spot glow. Feel how only my fingertip is tingling with such intensity. It takes…”

  Ethan had another strange idea spring to the forefront of his mind, just like what happened when he created his first Drone and then again with the fire tornado. He sent his will and tingles all over came alive, but without conjuring fire. Doing what felt right and natural, he extended his hand out into a fist and a bluish purple light radiated from his skin, stopping at his wrist. He looked intently as all that tingled was his hand. A strange feeling to the point it was like something odd crawled over the affected area.